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Wikitube - YouTube on Wikipedia & 百度百科

Adds relevant YouTube videos to Wikipedia & 百度百科

< Feedback on Wikitube - YouTube on Wikipedia & 百度百科

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 18.04.2019.

Breaks on page titles containing colons :

For instance

VinC ChenAuthor
Posted: 15.05.2019.
Edited: 15.05.2019.

Hi Victor Barbieri,

Thanks for using it and your feedback. It is fixed now :wink:

Posted: 08.10.2020.


VinC ChenAuthor
Posted: 09.10.2020.

Hi Victor, The script itself doesn't have problem. But someone overused this script, which causes it to be banned from youtube temporarily. Please try this script again tomorrow.

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