[RED] Cover Inspector

Easify & speed-up finding, lookup and updating of invalid, missing or non optimal album covers on site

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אולי תאהב גם את Image Host Helper.

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Out of the box Cover Inspector self just identifies and labels covers suitable for updating/replacing because of having

  • too low resolution
  • too big size
  • hosted at unpreferred host

By fulfilling additional requirements it's facilities extend as follow:

  • Alt + click handler for active links inside torrent description areas to directly set album cover from the referred source; requires installed Image Host Helper script as backend and setting ajax.php API key as redacted_api_key storage entry, for best results it's advisable to also set up PTPimg API key in IHH storage.

  • If cover is hosted at unpreferred host, clicking the host on cover overlay directly rehosts it to site's preferred host which is PTPimg for RED (same requirements).

  • If cover size exceeds limit, clicking the size on cover overlay directly replaces it by reduced variant (same requirements). The size threshold can be adjusted by acceptable_cover_size storage entry (defaults to 4MB).

  • If cover resolution is low, clicking the resolution on cover overlay attempts to lookup and set higher resolution image, auto-adding the release group to "Poor Quality cover art" collage on fail or if the new image is poor quality too. The quality threshold can be adjusted by acceptable_cover_resolution storage entry (defaults to 500px).

  • Drag & drop local file or web link to cover preview box replaces current cover with cover from source (same requirements)

  • On demand batch scan in all torrent listings and on artist profile pages + optional batch process (as for rehost/downsize/lookup better quality), same requirements. CI now implements several basic rules to more precisely manage if and how images should be rehosted in dependence on the host's domain (see tooltip for host on sticker for details about how to manage domains). Hosts marked as bad will be ignored and new cover will be searched instead.

  • On demand batch auto lookup and update missing or dead covers from links found in description and info from editions, the lookup methods include search by UPC, label/cat.no. and artist/album/year at Apple, MusicBrainz, Spotify*, Discogs** and Bandcamp (same requirements)

  • Attended cover lookup at Cover Search Engine (MusicHoarders) from single album page: use Search cover link under or over the cover preview box.

* For including Spotify database into lookups, user authorization must be set in script storage (spotify_client_id/spotify_client_secret pair)

** For including Discogs database into lookups (advisable), user authorization must be set (discogs_api_token or discogs_api_consumerkey/discogs_api_consumersecret pair)

Update: all auto cover lookups are now disabled by default for potentially causing problems, can be enabled by setting no_auto_lookups script value explicitly as false.

Integration with Torrents with broken cover art links, Missing covers initiative and Torrents with poor quality cover art images collages

The torrents table extends by [Try to add covers] button in header. The feature loads full release details and tries to look up cover by any of link to known destination in wiki body, barcode or label/catalog# for any of editions, or artist/album/year of the release group. On success the group is removed from collage. Groups without additional covers already having valid image are just removed from collage.
Requirements (same as above): installed Image Host Helper script, set up RED API key covering permissions for managing torrents and collages, for best results set up PTPimg API key in IHH config for rehosting everything (optional; images updating should work without PTPimg using the original hotlinks, in some cases something may fail to complete).

Newly, for images found quality (sufficient resolution) is evaluated. Only images with good resolution are auto-removed from related collage. The quality threshold can be adjusted by acceptable_cover_resolution storage entry (defaults to 500px). Dropping any image dimension below the value classifies it as poor quality. Setting the threshold to 0 deactivates the quality check.


[Experimantal] Integration with related better.php pages

Works here same way as on collage pages (usual requirements for r/w features: IHH + API key)