Greasy Fork is available in English.

FuckYoutube banner replacement

Replaces the YouTube logo with one saying "Fuck YouTube" in a petty protest of the many, many bad updates that Susan did to her own website.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         FuckYoutube banner replacement
// @namespace
// @version      1
// @description  Replaces the YouTube logo with one saying "Fuck YouTube" in a petty protest of the many, many bad updates that Susan did to her own website.
// @author       evanultra01
// @match*
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @license      GNU GPLv3
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    var logodiv = document.getElementById("logo-icon")
    logodiv.innerHTML = "<svg class='style-scope yt-icon' width='32.279999mm' height='5.2919998mm' viewBox='0 0 32.279999 5.2919996' version='1.1' id='svg5' inkscape:version='1.1 (c68e22c387, 2021-05-23)' sodipodi:docname='fu.svg' xmlns:inkscape='' xmlns:sodipodi='' xmlns='' xmlns:svg=''> <sodipodi:namedview id='namedview7' pagecolor='#ffffff' bordercolor='#666666' borderopacity='1.0' inkscape:pageshadow='2' inkscape:pageopacity='0.0' inkscape:pagecheckerboard='0' inkscape:document-units='mm' showgrid='false' inkscape:zoom='5.6568543' inkscape:cx='57.452426' inkscape:cy='3.7123106' inkscape:window-width='1920' inkscape:window-height='1000' inkscape:window-x='-11' inkscape:window-y='-11' inkscape:window-maximized='1' inkscape:current-layer='g847' /> <defs id='defs2' /> <g style='display:block' id='g868' transform='matrix(0.26458333,0,0,0.26458333,81.054007,129.43708)'> <g viewBox='0 0 90 20' preserveAspectRatio='xMidYMid meet' class='style-scope yt-icon' id='g847'> <g id='g29220' transform='translate(-323.97336,-513.18443)'> <g id='g28695' transform='translate(19.092035,23.948227)'> <path d='m 36.82492,3.6326912 h -2.798135 l 0.05554,4.3912487 2.742597,-0.034058 -0.04407,2.4882601 -2.744912,0.02262 -0.0092,8.102983 H 31.268085 V 3.6326912 h 9.29e-4 V 1.35093 h 5.556471 z' class='style-scope yt-icon' id='path836' sodipodi:nodetypes='ccccccccccccc' style='stroke-width:1.00321' /> <path d='m 45.327285,18.49132 h -2.206 l -0.2446,-1.5334 h -0.0611 c -0.5997,1.1571 -1.4981,1.7356 -2.6976,1.7356 -0.8302,0 -1.444,-0.2728 -1.8391,-0.816 -0.3951,-0.5457 -0.5927,-1.397 -0.5927,-2.5541 V 5.96543 h 2.8199 v 9.19329 c 0,0.5598 0.0611,0.9572 0.1834,1.1948 0.1223,0.2375 0.3269,0.3574 0.6139,0.3574 0.2445,0 0.4797,-0.0752 0.7055,-0.2257 0.2258,-0.1506 0.3904,-0.3411 0.5009,-0.5715 V 5.96308 h 2.8175 z' class='style-scope yt-icon' id='path838' /> <path d='m 49.207224,13.926365 c 0,0 0.0235,1.4064 0.0706,1.8086 0.047,0.4021 0.1458,0.6938 0.2963,0.8796 0.1505,0.1834 0.381,0.2751 0.6938,0.2751 0.421,0 0.7126,-0.1646 0.8678,-0.4915 0.1576,-0.3269 0.2423,-0.8725 0.2564,-1.6345 l 2.4318,0.1434 c 0.0141,0.1082 0.0211,0.2587 0.0211,0.4492 0,1.1571 -0.3175,2.0226 -0.9501,2.5941 -0.6326,0.5715 -1.5287,0.8584 -2.6858,0.8584 -1.3899,0 -2.3636,-0.4351 -2.921,-1.3076 -0.5597,-0.8725 -0.8372,-2.2201 -0.8372,-4.0452 v -2.1872 c 0,-1.87908 0.2893,-3.25255 0.8678,-4.11802 0.5786,-0.86548 1.5687,-1.29822 2.9727,-1.29822 0.9666,0 1.7098,0.17639 2.2272,0.53152 0.5174,0.35512 0.8819,0.90545 1.0936,1.65569 0.2117,0.75023 0.3175,1.78504 0.3175,3.10673 l -2.6599,0.4728 h -2.0626 z m 0.3575,-5.90309 c -0.1435,0.17638 -0.2375,0.46566 -0.2869,0.86782 -0.0471,0.40217 -0.0706,1.01129 -0.0706,1.82977 v 0.8984 h 2.0626 v -0.8984 c 0,-0.80437 -0.0282,-1.41349 -0.0823,-1.82977 -0.0541,-0.41627 -0.1529,-0.7079 -0.2964,-0.87958 -0.1434,-0.16933 -0.3645,-0.25635 -0.6632,-0.25635 -0.301,0.0023 -0.5221,0.09172 -0.6632,0.26811 z' class='style-scope yt-icon' id='path842' sodipodi:nodetypes='sscscccssscsssssssccsccsccssccc' /> <path d='m 60.617115,5.7442943 2.476742,5.04e-5 -3.013862,6.7800263 -2.208181,-0.04041 z' id='path27543' sodipodi:nodetypes='ccccc' style='stroke-width:1.25893' /> <path d='m 60.577221,18.755773 2.49265,-4.7e-5 -2.989876,-6.297761 -2.208181,-0.04041 z' id='path27543-1' sodipodi:nodetypes='ccccc' class='style-scope yt-icon' style='stroke-width:1.25893' /> </g> <g class='style-scope yt-icon' id='g28701' transform='translate(17.627507,23.973416)'> <path d='M 27.9727,3.12324 C 27.6435,1.89323 26.6768,0.926623 25.4468,0.597366 23.2197,2.24288e-7 14.285,0 14.285,0 14.285,0 5.35042,2.24288e-7 3.12323,0.597366 1.89323,0.926623 0.926623,1.89323 0.597366,3.12324 2.24288e-7,5.35042 0,10 0,10 c 0,0 2.24288e-7,4.6496 0.597366,6.8768 0.329257,1.23 1.295864,2.1966 2.525864,2.5258 C 5.35042,20 14.285,20 14.285,20 c 0,0 8.9347,0 11.1618,-0.5974 1.23,-0.3292 2.1967,-1.2958 2.5259,-2.5258 C 28.5701,14.6496 28.5701,10 28.5701,10 c 0,0 -0.0024,-4.64958 -0.5974,-6.87676 z' fill='#ff0000' class='style-scope yt-icon' id='path28697' /> <path d='m 11.4253,14.2854 7.4224,-4.285 -7.4224,-4.28507 z' fill='#ffffff' class='style-scope yt-icon' id='path28699' /> </g> <g class='style-scope yt-icon' id='g28718' transform='translate(50.041032,23.973416)'> <g id='youtube-paths-0' class='style-scope yt-icon'> <path d='M 34.6024,13.0036 31.3945,1.41846 h 2.7987 l 1.1242,5.25164 c 0.2869,1.29351 0.4962,2.39652 0.6326,3.30903 h 0.0823 C 36.1264,9.32532 36.3381,8.22937 36.665,6.68892 l 1.1641,-5.27046 h 2.7987 L 37.3799,13.0036 v 5.5574 h -2.7798 v -5.5574 z' class='style-scope yt-icon' id='path28703' /> <path d='m 41.4697,18.1937 c -0.5644,-0.381 -0.9666,-0.9737 -1.2065,-1.778 -0.2375,-0.8043 -0.3574,-1.872 -0.3574,-3.2079 v -1.818 c 0,-1.3476 0.1364,-2.43175 0.4092,-3.24784 0.2728,-0.81608 0.6985,-1.41345 1.277,-1.78739 0.5786,-0.37394 1.3382,-0.56209 2.279,-0.56209 0.9266,0 1.6674,0.1905 2.2271,0.5715 0.5574,0.38099 0.9666,0.97836 1.2253,1.78739 0.2587,0.81138 0.3881,1.89083 0.3881,3.23843 v 1.818 c 0,1.3359 -0.127,2.4083 -0.3786,3.2173 -0.2517,0.8114 -0.6609,1.4041 -1.2254,1.778 -0.5644,0.374 -1.3311,0.5621 -2.2977,0.5621 -0.9972,0.0023 -1.7756,-0.1905 -2.3401,-0.5715 z m 3.1656,-1.9614 c 0.1552,-0.4092 0.2352,-1.0748 0.2352,-2.0014 v -3.9017 c 0,-0.89843 -0.0776,-1.55695 -0.2352,-1.97087 C 44.4777,7.94206 44.2026,7.7351 43.8074,7.7351 c -0.3809,0 -0.6514,0.20696 -0.8066,0.62323 -0.1576,0.41628 -0.2352,1.07244 -0.2352,1.97087 v 3.9017 c 0,0.9266 0.0752,1.5945 0.2258,2.0014 0.1505,0.4092 0.4209,0.6138 0.816,0.6138 0.3952,0 0.6703,-0.2046 0.8279,-0.6138 z' class='style-scope yt-icon' id='path28705' /> <path d='m 56.8154,18.5634 h -2.206 L 54.3648,17.03 h -0.0611 c -0.5998,1.1571 -1.4982,1.7356 -2.6976,1.7356 -0.8302,0 -1.444,-0.2728 -1.8391,-0.816 -0.3951,-0.5457 -0.5927,-1.397 -0.5927,-2.5541 V 6.03751 h 2.8199 v 9.19329 c 0,0.5598 0.0611,0.9572 0.1834,1.1948 0.1223,0.2375 0.3269,0.3574 0.6138,0.3574 0.2446,0 0.4798,-0.0752 0.7056,-0.2257 0.2258,-0.1506 0.3904,-0.3411 0.5009,-0.5715 V 6.03516 h 2.8175 z' class='style-scope yt-icon' id='path28707' /> <path d='M 64.4755,3.68758 H 61.6768 V 18.5629 H 58.9181 V 3.68758 H 56.1194 V 1.42041 h 8.3561 z' class='style-scope yt-icon' id='path28709' /> <path d='m 71.2768,18.5634 h -2.206 L 68.8262,17.03 h -0.0611 c -0.5997,1.1571 -1.4981,1.7356 -2.6976,1.7356 -0.8302,0 -1.444,-0.2728 -1.8391,-0.816 -0.3951,-0.5457 -0.5927,-1.397 -0.5927,-2.5541 V 6.03751 h 2.8199 v 9.19329 c 0,0.5598 0.0611,0.9572 0.1834,1.1948 0.1223,0.2375 0.3269,0.3574 0.6139,0.3574 0.2445,0 0.4797,-0.0752 0.7055,-0.2257 0.2258,-0.1506 0.3904,-0.3411 0.5009,-0.5715 V 6.03516 h 2.8175 z' class='style-scope yt-icon' id='path28711' /> <path d='M 80.609,8.0387 C 80.4373,7.24849 80.1621,6.67699 79.7812,6.32186 79.4002,5.96674 78.8757,5.79035 78.2078,5.79035 c -0.5174,0 -1.0019,0.14581 -1.4511,0.43979 -0.4492,0.29398 -0.7973,0.67733 -1.0419,1.15475 H 75.6937 V 0.785645 H 72.9773 V 18.5608 h 2.3283 l 0.2869,-1.1853 h 0.0612 c 0.2187,0.4233 0.5456,0.7549 0.9807,1.0019 0.4351,0.2446 0.9196,0.3669 1.4511,0.3669 0.9525,0 1.6557,-0.4398 2.1049,-1.3171 0.4492,-0.8796 0.6749,-2.2507 0.6749,-4.118 v -1.9826 c 0,-1.39938 -0.087,-2.49768 -0.2563,-3.2879 z m -2.5847,5.1105 c 0,0.9125 -0.0376,1.6275 -0.1129,2.1449 -0.0752,0.5174 -0.1999,0.8867 -0.3786,1.103 -0.1764,0.2187 -0.4163,0.3269 -0.715,0.3269 -0.2328,0 -0.4468,-0.0541 -0.6444,-0.1646 -0.1975,-0.1082 -0.3574,-0.2728 -0.4797,-0.4892 V 8.96062 c 0.094,-0.34102 0.2587,-0.61853 0.4915,-0.83725 0.2305,-0.21872 0.4845,-0.32691 0.7549,-0.32691 0.287,0 0.508,0.11289 0.6633,0.33632 0.1575,0.22577 0.2657,0.60207 0.3269,1.13358 0.0611,0.53151 0.0917,1.28644 0.0917,2.26714 v 1.6157 z' class='style-scope yt-icon' id='path28713' /> <path d='m 84.8657,13.8712 c 0,0.8043 0.0235,1.4064 0.0706,1.8086 0.047,0.4021 0.1458,0.6938 0.2963,0.8796 0.1505,0.1834 0.381,0.2751 0.6938,0.2751 0.421,0 0.7126,-0.1646 0.8678,-0.4915 0.1576,-0.3269 0.2423,-0.8725 0.2564,-1.6345 l 2.4318,0.1434 c 0.0141,0.1082 0.0211,0.2587 0.0211,0.4492 0,1.1571 -0.3175,2.0226 -0.9501,2.5941 -0.6326,0.5715 -1.5287,0.8584 -2.6858,0.8584 -1.3899,0 -2.3636,-0.4351 -2.921,-1.3076 -0.5597,-0.8725 -0.8372,-2.2201 -0.8372,-4.0452 v -2.1872 c 0,-1.87908 0.2893,-3.25255 0.8678,-4.11802 0.5786,-0.86548 1.5687,-1.29822 2.9727,-1.29822 0.9666,0 1.7098,0.17639 2.2272,0.53152 0.5174,0.35512 0.8819,0.90545 1.0936,1.65569 0.2117,0.75023 0.3175,1.78504 0.3175,3.10673 v 2.1449 H 84.8657 Z M 85.2232,7.96811 C 85.0797,8.14449 84.9857,8.43377 84.9363,8.83593 84.8892,9.2381 84.8657,9.84722 84.8657,10.6657 v 0.8984 h 2.0626 V 10.6657 C 86.9283,9.86133 86.9001,9.25221 86.846,8.83593 86.7919,8.41966 86.6931,8.12803 86.5496,7.95635 86.4062,7.78702 86.1851,7.7 85.8864,7.7 85.5854,7.70235 85.3643,7.79172 85.2232,7.96811 Z' class='style-scope yt-icon' id='path28715' /> </g> </g> </g> <path d='m -249.51058,-487.72936 -9.3e-4,17.25282 h 2.75865 l -0.0669,-17.3356 z' id='path1542' class='style-scope yt-icon' /> </g> </g> </svg>"