Tumblr Images to HD Redirector

Automatically promotes Tumblr image links to raw HD versions

התקן את הסקריפט?
סקריפטים מומלצים של יוצר זה

אולי תאהב גם את Tumblr HD Video Download Buttons.

התקן את הסקריפט
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Tumblr Images to HD Redirector
// @namespace    TumblrImgReszr
// @description  Automatically promotes Tumblr image links to raw HD versions
// @version      2.5
// @author       Kai Krause <kaikrause95@gmail.com>
// @include      /^https?://.+\.media\.tumblr\.com.+?(jpe?g|png|bmp|gif)/
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect      tumblr.com
// @connect      s3.amazonaws.com
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

var imageSizes = ['raw', '1280', '540', '500', '400', '250', '100'];

function checkSize(i) {
	i = i || 0;
	var loc = location.origin + location.pathname;
	var imageSize = loc.match(/\d+(?=.\w+$)/)[0];
	var imageType = "." + loc.match(/[^.]*$/)[0];
	var imageSizeType = imageSize + imageType;

	// Do not redirect if already HD
	if (i > imageSizes.length || parseInt(imageSize) >= parseInt(imageSizes[i]) || loc.includes('_raw')) {
		document.body.style.cursor = "";

	document.body.style.cursor = "progress"; // Show loading cursor

	// Create the HD image url
	var imageNextSizeType = imageSizes[i] + imageType;
	if (imageSizes[i] == 'raw') {
		loc = loc.replace(/[^/]*media.tumblr.com/, 's3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com');
		loc = loc.replace(imageSizeType, imageNextSizeType);
	} else {
		loc = loc.replace(imageSizeType, imageNextSizeType);

	// If the URL is HTTP, change it to HTTPS
	if (!loc.startsWith('https://')) {
		loc = loc.replace(/^http/, 'https');

	// Check that the HD image exists, then redirect to it
		url: loc,
		method: 'HEAD',
		onload: function(response) {
			if (response.status == '200') {
			} else {
		onerror: function (error) {