Bilibili - b站 - 未登录无限试用最高画质


// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bilibili - b站 - 未登录无限试用最高画质
// @description  未登录账号可以一直试用最高画质,整合自原作者DD1969,
// @namespace
// @version      1.4.3
// @license      GPL-3.0
// @author       DD1969
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(async () => {
    "use strict"

    // 用户登录检测,如果已登录,则不执行脚本
    if (document.cookie.includes("DedeUserID")) return
    // 修改 setTimeout 函数,用于延长试用最高画质的时间
    const originSetTimeout = unsafeWindow.setTimeout
    unsafeWindow.setTimeout = (func, delay) => {
      if (delay === 3e4) {
        delay = 3e8
      return originSetTimeout(func, delay)
    // 拦截Object.defineProperty
    const originDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty
    Object.defineProperty = function (obj, prop, descriptor) {
      if (prop === "isViewToday" || prop === "isVideoAble") {
        descriptor = {
          get: () => true,
          enumerable: false,
          configurable: true,
      return, obj, prop, descriptor)
    // 自动点击试用按钮以启用最高画质
    setInterval(async () => {
      const trialBtn = document.querySelector(".bpx-player-toast-confirm-login")
      if (!trialBtn) return
      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) // 等待 1 秒
    }, 1000) // 每 1 秒执行一次
    if (window.location.hostname === "") {
      // 在用户空间页面隐藏登录模态框
      const styleElement = document.createElement("style")
      styleElement.innerHTML = `.bili-mini-mask, .login-panel-popover, .login-tip { display: none !important; }`
      // 如果登录模态框出现,则重新加载页面
      setInterval(() => {
        const maskElement = document.querySelector(".bili-mini-mask")
        if (maskElement) window.location.reload()
      }, 1000)
      // 处理错误的重复请求
      let lastRequestTimestamp = 0
      const originFetch = window.fetch
      window.fetch = function () {
        if (!arguments[0].includes("space/wbi/arc/search")) return originFetch.apply(this, arguments)
        if ( - lastRequestTimestamp < 200) return Promise.reject(new Error("repeated request with wrong page number"))
        lastRequestTimestamp =
        return originFetch.apply(this, arguments)
    } else if (window.location.hostname === "") {
      // 在主页或视频页阻止 miniLogin.js 脚本加载
      const originAppendChild = Node.prototype.appendChild
      Node.prototype.appendChild = function (childElement) {
        return childElement.tagName === "SCRIPT" && childElement.src.includes("miniLogin") ? null :, childElement)
      // 等待 player 的 getMediaInfo 方法可用
      await new Promise(resolve => {
        const timer = setInterval(() => {
          if (unsafeWindow.player && unsafeWindow.player.getMediaInfo) {
        }, 1000)
      // 修改 getMediaInfo 方法,防止视频时间被重置
      const originGetMediaInfo = unsafeWindow.player.getMediaInfo
      unsafeWindow.player.getMediaInfo = function () {
        const mediaInfo = originGetMediaInfo.apply(this, arguments)
        mediaInfo.absolutePlayTime = 0
        return mediaInfo
      // 监听页面点击事件,防止非用户操作导致的视频暂停
      let isClickedRecently = false
      document.body.addEventListener("click", () => {
        isClickedRecently = true
        setTimeout(() => (isClickedRecently = false), 500)
      // 修改 pause 方法,仅当最近发生点击时才允许暂停
      const originPause = unsafeWindow.player.pause
      unsafeWindow.player.pause = function () {
        if (!isClickedRecently) return
        return originPause.apply(this, arguments)

        'use strict'

        // no need to continue this script if user already logged in
        if (document.cookie.includes('DedeUserID')) return;

        // patch for 'unsafeWindow is not defined'
        const global = typeof unsafeWindow === 'undefined' ? window : unsafeWindow;

        // initialize options
        const options = {
          // 使用分页加载主评论
          enableReplyPagination: GM_getValue('enableReplyPagination', false),

          // 一次性加载所有子评论
          enableLoadAllSubRepliesAtOnce: GM_getValue('enableLoadAllSubRepliesAtOnce', false),

          // 显示用户头像边框
          enableAvatarPendent: GM_getValue('enableAvatarPendent', true),

          // 显示评论右上角的大航海装饰
          enableSailingDecoration: GM_getValue('enableSailingDecoration', true),

          // 显示"笔记"前缀
          enableNotePrefix: GM_getValue('enableNotePrefix', true),

          // 显示"热评"标签
          enableHotTag: GM_getValue('enableHotTag', true),

          // 显示"UP主觉得很赞"标签
          enableLikedTag: GM_getValue('enableLikedTag', true),

          // 显示大会员用户名的颜色为粉色
          enableVipUserNameColor: GM_getValue('enableVipUserNameColor', true),

          // 启用关键字搜索链接
          enableKeywordSearchLink: GM_getValue('enableKeywordSearchLink', true),

        // RegExp
        const videoRE = /https:\/\/www\.bilibili\.com\/video\/.*/;
        const bangumiRE = /https:\/\/\/bangumi\/play\/.*/;
        const dynamicRE = /https:\/\/\/\d+/;
        const opusRE = /https:\/\/\/opus\/\d+/;
        const spaceRE = /https:\/\/\/\d+/;
        const articleRE = /https:\/\/\/read\/cv\d+.*/;
        const festivalRE = /https:\/\/\/festival\/.*/;
        const listRE = /https:\/\/\/list\/.*/;

        // essential data or elements
        let oid, createrID, commentType, replyList;

        // define sort types
        const sortTypeConstant = { LATEST: 0, HOT: 2 };
        let currentSortType;

        // offset data for time sort
        let timeSortOffsets;

        // use to prevent loading duplicated main reply
        let replyPool;

        // ---------- variables above ----------

        // make comment buttons in dynamic page do their job
        if (spaceRE.test(global.location.href)) { setupCommentBtnModifier(); return; }

        // add style patch

        // setup video change handler

        // setup setting panel & entry

        // start loading comments

        // ---------- functions below ----------

        async function start() {
          // initialize
          oid = createrID = commentType = replyList = undefined;
          replyPool = {};
          currentSortType = sortTypeConstant.HOT;

          // setup standard comment container
          await setupStandardCommentContainer();

          // collect essential data or elements
          await new Promise(resolve => {
            const timer = setInterval(async () => {
              // collect oid, createrID, commentType
              if (videoRE.test(global.location.href)) {
                const videoID = global.location.pathname.replace('/video/', '').replace('/', '');
                if (videoID.startsWith('av')) oid = videoID.slice(2);
                if (videoID.startsWith('BV')) oid = b2a(videoID);
                createrID = global?.__INITIAL_STATE__?.upData?.mid;
                commentType = 1;
              } else if (bangumiRE.test(global.location.href)) {
                oid = b2a(document.querySelector('a[class*=mediainfo_avLink]')?.textContent);
                createrID = document.querySelector('a[class*=upinfo_upLink]')?.href?.split('/').filter(item => !!item).pop() || -1;
                commentType = 1
              } else if (dynamicRE.test(global.location.href)) {
                const dynamicID = global.location.pathname.replace('/', '');
                const dynamicDetail = await fetch(`${dynamicID}`).then(res => res.json());
                oid = dynamicDetail?.data?.item?.basic?.comment_id_str;
                commentType = dynamicDetail?.data?.item?.basic?.comment_type;
                createrID = dynamicDetail?.data?.item?.modules?.module_author?.mid;
              } else if (opusRE.test(global.location.href)) {
                oid = global?.__INITIAL_STATE__?.detail?.basic?.comment_id_str;
                createrID = global?.__INITIAL_STATE__?.detail?.basic?.uid;
                commentType = global?.__INITIAL_STATE__?.detail?.basic?.comment_type; // should be '11'
              } else if (articleRE.test(global.location.href)) {
                oid = global?.__INITIAL_STATE__?.cvid;
                createrID = global?.__INITIAL_STATE__?.readInfo?.author?.mid;
                commentType = 12;
              } else if (festivalRE.test(global.location.href)) {
                oid = global?.__INITIAL_STATE__?.videoInfo?.aid;
                createrID = global?.__INITIAL_STATE__?.videoInfo?.upMid;
                commentType = 1;
              } else if (listRE.test(global.location.href)) {
                oid = new URLSearchParams('oid');
                createrID = global?.__INITIAL_STATE__?.upInfo?.mid;
                commentType = 1;

              // get reply container
              replyList = document.querySelector('.reply-list');

              // final check
              if (oid && createrID && commentType && replyList) {
                createrID = parseInt(createrID);
            }, 200);

          // enable switching sort type
          await enableSwitchingSortType();

          // load first pagination
          await loadFirstPagination();

        async function setupStandardCommentContainer() {
          const container = await new Promise(resolve => {
            const timer = setInterval(() => {
              const standardContainer = document.querySelector('.comment-container');
              const outdatedContainer = document.querySelector('.comment-wrapper .common');
              const shadowRootContainer = document.querySelector('bili-comments');
              const container = standardContainer || outdatedContainer || shadowRootContainer;
              if (container) { clearInterval(timer); resolve(container); }
            }, 200);

          // modify non-standard comment container
          if (!container.classList.contains('comment-container')) {
            container.parentElement.innerHTML = `
              <div class="comment-container">
                <div class="reply-header">
                  <div class="reply-navigation">
                    <ul class="nav-bar">
                      <li class="nav-title">
                        <span class="nav-title-text">评论</span>
                        <span class="total-reply">-</span>
                      <li class="nav-sort hot">
                        <div class="hot-sort">最热</div>
                        <div class="part-symbol"></div>
                        <div class="time-sort">最新</div>
                <div class="reply-warp">
                  <div class="main-reply-box">
                    <div class="reply-box disabled">
                      <div class="box-normal">
                        <div class="reply-box-avatar">
                          <div class="bili-avatar" style="width: 48px; height: 48px; background-color: #F1F1F1;"></div>
                        <div class="reply-box-warp" style="transition: none;">
                          <div class="textarea-wrap">
                            <textarea class="reply-box-textarea" placeholder="勇敢滴少年啊快去创造热评~"></textarea>
                          <div class="disable-mask">
                            <div class="no-login-mask">
                              <span class="login-btn">登录</span>
                              <span>后发表评论 (・ω・)</span>
                  <div class="reply-list"></div>

        async function enableSwitchingSortType() {
          // collect elements
          const { selectedReplyElement, hotSortElement, timeSortElement } = await new Promise(resolve => {
            const timer = setInterval(() => {
              const selectedReplyElement = document.querySelector('.comment-container .reply-header .nav-select-reply');
              const hotSortElement = document.querySelector('.comment-container .reply-header .hot-sort');
              const timeSortElement = document.querySelector('.comment-container .reply-header .time-sort');
              if (selectedReplyElement || (hotSortElement && timeSortElement)) {
                resolve({ selectedReplyElement, hotSortElement, timeSortElement });
            }, 200);

          // no need to setup click event listener if replies are selected
          if (selectedReplyElement) return;

          // reset text color
 = '#18191C';
 = '#9499A0';

          // setup click event listener
          hotSortElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
            if (currentSortType === sortTypeConstant.HOT) return;
            currentSortType = sortTypeConstant.HOT;
   = '#18191C';
   = '#9499A0';

          timeSortElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
            if (currentSortType === sortTypeConstant.LATEST) return;
            currentSortType = sortTypeConstant.LATEST;
   = '#9499A0';
   = '#18191C';

        async function loadFirstPagination() {
          // reset offset data
          timeSortOffsets = { 1: `{"offset":""}` };

          // get data of first pagination
          const { data: firstPaginationData, code: resultCode } = await getPaginationData(1);

          // make sure 'replyList' exists
          await new Promise(resolve => {
            const timer = setInterval(() => {
              if (document.body.contains(replyList)) { clearInterval(timer); resolve(); }
              else { replyList = document.querySelector('.reply-list'); }
            }, 200);

          // clear replyList
          replyList.innerHTML = '';

          // clear replyPool
          replyPool = {};

          // script ends here if not able to fetch pagination data
          if (resultCode !== 0) {
            replyList.innerHTML = '<p style="padding: 100px 0; text-align: center; color: #999;">无法从API获取评论数据</p>';

          // load reply count
          const totalReplyElement = document.querySelector('.comment-container .reply-header .total-reply');
          const totalReplyCount = parseInt(firstPaginationData?.cursor?.all_count) || 0;
          totalReplyElement.textContent = totalReplyCount;
          if (totalReplyCount === 0) replyList.innerHTML = '<p style="padding: 100px 0; text-align: center; color: #999;">没有更多评论</p>';

          // load the top reply if it exists
          if (firstPaginationData.top_replies && firstPaginationData.top_replies.length !== 0) {
            const topReplyData = firstPaginationData.top_replies[0];
            appendReplyItem(topReplyData, true);

          // script ends here if there is no reply of this video
          if (firstPaginationData.replies.length === 0) return;

          // load normal replies
          for (const replyData of firstPaginationData.replies) {

          // add page loader
          ? addReplyPageSwitcher()
          : addAnchor();

        async function getPaginationData(paginationNumber) {
          const params = {
            type: commentType,
            wts: parseInt( / 1000)

          if (currentSortType === sortTypeConstant.HOT) {
            params.mode = 3;
            params.pagination_str = `{"offset":"{\\"type\\":1,\\"data\\":{\\"pn\\":${paginationNumber}}}"}`;
            return await fetch(`${await getWbiQueryString(params)}`).then(res => res.json());

          if (currentSortType === sortTypeConstant.LATEST) {
            params.mode = 2;
            params.pagination_str = timeSortOffsets[paginationNumber];
            const fetchResult = await fetch(`${await getWbiQueryString(params)}`).then(res => res.json());

            // prepare offset data of next pagination
            const nextOffset =;
            const cursor = nextOffset ? JSON.parse(nextOffset).Data.cursor : -1;
            timeSortOffsets[paginationNumber + 1] = `{"offset":"{\\"type\\":3,\\"data\\":{\\"cursor\\":${cursor}}}"}`;

            return fetchResult;

        function appendReplyItem(replyData, isTopReply) {
          if (!options.enableReplyPagination && replyPool[replyData.rpid_str]) return;

          const replyItemElement = document.createElement('div');
          replyItemElement.innerHTML = `
            <div class="root-reply-container">
              <a class="root-reply-avatar" href="${replyData.mid}" target="_blank" data-user-id="${replyData.mid}" data-root-reply-id="${replyData.rpid}">
                <div class="avatar">
                  <div class="bili-avatar">
                    <img class="bili-avatar-img bili-avatar-face bili-avatar-img-radius" data-src="${replyData.member.avatar}" alt="" src="${replyData.member.avatar}">
                      ? `
                      <div class="bili-avatar-pendent-dom" style="transform: scale(0.85);">
                        <img class="bili-avatar-img" data-src="${replyData.member.pendant.image}" alt="" src="${replyData.member.pendant.image}">
                      : ''
                    <span class="bili-avatar-icon bili-avatar-right-icon  bili-avatar-size-40"></span>
              <div class="content-warp">
                <div class="reply-decorate">
                  <div class="user-sailing">
                      ? `
                      <img class="user-sailing-img" src="${replyData.member.user_sailing.cardbg.image}@576w.webp">
                      <div class="user-sailing-text" style="color: ${}">
                        <span class="sailing-text">NO.</span>
                        <span class="sailing-text">${, '0')}</span>
                      : ''
                <div class="user-info">
                  <a class="user-name" href="${replyData.mid}" target="_blank" data-user-id="${replyData.mid}" data-root-reply-id="${replyData.rpid}" style="color: ${ ? : '#61666d'}">${replyData.member.uname}</a>
                  <span style="height: 16px; padding: 0 2px; margin-right: 4px; display: flex; align-items: center; font-size: 12px; color: white; border-radius: 2px; background-color: ${getMemberLevelColor(replyData.member.level_info.current_level)};">LV${replyData.member.level_info.current_level}</span>
                    createrID === replyData.mid
                    ? '<i class="svg-icon up-web up-icon" style="width: 24px; height: 24px;"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><rect x="0" y="4" width="24" height="16" rx="2" fill="#FF6699"></rect><path d="M5.7 8.36V12.79C5.7 13.72 5.96 14.43 6.49 14.93C6.99 15.4 7.72 15.64 8.67 15.64C9.61 15.64 10.34 15.4 10.86 14.92C11.38 14.43 11.64 13.72 11.64 12.79V8.36H10.47V12.81C10.47 13.43 10.32 13.88 10.04 14.18C9.75 14.47 9.29 14.62 8.67 14.62C8.04 14.62 7.58 14.47 7.3 14.18C7.01 13.88 6.87 13.43 6.87 12.81V8.36H5.7ZM13.0438 8.36V15.5H14.2138V12.76H15.9838C17.7238 12.76 18.5938 12.02 18.5938 10.55C18.5938 9.09 17.7238 8.36 16.0038 8.36H13.0438ZM14.2138 9.36H15.9138C16.4238 9.36 16.8038 9.45 17.0438 9.64C17.2838 9.82 17.4138 10.12 17.4138 10.55C17.4138 10.98 17.2938 11.29 17.0538 11.48C16.8138 11.66 16.4338 11.76 15.9138 11.76H14.2138V9.36Z" fill="white"></path></svg></i>'
                    : ''
                <div class="root-reply">
                  <span class="reply-content-container root-reply" style="padding-bottom: 8px;">
                    <span class="reply-content">${isTopReply? '<span class="top-icon">置顶</span>': ''}${ ? `<div class="note-prefix" style="transform: translateY(-2px);"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" fill="#BBBBBB"><path d="M0 3.75C0 2.784.784 2 1.75 2h12.5c.966 0 1.75.784 1.75 1.75v8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 14H1.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 0 12.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v8.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25v-8.5a.25.25 0 0 0-.25-.25ZM3.5 6.25a.75.75 0 0 1 .75-.75h7a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.5h-7a.75.75 0 0 1-.75-.75Zm.75 2.25h4a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.5h-4a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5Z"></path></svg><div style="margin-left: 3px;">笔记</div></div>` : ''}${getConvertedMessage(replyData.content)}</span>
                    ? `
                    <div class="image-exhibition" style="margin: 8px 0; user-select: none;">
                      <div class="preview-image-container" style="display: flex;">
                    : ''
                  <div class="reply-info">
                    <span class="reply-time" style="margin-right: 20px;">${getFormattedTime(replyData.ctime)}</span>
                    <span class="reply-like">
                      <i class="svg-icon like use-color like-icon" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"><svg class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="3323" width="200" height="200"><path d="M594.176 151.168a34.048 34.048 0 0 0-29.184 10.816c-11.264 13.184-15.872 24.064-21.504 40.064l-1.92 5.632c-5.632 16.128-12.8 36.864-27.648 63.232-25.408 44.928-50.304 74.432-86.208 97.024-23.04 14.528-43.648 26.368-65.024 32.576v419.648a4569.408 4569.408 0 0 0 339.072-4.672c38.72-2.048 72-21.12 88.96-52.032 21.504-39.36 47.168-95.744 63.552-163.008a782.72 782.72 0 0 0 22.528-163.008c0.448-16.832-13.44-32.256-35.328-32.256h-197.312a32 32 0 0 1-28.608-46.336l0.192-0.32 0.64-1.344 2.56-5.504c2.112-4.8 5.12-11.776 8.32-20.16 6.592-17.088 13.568-39.04 16.768-60.416 4.992-33.344 3.776-60.16-9.344-84.992-14.08-26.688-30.016-33.728-40.512-34.944zM691.84 341.12h149.568c52.736 0 100.864 40.192 99.328 98.048a845.888 845.888 0 0 1-24.32 176.384 742.336 742.336 0 0 1-69.632 178.56c-29.184 53.44-84.48 82.304-141.76 85.248-55.68 2.88-138.304 5.952-235.712 5.952-96 0-183.552-3.008-244.672-5.76-66.432-3.136-123.392-51.392-131.008-119.872a1380.672 1380.672 0 0 1-0.768-296.704c7.68-72.768 70.4-121.792 140.032-121.792h97.728c13.76 0 28.16-5.504 62.976-27.456 24.064-15.104 42.432-35.2 64.512-74.24 11.904-21.184 17.408-36.928 22.912-52.8l2.048-5.888c6.656-18.88 14.4-38.4 33.28-60.416a97.984 97.984 0 0 1 85.12-32.768c35.264 4.096 67.776 26.88 89.792 68.608 22.208 42.176 21.888 84.864 16 124.352a342.464 342.464 0 0 1-15.424 60.544z m-393.216 477.248V405.184H232.96c-40.448 0-72.448 27.712-76.352 64.512a1318.912 1318.912 0 0 0 0.64 282.88c3.904 34.752 32.96 61.248 70.4 62.976 20.8 0.96 44.8 1.92 71.04 2.816z" p-id="3324" fill="#9499a0"></path></svg></i>
                    <span class="reply-dislike">
                      <i class="svg-icon dislike use-color dislike-icon" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"><svg class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="3933" width="200" height="200"><path d="M594.112 872.768a34.048 34.048 0 0 1-29.12-10.816c-11.264-13.248-15.872-24.064-21.504-40.064l-1.92-5.632c-5.632-16.128-12.8-36.864-27.712-63.232-25.344-44.928-50.24-74.432-86.144-97.024-23.104-14.528-43.648-26.432-65.024-32.64V203.84a4570.24 4570.24 0 0 1 339.072 4.672c38.656 2.048 72 21.12 88.896 52.032 21.504 39.36 47.232 95.744 63.552 163.008 16.448 67.52 21.568 123.776 22.592 163.008 0.448 16.832-13.44 32.256-35.392 32.256h-197.248a32 32 0 0 0-28.608 46.336l0.128 0.32 0.64 1.28 2.56 5.568c2.176 4.8 5.12 11.776 8.384 20.16 6.528 17.088 13.568 39.04 16.768 60.416 4.928 33.344 3.712 60.16-9.344 84.992-14.08 26.688-30.016 33.728-40.576 34.944z m97.728-190.016h149.568c52.8 0 100.864-40.128 99.392-97.92a846.336 846.336 0 0 0-24.32-176.448 742.016 742.016 0 0 0-69.632-178.56c-29.248-53.44-84.48-82.304-141.824-85.248-55.68-2.88-138.24-5.952-235.712-5.952-96 0-183.488 3.008-244.672 5.76-66.368 3.136-123.328 51.392-130.944 119.872a1380.608 1380.608 0 0 0-0.768 296.704c7.68 72.768 70.4 121.792 140.032 121.792h97.728c13.76 0 28.16 5.504 62.976 27.392 24.064 15.168 42.432 35.264 64.448 74.368 11.968 21.12 17.472 36.864 22.976 52.736l2.048 5.888c6.656 18.88 14.336 38.4 33.216 60.416 19.456 22.72 51.456 36.736 85.184 32.768 35.2-4.096 67.776-26.88 89.792-68.672 22.208-42.112 21.888-84.8 16-124.288a343.04 343.04 0 0 0-15.488-60.608zM298.688 205.568v413.184H232.96c-40.512 0-72.448-27.712-76.352-64.512a1318.912 1318.912 0 0 1 0.64-282.88c3.904-34.816 32.896-61.248 70.4-62.976 20.8-0.96 44.736-1.92 71.04-2.816z" p-id="3934" fill="#9499a0"></path></svg></i>
                    <span class="reply-btn">回复</span>
                  <div class="reply-tag-list"">
                      ? replyData.card_label.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + `<span class="reply-tag-item ${cur.text_content === '热评' ? 'reply-tag-hot' : ''} ${cur.text_content === 'UP主觉得很赞' ? 'reply-tag-liked' : ''}" style="font-size: 12px; background-color: ${cur.label_color_day}; color: ${cur.text_color_day};">${cur.text_content}</span>`, '')
                      : ''
            <div class="sub-reply-container">
              <div class="sub-reply-list">
                ${getSubReplyItems(replyData.replies) || ''}
                  replyData.rcount > 3
                  ? `
                  <div class="view-more" style="padding-left: 8px; font-size: 13px; color: #9499A0;">
                    <div class="view-more-default">
                      <span>共${replyData.rcount}条回复, </span>
                      <span class="view-more-btn" style="cursor: pointer;">点击查看</span>
                  : ''
            <div class="bottom-line"></div>
          if (!options.enableReplyPagination) replyPool[replyData.rpid_str] = true;

          // setup image viewer
          const previewImageContainer = replyItemElement.querySelector('.preview-image-container');
          if (previewImageContainer) new Viewer(previewImageContainer, { title: false, toolbar: false, tooltip: false, keyboard: false });

          // setup view more button
          const subReplyList = replyItemElement.querySelector('.sub-reply-list');
          const viewMoreBtn = replyItemElement.querySelector('.view-more-btn');
          viewMoreBtn && viewMoreBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
            ? loadAllSubReplies(replyData.rpid, subReplyList)
            : loadPaginatedSubReplies(replyData.rpid, subReplyList, replyData.rcount, 1);

        function getFormattedTime(ms) {
          const time = new Date(ms * 1000);
          const year = time.getFullYear();
          const month = (time.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0');
          const day = time.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
          const hour = time.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0');
          const minute = time.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0');
          return `${year}-${month}-${day} ${hour}:${minute}`;

        function getMemberLevelColor(level) {
          return ({
            0: '#C0C0C0',
            1: '#BBBBBB',
            2: '#8BD29B',
            3: '#7BCDEF',
            4: '#FEBB8B',
            5: '#EE672A',
            6: '#F04C49'

        function getConvertedMessage(content) {
          let result = content.message;

          // built blacklist of keyword, to avoid being converted to link incorrectly
          const keywordBlacklist = ['', ''];

          // convert vote to link
          if ( && === false) {
            const linkElementHTML = `<a class="jump-link normal" href="${}" target="_blank" noopener noreferrer>${}</a>`;
            result = result.replace(`{vote:${}}`, linkElementHTML);

          // convert emote tag to image
          if (content.emote) {
            for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(content.emote)) {
              const imageElementHTML = `<img class="emoji-${['', 'small', 'large'][value.meta.size]}" src="${value.url}" alt="${key}">`;
              result = result.replaceAll(key, imageElementHTML);

          // convert timestamp to link
          result = result.replaceAll(/(\d{1,2}[::]){1,2}\d{1,2}/g, (timestamp) => {
            timestamp = timestamp.replaceAll(':', ':');

            // return plain text if no video in page
            if(!(videoRE.test(global.location.href) || bangumiRE.test(global.location.href) || festivalRE.test(global.location.href) || listRE.test(global.location.href))) return timestamp;

            const parts = timestamp.split(':');
            // return plain text if any part of timestamp equal to or bigger than 60
            if (parts.some(part => parseInt(part) >= 60)) return timestamp;

            let totalSecond;
            if (parts.length === 2) totalSecond = parseInt(parts[0]) * 60 + parseInt(parts[1]);
            else if (parts.length === 3) totalSecond = parseInt(parts[0]) * 3600 + parseInt(parts[1]) * 60 + parseInt(parts[2]);
            // return plain text if failed to get vaild number of second
            if (Number.isNaN(totalSecond)) return timestamp;

            const linkElementHTML = `<a class="jump-link video-time" onclick="window.player.mediaElement().currentTime = ${totalSecond}; window.scrollTo(0, 0);;">${timestamp}</a>`

            return linkElementHTML;

          // convert @ user
          if (content.at_name_to_mid) {
            for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(content.at_name_to_mid)) {
              const linkElementHTML = `<a class="jump-link user" data-user-id="${value}" href="${value}" target="_blank" noopener noreferrer>@${key}</a>`;
              result = result.replaceAll(`@${key}`, linkElementHTML);

          // convert url to link
          if (Object.keys(content.jump_url).length) {
            // make sure links are converted first
            const entries = [].concat(
              Object.entries(content.jump_url).filter(entry => entry[0].startsWith('https://')),
              Object.entries(content.jump_url).filter(entry => !entry[0].startsWith('https://'))

            for (const [key, value] of entries) {
              const href = (key.startsWith('BV') || /^av\d+$/.test(key)) ? `${key}` : (value.pc_url || key);
              if (href.includes('') && (!options.enableKeywordSearchLink || keywordBlacklist.join('').includes(key))) continue;
              const linkElementHTML = `<img class="icon normal" src="${value.prefix_icon}" style="${value.extra && value.extra.is_word_search && 'width: 12px;'}"><a class="jump-link normal" href="${href}" target="_blank" noopener noreferrer>${value.title}</a>`;
              result = result.replaceAll(key, linkElementHTML);

          return result;

        function getImageItems(images) {
          images = images.slice(0, 3);
          const imageSizeConfig = ({
            1: 'max-width: 280px; max-height: 180px;',
            2: 'width: 128px; height: 128px;',
            3: 'width: 96px; height: 96px;',

          let result = '';
          for (const image of images) {
            result += `<div class="image-item-wrap" style="margin-right: 4px; cursor: zoom-in;"><img src="${image.img_src}" style="border-radius: 4px; ${imageSizeConfig}"></div>`;
          return result;

        function getSubReplyItems(subReplies) {
          if (!subReplies || subReplies.length === 0) return;

          let result = '';
          for (const replyData of subReplies) {
            result += `
              <div class="sub-reply-item">
                <div class="sub-user-info">
                  <a class="sub-reply-avatar" href="${replyData.mid}" target="_blank" data-user-id="${replyData.mid}" data-root-reply-id="${replyData.rpid}">
                    <div class="avatar">
                      <div class="bili-avatar">
                        <img class="bili-avatar-img bili-avatar-face bili-avatar-img-radius" data-src="${replyData.member.avatar}" alt="" src="${replyData.member.avatar}">
                        <span class="bili-avatar-icon bili-avatar-right-icon  bili-avatar-size-24"></span>
                  <a class="sub-user-name" href="${replyData.mid}" target="_blank" data-user-id="${replyData.mid}" data-root-reply-id="${replyData.rpid}" style="color: ${ ? : '#61666d'}">${replyData.member.uname}</a>
                  <span style="height: 16px; padding: 0 2px; margin-right: 4px; display: flex; align-items: center; font-size: 12px; color: white; border-radius: 2px; background-color: ${getMemberLevelColor(replyData.member.level_info.current_level)};">LV${replyData.member.level_info.current_level}</span>
                    createrID === replyData.mid
                    ? `<i class="svg-icon up-web up-icon" style="width: 24px; height: 24px;"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><rect x="0" y="4" width="24" height="16" rx="2" fill="#FF6699"></rect><path d="M5.7 8.36V12.79C5.7 13.72 5.96 14.43 6.49 14.93C6.99 15.4 7.72 15.64 8.67 15.64C9.61 15.64 10.34 15.4 10.86 14.92C11.38 14.43 11.64 13.72 11.64 12.79V8.36H10.47V12.81C10.47 13.43 10.32 13.88 10.04 14.18C9.75 14.47 9.29 14.62 8.67 14.62C8.04 14.62 7.58 14.47 7.3 14.18C7.01 13.88 6.87 13.43 6.87 12.81V8.36H5.7ZM13.0438 8.36V15.5H14.2138V12.76H15.9838C17.7238 12.76 18.5938 12.02 18.5938 10.55C18.5938 9.09 17.7238 8.36 16.0038 8.36H13.0438ZM14.2138 9.36H15.9138C16.4238 9.36 16.8038 9.45 17.0438 9.64C17.2838 9.82 17.4138 10.12 17.4138 10.55C17.4138 10.98 17.2938 11.29 17.0538 11.48C16.8138 11.66 16.4338 11.76 15.9138 11.76H14.2138V9.36Z" fill="white"></path></svg></i>`
                    : ''
                <span class="reply-content-container sub-reply-content">
                  <span class="reply-content">${getConvertedMessage(replyData.content)}</span>
                <div class="sub-reply-info" style="margin: 4px 0;">
                  <span class="sub-reply-time" style="margin-right: 20px;">${getFormattedTime(replyData.ctime)}</span>
                  <span class="sub-reply-like">
                    <i class="svg-icon like use-color sub-like-icon" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"><svg class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="3323" width="200" height="200"><path d="M594.176 151.168a34.048 34.048 0 0 0-29.184 10.816c-11.264 13.184-15.872 24.064-21.504 40.064l-1.92 5.632c-5.632 16.128-12.8 36.864-27.648 63.232-25.408 44.928-50.304 74.432-86.208 97.024-23.04 14.528-43.648 26.368-65.024 32.576v419.648a4569.408 4569.408 0 0 0 339.072-4.672c38.72-2.048 72-21.12 88.96-52.032 21.504-39.36 47.168-95.744 63.552-163.008a782.72 782.72 0 0 0 22.528-163.008c0.448-16.832-13.44-32.256-35.328-32.256h-197.312a32 32 0 0 1-28.608-46.336l0.192-0.32 0.64-1.344 2.56-5.504c2.112-4.8 5.12-11.776 8.32-20.16 6.592-17.088 13.568-39.04 16.768-60.416 4.992-33.344 3.776-60.16-9.344-84.992-14.08-26.688-30.016-33.728-40.512-34.944zM691.84 341.12h149.568c52.736 0 100.864 40.192 99.328 98.048a845.888 845.888 0 0 1-24.32 176.384 742.336 742.336 0 0 1-69.632 178.56c-29.184 53.44-84.48 82.304-141.76 85.248-55.68 2.88-138.304 5.952-235.712 5.952-96 0-183.552-3.008-244.672-5.76-66.432-3.136-123.392-51.392-131.008-119.872a1380.672 1380.672 0 0 1-0.768-296.704c7.68-72.768 70.4-121.792 140.032-121.792h97.728c13.76 0 28.16-5.504 62.976-27.456 24.064-15.104 42.432-35.2 64.512-74.24 11.904-21.184 17.408-36.928 22.912-52.8l2.048-5.888c6.656-18.88 14.4-38.4 33.28-60.416a97.984 97.984 0 0 1 85.12-32.768c35.264 4.096 67.776 26.88 89.792 68.608 22.208 42.176 21.888 84.864 16 124.352a342.464 342.464 0 0 1-15.424 60.544z m-393.216 477.248V405.184H232.96c-40.448 0-72.448 27.712-76.352 64.512a1318.912 1318.912 0 0 0 0.64 282.88c3.904 34.752 32.96 61.248 70.4 62.976 20.8 0.96 44.8 1.92 71.04 2.816z" p-id="3324" fill="#9499a0"></path></svg></i>
                  <span class="sub-reply-dislike">
                    <i class="svg-icon dislike use-color sub-dislike-icon" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"><svg class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="3933" width="200" height="200"><path d="M594.112 872.768a34.048 34.048 0 0 1-29.12-10.816c-11.264-13.248-15.872-24.064-21.504-40.064l-1.92-5.632c-5.632-16.128-12.8-36.864-27.712-63.232-25.344-44.928-50.24-74.432-86.144-97.024-23.104-14.528-43.648-26.432-65.024-32.64V203.84a4570.24 4570.24 0 0 1 339.072 4.672c38.656 2.048 72 21.12 88.896 52.032 21.504 39.36 47.232 95.744 63.552 163.008 16.448 67.52 21.568 123.776 22.592 163.008 0.448 16.832-13.44 32.256-35.392 32.256h-197.248a32 32 0 0 0-28.608 46.336l0.128 0.32 0.64 1.28 2.56 5.568c2.176 4.8 5.12 11.776 8.384 20.16 6.528 17.088 13.568 39.04 16.768 60.416 4.928 33.344 3.712 60.16-9.344 84.992-14.08 26.688-30.016 33.728-40.576 34.944z m97.728-190.016h149.568c52.8 0 100.864-40.128 99.392-97.92a846.336 846.336 0 0 0-24.32-176.448 742.016 742.016 0 0 0-69.632-178.56c-29.248-53.44-84.48-82.304-141.824-85.248-55.68-2.88-138.24-5.952-235.712-5.952-96 0-183.488 3.008-244.672 5.76-66.368 3.136-123.328 51.392-130.944 119.872a1380.608 1380.608 0 0 0-0.768 296.704c7.68 72.768 70.4 121.792 140.032 121.792h97.728c13.76 0 28.16 5.504 62.976 27.392 24.064 15.168 42.432 35.264 64.448 74.368 11.968 21.12 17.472 36.864 22.976 52.736l2.048 5.888c6.656 18.88 14.336 38.4 33.216 60.416 19.456 22.72 51.456 36.736 85.184 32.768 35.2-4.096 67.776-26.88 89.792-68.672 22.208-42.112 21.888-84.8 16-124.288a343.04 343.04 0 0 0-15.488-60.608zM298.688 205.568v413.184H232.96c-40.512 0-72.448-27.712-76.352-64.512a1318.912 1318.912 0 0 1 0.64-282.88c3.904-34.816 32.896-61.248 70.4-62.976 20.8-0.96 44.736-1.92 71.04-2.816z" p-id="3934" fill="#9499a0"></path></svg></i>
                  <span class="sub-reply-btn">回复</span>
          return result;

        async function loadAllSubReplies(rootReplyID, subReplyList) {
          let subPaginationCounter = 1;
          while(true) {
            const subReplyData = await fetch(`${oid}&pn=${subPaginationCounter++}&ps=20&root=${rootReplyID}&type=${commentType}`).then(res => res.json()).then(json =>;
            if (subPaginationCounter - 1 === 1) subReplyList.innerHTML = '';
            if (subReplyData.replies && subReplyData.replies.length > 0) {
              subReplyList.innerHTML += getSubReplyItems(subReplyData.replies);
              await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
            } else {

        async function loadPaginatedSubReplies(rootReplyID, subReplyList, subReplyAmount, paginationNumber) {
          // replace reply list with new replies
          const subReplyData = await fetch(`${oid}&pn=${paginationNumber}&ps=10&root=${rootReplyID}&type=${commentType}`).then(res => res.json()).then(json =>;
          if (subReplyData.replies) subReplyList.innerHTML = getSubReplyItems(subReplyData.replies);

          // add page switcher
          addSubReplyPageSwitcher(rootReplyID, subReplyList, subReplyAmount, paginationNumber);

          // scroll to the top of replyItem
          const replyItem = subReplyList.parentElement.parentElement;
          replyItem.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'instant' });

          // scroll up a bit more because of the fixed header
          global.scrollTo(0, document.documentElement.scrollTop - 60);

        function addSubReplyPageSwitcher(rootReplyID, subReplyList, subReplyAmount, currentPageNumber) {
          if (subReplyAmount <= 10) return;

          const pageAmount = Math.ceil(subReplyAmount / 10);
          const pageSwitcher = document.createElement('div');
          pageSwitcher.innerHTML = `
            <div class="view-more-pagination">
              <span class="pagination-page-count">共${pageAmount}页</span>
              ${ currentPageNumber !== 1 ? '<span class="pagination-btn pagination-to-prev-btn">上一页</span>' : '' }
                (() => {
                  // 4 on the left, 4 on the right, then merge
                  const left = [currentPageNumber - 4, currentPageNumber - 3, currentPageNumber - 2, currentPageNumber - 1].filter(num => num >= 1);
                  const right = [currentPageNumber + 1, currentPageNumber + 2, currentPageNumber + 3, currentPageNumber + 4].filter(num => num <= pageAmount);
                  const merge = [].concat(left, currentPageNumber, right);

                  // chosen 5(if able)
                  let chosen;
                  if (currentPageNumber <= 3) chosen = merge.slice(0, 5);
                  else if (currentPageNumber >= pageAmount - 3) chosen = merge.reverse().slice(0, 5).reverse();
                  else chosen = merge.slice(merge.indexOf(currentPageNumber) - 2, merge.indexOf(currentPageNumber) + 3);

                  // add first and dots
                  let final = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(chosen));
                  if (!final.includes(1)) {
                    let front = [1];
                    if ( !== 2) front = [1, '...'];
                    final = [].concat(front, final);

                  // add last and dots
                  if (!final.includes(pageAmount)) {
                    let back = [pageAmount];
                    if ( !== pageAmount - 1) back = ['...', pageAmount];
                    final = [].concat(final, back);

                  // assemble to html
                  return final.reduce((acc, cur) => {
                    if (cur === '...') return acc + '<span class="pagination-page-dot">...</span>';
                    if (cur === currentPageNumber) return acc + `<span class="pagination-page-number current-page">${cur}</span>`;
                    return acc + `<span class="pagination-page-number">${cur}</span>`;
                  }, '');
              ${ currentPageNumber !== pageAmount ? '<span class="pagination-btn pagination-to-next-btn">下一页</span>': '' }

          // add click event listener
          pageSwitcher.querySelector('.pagination-to-prev-btn')?.addEventListener('click', () => loadPaginatedSubReplies(rootReplyID, subReplyList, subReplyAmount, currentPageNumber - 1));
          pageSwitcher.querySelector('.pagination-to-next-btn')?.addEventListener('click', () => loadPaginatedSubReplies(rootReplyID, subReplyList, subReplyAmount, currentPageNumber + 1));
          pageSwitcher.querySelectorAll('.pagination-page-number:not(.current-page)')?.forEach(pageNumberElement => {
            const number = parseInt(pageNumberElement.textContent);
            pageNumberElement.addEventListener('click', () => loadPaginatedSubReplies(rootReplyID, subReplyList, subReplyAmount, number));

          // append page switcher

        async function addReplyPageSwitcher() {
          // clear old page switcher
          const oldPageSwitcher = document.querySelector('.comment-container .reply-warp .page-switcher');
          oldPageSwitcher && oldPageSwitcher.remove();

          let isPageAmountFound = false;
          let currentMaxPageNumber = 1;
          let currentPageNumber = 1;

          // check if there is no reply in page 2
          const { data: nextPaginationData } = await getPaginationData(currentPageNumber + 1);
          if (!nextPaginationData.replies || nextPaginationData.replies.length === 0) return;

          const pageSwitcher = document.createElement('div');
 = `
            width: 100%;
            display: flex;
            justify-content: center;
            transform: translateY(-60px);
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                replyList.innerHTML = '';

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                  appendReplyItem(topReplyData, true);

                for (const replyData of paginationData.replies) {

                pageSwitcher.innerHTML = '';


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          anchorElement.textContent = '正在加载...';
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            if (!newPaginationData.replies || newPaginationData.replies.length === 0) {
              anchorElement.textContent = '所有评论已加载完毕';

            for (const replyData of newPaginationData.replies) {


        // bvid to aid, ref:
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          const originKey = imgKey + subKey;

          // get mixin key
          const mixinKeyEncryptTable = [
            46, 47, 18, 2, 53, 8, 23, 32, 15, 50, 10, 31, 58, 3, 45, 35, 27, 43, 5, 49,
            33, 9, 42, 19, 29, 28, 14, 39, 12, 38, 41, 13, 37, 48, 7, 16, 24, 55, 40,
            61, 26, 17, 0, 1, 60, 51, 30, 4, 22, 25, 54, 21, 56, 59, 6, 63, 57, 62, 11,
            36, 20, 34, 44, 52
          const mixinKey = => originKey[n]).join('').slice(0, 32);

          // generate basic query string
          const query = Object
            .sort() // sort properties by key
            .map(key => {
              const value = params[key].toString().replace(/[!'()*]/g, ''); // remove characters !'()* in value
              return `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`

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        function setupVideoChangeHandler() {
          // redirect to new page if video source changed in festival page
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            }, 1000);

          // load new comment module when url changed
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            const getHref = () => {
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 = 'setting-panel-container';
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                  <span class="setting-panel-option-item-title">使用分页加载主评论</span>
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                  <span class="setting-panel-option-item-title">一次性加载所有子评论</span>
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                  <span class="setting-panel-option-item-title">显示评论右上角的大航海装饰</span>
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                  <span class="setting-panel-option-item-title">显示"笔记"前缀</span>
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                  <span class="setting-panel-option-item-title">显示"热评"标签</span>
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                  <span class="setting-panel-option-item-title">显示"UP主觉得很赞"标签</span>
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                <div class="setting-panel-option-item">
                  <span class="setting-panel-option-item-title">显示大会员用户名的颜色为粉色</span>
                  <span class="setting-panel-option-item-switch" data-key="enableVipUserNameColor" data-status="${options.enableVipUserNameColor ? 'on' : 'off'}"></span>
                <div class="setting-panel-option-item">
                  <span class="setting-panel-option-item-title">启用关键字搜索链接</span>
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              <div style="margin-top: 16px; align-self: center; font-size: 14px;">
                <span style="display: inline-block; transform: translateY(-1.5px);">⚠️</span>
                <span style="color: #AAAAAA;">所有改动将在页面刷新后生效</span>
            <span id="setting-panel-close-btn">×</span>

          // click events
          containerElement.querySelectorAll('.setting-panel-option-item-switch').forEach(switchElement => {
            switchElement.onclick = function(e) {
              const { key, status } = this.dataset;
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              GM_setValue(key, this.dataset.status === 'on');

          containerElement.querySelector('#setting-panel-close-btn').onclick = () => = 'none';

          // append to document

        function setupSettingPanelEntry() {
          const settingPanelElement = document.querySelector('#setting-panel-container');
          const showSettingPanel = () => = 'flex';

          // entry 1: gear icon
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     = `
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              gearElement.onclick = showSettingPanel;

              avatarElement.innerHTML = '';
     = `
                display: flex;
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          }, 1000);

          // entry 2: menu command
          GM_registerMenuCommand("自定义设置", showSettingPanel);
