Rest Score Input for lidarts

adding restscore functionalty to lidarts

יש גרסאות של סקריפט זה עם קוד מעודכן. הצג את כל הגרסאות

  • v0.6.1 05-03-2024
  • v0.6 10-02-2024

    Added key mapping for "undo last score" on keys "c" and "-"

  • v0.5 18-09-2023

    Fix to prevent focus of score input when pressing [ r ] or [ / ] while chat input is focused.

  • v0.4 03-09-2023

    Removed player selection on initial launch, own score is now detected directly by the script.


  • v0.3 27-07-2023
  • v0.3 27-07-2023
    • Fixed rest score for local guest game
    • added score autoselect when playing local game or against computer.
    • Playing against online opponents still requires selecting your side.
    • Fixed rest input appearing on cricket games.
  • v0.2 27-07-2023

    added hotkey on 'r' and '/' to trigger rest score input

  • v0.1 26-07-2023