Unofficial Notepad

Adds a small context window for note taking on the website for usages with various characters.

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Certainly! Here's a user guide explaining how the " Unofficial Notepad" userscript works:

1. Installation:
- Install a userscript manager extension in your web browser. For example, you can use Tampermonkey (available for popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.).
- Once the userscript manager is installed, create a new script and paste the provided code into the script editor.

2. Functionality:
- The userscript adds a small context window for note-taking on the website for each character.
- It creates a fixed-positioned window with text areas for taking notes, along with navigation buttons to switch between different note windows.

3. Usage:
- After installing the userscript, visit the website and access a specific character page.
- On the character page, you will see the notepad window positioned on the top right corner of the screen.
- By default, the notepad contains five text windows, but you can adjust this number by modifying the `numWindows` variable in the script.
- Each text window consists of a title input field and a textarea for entering notes.
- To add or modify the title of a window, simply click on the corresponding input field and enter the desired title. The title will be automatically saved.
- To add or modify the text content of a window, click on the textarea, and enter your notes. The content will be saved automatically.
- The script uses the browser's local storage to store the title and text content for each window, so your notes will persist across page reloads or revisits.
- You can navigate between the different text windows using the "Prev" and "Next" buttons provided in the notepad window.
- Clicking the "Prev" button will hide the current window and display the previous window, while clicking the "Next" button will hide the current window and display the next window.

4. Customization:
- If you want to modify the appearance or behavior of the notepad window, you can modify the corresponding CSS styles and JavaScript code in the userscript.
- For example, you can change the position, size, colors, or any other visual aspect of the notepad window by modifying the CSS properties of the `newDiv`, `titleInput`, and `newTextarea` elements.
- Similarly, you can change the number of windows, their default titles, or any other functionality by modifying the JavaScript code in the `for` loop where the windows are created.

Remember, this userscript is unofficial and provided as-is. Use it at your own risk, and make sure to comply with the terms of service and policies of the website.

NOTE: you must refresh on the character screen if you go between characters to get it to come up correctly for the new one.