
Sets up keyboard shortcuts for placing bookmarks and navigation inside webpage.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v16.03.04 04.03.2016. 16.03.04 bookmarklets works in chrome
  • v16.02.27 27.02.2016. 16.02.27 minor fixes
  • v16.02.26 26.02.2016. 16.02.26 [+] hotkey configuration dialogue invoked from GM menu; [+] Bookmarlets interface:
  • v16.02.22 22.02.2016.
  • v15.04.15 15.04.2015. 15.04.15 localStorage + unsafeWindow + ff37 + GM3.1 problems
  • v15.04.07 07.04.2015.
  • v2.014.0630 30.06.2014. * patch
  • v1.2.3.4 04.04.2014. script description
  • v1.2.3 02.04.2014. gm header
  • v1.2.1 31.03.2014. kb shortcut
  • v1.2 31.03.2014.