IMDb Tomatoes

Add Rotten Tomatoes ratings to IMDb movie and TV show pages

< Feedback on IMDb Tomatoes


Posted: 19.02.2023.

On Firefox running the newest version of Violentmonkey, enabling this script causes other scripts to fail to load. Previously, this script didn't cause any issues and was working fine.

Issue Demo:

Something recent, either an update to Firefox, Violentmonkey or the script itself appears to have broken the ability for this script to operate alongside other scripts.

I'm not facing this issue on Edge browser for some reason.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Install Firefox Stable or Developer Edition:
2. Install Violentmonkey extension from Addons Store:
3. Install Link 'Em All:
4. Go to IMDb page for any movie and configure Link Em All script
5. Install IMDb Tomatoes script
6. Restart Firefox
7. Refresh IMDb page

Posted: 19.02.2023.

Answered on GitHub. Please don't post bug reports here.

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