* Created by Pegaasus on 2015-03-21.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Panoramio - Easy and Enhanced Photo Viewer - linked with Google and Wikimapia maps.
// @description A faster and easier way to explore 80 million images, handy EXIF image data/information, the place where it was taken and latitude/longitude. - Travel around the world, without leaving you secure home.
// @namespace GCMP-EEPW-20150306-SDF-MOFM
// @version 0.50
// @include https://maps.google.*/maps*
// @match https://maps.google.se/maps*
// @match http://static.panoramio.com/photos/*.jpg
// @match http://www.panoramio.com/map*
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/17293-alert/code/$alert.js?version=109035
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @created 2015-03-06
// @released 2015-00-00
// @updated 2015-00-00
// @history @version 0.25 - Alpha version: @released - 2015-03-12
// @history @version 0.45 - Beta version: @released - 2015-03-17
// @history @version 0.5 - RC version: @released - 2016-02-21
// @compatible Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey
// @license GNU GPL v3 (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)
// @copyright 2015+, Magnus Fohlström
// ==/UserScript==
/*jshint -W014, -W030, -W082*/
// -W014, laxbreak, Bad line breaking before '+'
// -W030, Expected assignment or function call instead saw an expression
GM_getValue('startState') === undefined && GM_setValue('startState','Large');
$.fn.waitUntilExists = function (handler, shouldRunHandlerOnce, isChild){
var found = 'found',
$this = $(this.selector),
$elements = $this.not(function () { return $(this).data(found); }).each(handler).data(found, true);
if( !isChild ) {
(window.waitUntilExists_Intervals = window.waitUntilExists_Intervals || {})[this.selector] =
window.setInterval(function () {
handler, shouldRunHandlerOnce, true);
}, 500);
else if (shouldRunHandlerOnce && $elements.length){
return $this;
String.prototype.formatString = function(){
return this.toString()
.split(/\s+/g).join(' ')
.split('; ').join(';')
var glob = {
img: '000.000',
startState: function(){ n = GM_getValue('startState'); return n },
locDoc: window.location.href
f = {
logState: 9,
l: function( name, fn, showthis ){
( this.logState !== 0 && this.logState == (showthis || this.logState) || this.logState == 'all' ) &&
console.log( name, fn !== undefined ? fn : '' );
i: function( name, fn, showthis ){
( this.logState !== 0 && this.logState == (showthis || this.logState) || this.logState == 'all' ) &&
console.info( name, fn !== undefined ? fn : '' );
ms: 0,
timer: function (ms){
this.ms = ms;
setTimeout(function(){ f.ms = 0; }, ms);
getRotate: function(){ var n; n = parseInt( $( '.largePanorama').attr('data-rotate') ); return n; },
calcFlipRotate: function(){
var flip = $( '#flip'), theImg = $('.theImg'), HFlipped, VFlipped, tw, th;
HFlipped = flip.find('.flipHorizontal').hasClass('flipped') ? '-1' : '1';
VFlipped = flip.find('.flipVertical').hasClass('flipped') ? '-1' : '1';
var Newr, corr, r = f.getRotate();
f.l('r', r, 8);
Newr = r == 90 || r == 270;
f.l('r',Newr, 8);
tw = r == 90 || r == 270 ? theImg.height() : theImg.width();
th = r == 90 || r == 270 ? theImg.width() : theImg.height();
// corr = r == 90 || r == 270 ? 'translate(12.4%,16.75%' : '';
f.l('WWWW',tw, 8);
f.l('HHHH',th, 8);
// $( '#middle').css('cssText','width:'+( tw )+'px; height:'+( th )+'px;');
theImg.css('cssText','transform: scale('+HFlipped+','+VFlipped+') rotateZ('+( r )+'deg);');
// $( '#middle').css('cssText','width:'+( tw )+'px; height:'+( th )+'px;')
closeLargePanorama: function(){
$( '.largePanorama').hide( 256 ).delay( 256 ).queue(function(){
$( this ).remove();
css = {
firstPointerCss: function(){
return 'img[src*="/photos/small/"] {'
+ 'cursor: pointer !important;'
+ '}'
+ '#Thumbholder > * {'
+ 'width: 311px !important;'
+ '}'
+ '#firstThumbholder > .gm-style-iw {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'width: 100% !important;'
+ 'left: 3px !important;'
+ '}'
+ '.gm-style-iw > div {'
+ 'overflow: hidden;'
+ 'width: 110%;'
+ 'max-width: 100% !important;'
+ '}'
+ '#firstThumbholder {'
+ 'width: 307px !important;'
+ 'position: relative !important;'
+ '}'
+ '.map-info-window {'
+ 'width: 306px;'
+ '}'
+ '.map-info-window-title {'
+ 'width: 290px;'
+ '}'
+ '.map-info-window-img-outer {'
+ 'width: 306px;'
+ '}'
+ '.gm-style .map-info-window-img-inner img {'
+ 'width: 282px;'
+ '}'
+ '.map-info-window-img-footer {'
+ 'width: 281px;'
+ '}'
+ '.map-info-window-img-footer-name {'
+ 'max-width: calc( 100% - 68px );'
+ '}'
+ '.map-info-window-img-footer-name a {'
+ 'height: 16px;'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'overflow: hidden;'
+ '}';
fontsCss : function(){
return '@import url(https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.css);';
navBarInner : function(){
return '.linkTo {'
+ 'float: left;'
+ 'line-height: 52px;'
+ 'height: 52px;'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'width: 152px;'
+ 'overflow: hidden;'
+ 'color: wheat;'
+ '}'
+ '.linkTo a {'
+ 'color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);'
+ 'font-size: 18px;'
+ '}';
details : function(){
return '.largePanorama #imageDetails {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'display: none;'
+ 'top: 50%;'
+ 'left: 50%;'
+ 'transform: translate(-50%,-50%);'
+ 'z-index: 30000;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .interim-info-card {'
+ 'padding: 15px;'
+ 'margin: 0 0 13px;'
+ 'background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85);'
+ 'border-radius: 15px;'
+ 'border-color: rgba(123, 123, 123, 0.85);'
+ 'border-width: 3px;'
+ 'border-style: outset;'
+ 'box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .justImg {'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'margin-left: 0px;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .justImg span {'
+ 'margin-right: 25px;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .interim-info-card>h2 {'
+ 'margin: 0 0 5px;'
+ 'font-size: 16px;'
+ 'font-weight: normal;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'line-height: 40px;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .interim-info-card a {'
+ 'color: rgb(0, 0, 222) !important;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama #details {'
+ 'margin: 0;'
+ 'padding: 0;'
+ 'list-style: none;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama #details li {'
+ 'margin-bottom: 6px;'
+ 'padding-top: 0;'
+ 'font-size: 13px;'
+ 'color: #999;'
+ 'clear: both;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama #map_info_breadcrumbs {'
+ 'margin-top: 15px;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama #place {'
+ 'color: #999;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama h2, .largePanorama #place, .largePanorama #details * {'
+ 'color: rgb(66, 66, 66) !important;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .geo {'
+ 'margin-top: 5px;'
+ '}';
mainCss : function(){
return '.largePanorama {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'top: 50%;'
+ 'left: 50%;'
+ 'transform: translate(-50%,-50%);'
+ 'z-index: 10000;'
+ 'border-radius: 15px;'
+ 'padding: 0px 6px 20px;'
+ 'border-width: 3px;'
+ 'border-style: outset;'
+ 'border-color: rgba(127, 127, 127, 0.31);'
+ 'background-color: rgba(236, 236, 236, 0.85);'
+ 'box-shadow: 5px 5px 20px 10px rgba(0, 33, 32, 0.31);'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama > img.theImg {'
+ 'border-width: 3px;'
+ 'border-style: inset;'
+ 'border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);'
+ 'background-color: rgba(144, 144, 144, 0.65);'
+ 'box-shadow: 4px 2px 20px 1px rgba(170, 170, 170, 0.85);'
+ 'transform: rotate(0deg);'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama a {'
+ 'color: #15c;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .zoom, .largePanorama .close, .largePanorama .Size, '
+ '.largePanorama #top, .largePanorama #bottom, '
+ '.largePanorama .pano, .largePanorama .more, .largePanorama #rotate span {'
+ 'cursor: pointer;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .TheTitle {'
+ 'line-height: 35px;'
+ 'float: left;'
+ 'height: 35px;'
+ 'z-index: 15000;'
+ 'width: calc(100% - 150px) !important'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .TheTitle b {'
+ 'float: left;'
+ 'cursor: initial;'
+ 'max-width: calc(100% - 0px) !important;'
+ '}'
+ '.mainSub {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama #top {'
+ 'height: 35px;'
+ 'line-height: 35px;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .mainClick {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'z-index: 11000;'
+ 'cursor: pointer;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama #middle {'
+ 'height: calc(100% + 9px) !important;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama #middle #over {'
// + 'background-color: rgba(76, 131, 180, 0.28);'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'height: 50%;'
+ 'top: 0;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama #middle #under {'
// + 'background-color: rgba(65, 65, 7, 0.34);'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'height: 50%;'
+ 'bottom: 1px;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama #middle .mainSub {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama #middle img {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'z-index: 10500;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama #bottom {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'width: calc(100% - 12px);'
+ 'height: 20px;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .map-info-window-img-footer{'
+ 'width: calc(100% - 18px);'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .pano {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: 3px;'
+ 'width: calc(100% - 2px);'
+ 'margin-left: 1px;'
+ '}';
moreCss : function(){
return '.largePanorama .more {'
+ 'float: right;'
+ 'z-index: 20000;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .more ul {'
+ 'display: none;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'padding: 4px 4px 4px 3px;'
+ 'margin-top: -14px;'
+ 'margin-left: -24px;'
+ 'border-style: outset;'
+ 'border-width: 2px;'
+ 'border-radius: 8px;'
+ 'border-color: rgb(209, 209, 209);'
+ 'background-color: rgba(215, 215, 215, 0.85);'
+ 'box-shadow: 1px 2px 8px 3px rgba(0, 60, 62, 0.27);'
+ 'z-index: 20000;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .more ul li {'
+ 'border-radius: 4px;'
+ 'line-height: 35px;'
+ 'padding: 0 10px;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .more ul li:hover {'
+ 'background-color: rgb(104, 122, 138);'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .more ul li a {'
+ 'color: rgb(0, 36, 47);'
+ 'text-decoration: none;'
+ 'white-space: nowrap;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .more ul li:hover a {'
+ 'color: aliceblue;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .moreArrow.skiptranslate {'
+ 'font-size: 20px;'
+ 'height: 35px;'
+ 'right: 0;'
+ 'padding: 0 5px;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'float: right;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .moreArrow.skiptranslate:hover {'
+ 'color: blue !important;'
+ '}';
toolBoxCss : function(){
return '#toolBox {'
+ 'float: right;'
+ 'margin-right: 12px;'
+ 'width: 118px;'
+ 'padding: 0 10px;'
+ 'z-index: 50000;'
+ 'display: none;'
+ '}'
+ '#toolBox>div>span {'
+ 'padding: 0 6px;'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ '}'
+ '#rotate {'
+ 'float: right;'
+ '}'
+ '#flip {'
+ 'float: left;'
+ '}'
+ '#toolBox span:hover, .more:hover, .moreArrow:hover {'
+ 'box-shadow: 0px -1px 18px 6px rgba(229, 229, 229, 1);'
+ 'background-color: rgba(227, 228, 228, 1);'
+ 'height: 35px;'
+ 'color: rgb(40, 38, 211);'
+ '}';
sizeCss : function(){
return '.largePanorama .Size {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'z-index: 1000;'
+ 'bottom: 0px;'
+ 'left: 50%;'
+ 'transform: translate(-50%);'
+ 'white-space: nowrap;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .Size span {'
+ 'padding: 0 8px;'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'height: 18px;'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .Size span:hover {'
+ 'box-shadow: 0px -5px 20px 9px rgba(229, 229, 229, 1);'
+ 'background-color: rgba(229, 229, 229, 1);'
+ '}'
+ '.largePanorama .Size a {'
+ 'color: black;'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'text-decoration: none;'
+ '}';
naturalWidth : function( naturalWidth ){
return '.largePanorama #top, .largePanorama #middle { width: '+ naturalWidth +'px !important; }';
style : function( id, var1, var2 ){
var $id = $( 'head #' + id ), cssID = css[ id ]( var1, var2 ).formatString();
$id.length ? $id.html( cssID ) : $( $( '<style/>',{ id: id, class:'mySuperStyles', html: cssID } ) ).appendTo('head');
// domSel = { main: $('.largePanorama')},
// htmlSel = { main: '.largePanorama' },
html = {
title: null,
bottomLink: null,
imgNr: function(globImg){
globImg = globImg || '000.000';
var n; n = globImg.split('.').shift(); return n; },
wrong: function(globImg){
globImg = globImg || '0' ;
var n; n = 'http://www.panoramio.com/map_photo/?id=' + globImg; return n; },
reload: function(){
var n;
n = glob.locDoc.search('maps.google') > 0 ?
$(document).find('#link').attr('href') : glob.locDoc.search('www.panoramio.com/map') > 0 && window.location.href;
return n;
panoPhoto: function(globImg){
globImg = globImg || html.imgNr(glob.img);
var n; n = 'http://www.panoramio.com/photo/' + globImg; return n;
panoramioHtmlLink : function( link ){
return $('<a/>', { id: 'panoramioHtmlLink', href: link, text: 'Orginal page' } );
UrlConverter: function( domain, inputUrl ){
var url = inputUrl !== undefined ? inputUrl : location.href;
url = domain === 'Google' ?
'http://maps.google.com/maps/@' + url.split('lt=').pop().split('&ln=').join(',').split('&z').shift() + ',300m/data=!3m1!1e3' :
'http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=' + url.split('lt=').pop().split('&ln=').join('&lon=').split('&z').shift() + '&z=16&m=b';
return url;
aLink: function( domain, inputUrl ){
return $('<a/>', { id: 'convert' + domain, class:'link', href: this.UrlConverter( domain, inputUrl ), text: domain + ' Maps', target:'_blank' });
linkTo: function( domain ){
return $( $('<div/>',{ class:'linkTo', 'data-domain': domain }).html( this.aLink( domain ) ) ).insertAfter( '#explore-wrapper' );
headLinks: function(){
DetailsResults: null,
Details: function(){
//noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
method: "GET",
url: html.panoPhoto(),
crossDomain: true,
onprogress: function(res) {
var msg = "\n\r\t "
+ "On progress Report."
// + "\nresponseText: " + res.responseText
+ "\nreadyState: " + res.readyState
+ "\nresponseHeaders: " + res.responseHeaders
+ "\nstatus: " + res.status
+ "\nstatusText: " + res.statusText
+ "\nfinalUrl: " + res.finalUrl;
// + "\n\nContent-length: " + res.responseHeaders.match('Content-Length: \\d+').toString().split(': ').pop()
res.readyState == 4 && console.log(msg);
onload: function(res) {
var domain = 'http://www.panoramio.com/map/', href, newVal,
$res = $( res.responseText), bred = $( '<div/>', { id:"map_info_breadcrumbs" }), tmp = $( '<span/>'),
geoLink = 'https://ssl.panoramio.com' + $res.find('#location .geo').find('a').attr('href');
$( '<span> • </span>' ),
$res.find('#map_info_name a').addClass('local'),
$('<br/>' ),$('<br/>' ),
$res.find('#location .geo').find('a').addClass('point').parent(),
$('<br/>' ),
html.aLink('Wikimapia', geoLink ),
$('<br/>' ),
html.aLink('Google', geoLink ) )
.find('a').each(function( id, el ){
var $el = $( el ), orgHref = $el.attr('href');
newVal = id === 1 ? '9' : id === 2 ? '4' : $el.hasClass('local') ? '0' : $el.hasClass('point') ? '-1' : '';
href = orgHref.split('/map/').pop().split('&z=');
$el.hasClass('link') ||
$el.addClass( 'nr' + id ).attr('href',
orgHref.search('&z=') !== -1 ? href.length > 1 ? href.shift() + '&z=' + newVal + '&k=2' : domain : orgHref );
$res.find('#details').parent() ).find('.interim-info-card')
.append( bred )
.prepend( html.bottomLink.clone().addClass('justImg')
.append( html.panoramioHtmlLink( html.panoPhoto() ) )).end()
$( '<div/>', { id:"imageDetails", html: tmp.html() }).appendTo( '.largePanorama' );
insertMore: [
'<div class="more"><span class="moreArrow skiptranslate">?</span>',
'<li><a class="reLoad" target="_self" href="">Reload Map this Location</a></li>',
'<li><a class="linkOrginal" target="_blank" href="">Orginal in new TAB</a></li>',
'<li><a class="wrongLink" target=" _blank" href="">Suggest new Location</a></li>',
'<li><a class="imageFlipRotate">Image Flip-Rotate</a></li>',
'<li><a class="imageDetails">Image Details</a></li>',
'<li><a class="configStartState">Default Size</a></li>',
main: [
'<div class="largePanorama" data-rotate="0" data-state="" style="">',
'<div id="top" class="mainSub"></div>',
'<div id="middle" class="mainSub">',
'<div id="over" class="mainClick zoomPano"></div>',
'<div id="under" class="mainClick closePano"></div>',
'<div id="bottom" class="mainSub"></div>',
size: [
'<div class="Size">',
'<span class="LargeBottomLink"><a target=" _blank" href="">Normal: </a></span>',
'<span class="HugeBottomLink"><a target=" _blank" href="">Large: </a></span>',
'<span class="OrginalBottomLink"><a target=" _blank" href="">Orginal: </a></span>',
insertToolBox: [
'<div id="toolBox">',
'<div id="rotate">',
'<span class="rotates rotateLeft skiptranslate">RL</span>',
'<span class="rotates rotateRight skiptranslate">RR</span>',
'<div id="flip">',
'<span class="flip flipVertical skiptranslate"><span id="up" class="fp">VF</span></span>',
'<span class="flip flipHorizontal skiptranslate"><span id="left" class="fp">HF</span></span>',
// listenerOff = {zoomClose: function(){}},
listenerOn = {
ZoomState: null,
zoomClose: function(){
var state,waitOnLoad,
img = $( '.theImg'),
main = $('.largePanorama'),
newImg = new Image();
$( '.zoomPano' ).on('mousedown', function(e){
e.which == 1 && this == e.target && (
waitOnLoad = setInterval(function(){
state = main.attr('data-state') == 'Huge' ? 'Large':'Huge';
$( '.' + state + 'BottomLink.loaded' ).length && (
clearInterval( waitOnLoad ),
newImg.src = loadImg[ state ](),
img.attr('src', loadImg[ state ]() ),
main.attr('data-state', state ),
newImg.onload = function(){
css.style('naturalWidth', newImg.naturalWidth );
} );
}, 5 ) ); });
$( '.closePano' ).on('mouseup', function(e){
e.which == 1 && this == e.target && f.closeLargePanorama(); });
moreMenu: function(){
$( '.moreArrow, .moreArrow font, .more' ).on('mousedown', function(e) {
e.which == 1 && this == e.target && (
$( '.more ul' ).show(), f.timer( 512 ),
$( '.reLoad' ).attr('href', $(document).find('#link').attr('href') ) ); });
$( '.more ul' ).on('mouseleave', function(e) {
f.ms === 0 && this == e.target && $( this ).hide(); });
$( '.more li a' ).on('click', function(e) {
f.ms === 0 && e.which == 1 && this == e.target && $( '.more ul' ).hide(); });
$( '.configStartState' ).on('click', function(e) {
e.which == 1 && this == e.target && (
GM_setValue('startState', $('.largePanorama').attr('data-state') ) )
$( '.imageFlipRotate' ).on('mouseup', function(e) {
var LPano = $( '.largePanorama'), toolbox = $('#toolBox');
e.which == 1 && this == e.target && (
toolbox.is(':visible') ? toolbox.hide() : toolbox.show(),
$( '.rotates' ).on('click', function(e) {
var rotate = f.getRotate();
e.which == 1 && this == e.target && (
rotate = $( this ).hasClass('rotateRight') ? ( rotate == 270 ? 0 : rotate + 90 ):( rotate === 0 ? 270 : rotate - 90 ),
LPano.attr('data-rotate', rotate ).delay(2).queue(function(n){
f.calcFlipRotate(); n(); }) );
$('.fp').on('click', function(e) {
e.which == 1 && this == e.target && (
f.calcFlipRotate(); n(); }) );
navBarInner: function(){
$( document ).on('mouseenter', '.linkTo', function(){
var domain = $( this ).data('domain');
$( '#convert' + domain ).attr( 'href', html.UrlConverter( domain ) ); });
closeLargePanorama: function(){
$( document ).on('mousedown', '#map > .gm-style > div > div', function(){
detailsPhoto: function(){
$( '.imageDetails, #top, #bottom, .pano, .TheTitle' ).on('mouseup', function(e) {
var elemLoc = $( '#imageDetails' );
f.ms === 0 && e.which == 1 && this == e.target && ( f.timer(64), elemLoc[ elemLoc.is(':hidden') ? 'show' : 'hide' ](128) ); });
$( document ).on('mouseleave', '#imageDetails', function() {
$( this ).hide(256); });
//flipRotate: function(){ }
render = {
mainHtml: function(){
var htmlImgNr = html.imgNr( glob.img ),
main = $( html.main ),
newImg = new Image();
newImg.src = loadImg[ glob.startState() == 'Large' ? 'Large' : 'Huge' ]();
newImg.onload = function(){
css.style('naturalWidth', newImg.naturalWidth );
main.addClass( htmlImgNr )
.find( '#middle' ).append( loadImg.startImg ).end()
.find( '#top' ).append( html.title ).end()
.find( '#bottom' ).append(
html.bottomLink.find('.map-info-window-img-footer-logo a').attr('href', html.panoPhoto() ) ).end()
.find( '#top' ).append( html.insertMore ).end()
.find( '#middle img' ).addClass('theImg');
$('body').append( main ).delay(1).queue(function(){
.find( '.reLoad').attr('href', html.reload() ).end()
.find( '.linkOrginal').attr('href', loadImg.Orginal() ).end()
.find( '.wrongLink').attr('href', html.wrong( htmlImgNr ) ).end()
.find( '#bottom img').closest('div').addClass('pano');
$('.largePanorama').attr('data-state', GM_getValue('startState') );
$( html.insertToolBox ).appendTo('#top');
sizePre: function(){
var Size = $( html.size );
Size.find('span').append('<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-1x fa-fw" style="width: 20px"></i>');
$('#bottom').append( Size );
size: function() {
var chk = {
Loaded : setInterval(function(){
var Huge = $('.HugeBottomLink'), Orginal = $('.OrginalBottomLink'), Large = $('.LargeBottomLink');
$('.Size .loaded').length === 3 && (
clearInterval( chk.Loaded ),
Huge.data('size') === Orginal.data('size') && Orginal.hide(),
Large.data('size') === Huge.data('size') && Huge.hide(),
$('.Size span').each(function(id, el) {
$(el).text().search('0x0') > 0 && $(el).hide(); }) );
}, 10),
tSize : function( size ){
var sizes = loadImg[ size + 'Size' ],
link = $('.' + size + 'BottomLink');
link.length !== 0 && sizes.length > 2 && (
clearInterval( chk[ size ] ),
link.find('i').hide( 512 ).end()
.not('.loaded').addClass('loaded').attr('data-size', sizes )
.attr('href', loadImg[ size ]() )
.attr('title', loadImg[ size+'fileSize' ] )
.append( sizes ) );
Large : setInterval(function(){
}, 1),
Huge : setInterval(function(){
}, 1),
Orginal : setInterval(function(){
}, 1)
loadImg = {
domainPhotoPath : 'http://static.panoramio.com/photos',
* @return {string}
Large: function(){
var n; n = loadImg.domainPhotoPath + '/large/' + glob.img; return n },
* @return {string}
Huge: function(){
var n; n = loadImg.domainPhotoPath + '/1920x1280/' + glob.img; return n },
* @return {string}
Orginal: function(){
var n; n = loadImg.domainPhotoPath + '/original/' + glob.img; return n },
LargeLoaded: null,
HugeLoaded: null,
OrginalLoaded: null,
LargeSize: '0',
LargeWidth: '0',
HugeSize: '0',
HugeWidth: '0',
OrginalSize: '0',
OrginalWidth: '0',
startImg: null,
setLoadedSize: function( newImg, state ){ f.l('state',state,9);
var sizeText = newImg.naturalWidth + 'x' + newImg.naturalHeight; f.l(state,sizeText,3);
this[state+'Loaded'] = true, f.l(state+'Loaded',this[state+'Loaded'],9),
this[state+'Size'] = sizeText, f.l(state+'Size',this[state+'Size'],9);
this[state+'Width'] = newImg.naturalWidth;
loadImg[state+'fileSize'] = this[state].size / 1024;
bootstrapCss: function(){
$('#bootstrapCss').length || $('<link/>',{ id:'bootstrapCss', rel:"stylesheet", href:"//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" }).appendTo('head');
img_onWaitLoad: function(){
$.alert('Wait on image to load',{
autoClose: true,
// Auto close delay time in ms (>1000)
closeTime: 8000,
// Display a countdown timer
withTime: true,
// danger, success, warning or info
type: 'info',
// position+offeset
// top-left,top-right,bottom-left,bottom-right,center
position: ['top-left', [ 128, ( $('div#map').width() / 2 ) - ( 284 / 2 ) ]],
// <a href="http://www.jqueryscript.net/animation/">
// Animation speed
speed: 'normal',
// onShow callback
onClose: function () {
title:'Loading info'
img_onError: function( state ){
$.alert('The size of ' + state + " can't be loaded",{
autoClose: true,
// Auto close delay time in ms (>1000)
closeTime: 8000,
// Display a countdown timer
withTime: true,
// danger, success, warning or info
type: 'info',
// position+offeset
// top-left,top-right,bottom-left,bottom-right,center
position: ['top-left', [ 128, ( $('div#map').width() / 2 ) - ( 284 / 2 ) ]],
// <a href="http://www.jqueryscript.net/animation/">
// Animation speed
speed: 'normal',
// onShow callback
onClose: function () {
run_img1: function(){
var startState = glob.startState() == 'Large' ,newImg = new Image(),
startString = startState ? 'Large' : 'Huge';
newImg.src = this[ startString ](); f.l('src1', startState ? this.Large(): this.Huge(),9);
newImg.onerror = function(){
loadImg.img_onError( startString );
$('.' + startString + 'BottomLink').hide();
newImg.onload = function(){ f.l('run_img1',newImg,9);
loadImg.setLoadedSize( newImg, startString );
loadImg.startImg = newImg;
run_img2: function(){
var startState = glob.startState() == 'Large', newImg = new Image(),
startString = startState ? 'Huge' : 'Large',
chk = setInterval(function(){
loadImg.startImg !== null && (
clearInterval(chk), render.mainHtml() ); },1);
newImg.src = this[ startString ]();
newImg.onerror = function(){
loadImg.img_onError( startString );
$('.' + startString + 'BottomLink').hide();
newImg.onload = function(){ f.l('run_img2',newImg,9);
loadImg.setLoadedSize( newImg, startString ); };
run_img3: function(){
var newImg = new Image();
newImg.src = this.Orginal();
newImg.onerror = function(){
loadImg.img_onError( 'Orginal' );
newImg.onload = function(){ f.l('run_img3',newImg,9);
loadImg.setLoadedSize( newImg, 'Orginal' ); };
reset = {
Objects: function(){
loadImg.startImg = null;
loadImg.LargeLoaded = false;
loadImg.HugeLoaded = false;
loadImg.OrginalLoaded = false;
loadImg.LargeSize = '0';
loadImg.HugeSize = '0';
loadImg.OrginalSize = '0';
html.DetailsResults = null;
observer = new MutationObserver( function( mutations /*, observer */) {
mutations.forEach( function( mutation ) {
var newNodes = mutation.addedNodes;
newNodes !== null &&
$( newNodes ).each( function( i, e ){
var $e = $(e);
$e.hasClass('gm-style-iw') && ( $e.parent().attr('id','firstThumbholder'), $e.prev().attr('id','Thumbholder' ) );
//$e.hasClass('widget-titlecard-attribution') && switcher('123');
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function fn_googleMaps(){
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panoramioButton: function(){
return 'a.PanoramioUrl img {'
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+ '.WikimapiaWrapper {'
+ 'top: 4px;'
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style : function( id, var1, var2 ){
var $id = $( 'head #' + id ), cssID = css[ id ]( var1, var2 ).formatString();
$id.length ? $id.html( cssID ) : $( $( '<style/>',{ id: id, class:'mySuperStyles', html: cssID } ) ).appendTo('head');
html = {
getPanoramioUrl : function(){
var cord = location.href.split('@').pop().split(',');
return 'https://ssl.panoramio.com/map/#lt=' + cord[0] + '&ln=' + cord[1] + '&z=2&k=2&a=1&tab=1&pl=all';
getWikimapiaUrl : function(){
var cord = location.href.split('@').pop().split(',');
return 'http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=' + cord[0] + '&lon=' + cord[1] + '&z=16&m=b';
panoramioButton : function(){
return '<button aria-label="Go to Panoramio" oncontextmenu="return false;" class="widget-expand-button-pegman-background grab-cursor"> '
+ '<div class="PanoramioWrapper" > '
+ '<a target="_blank" href="'+ html.getPanoramioUrl() + '" class="PanoramioUrl" title="Go to Panoramio"> <img src="https://lh5.ggpht.com/iX6z62XBBt1b2T0fWnt9EupX1e6yFoUnYwO60z702xIp3-VlJquqYBOSay7aKhd5wbQ=w300-rw"></a>'
+ '</div></button>';
* @return {string}
WikimapiaButton : function(){
return '<button aria-label="Go to Wikimapia" oncontextmenu="return false;" class="widget-expand-button-pegman-background grab-cursor"> <div class="WikimapiaWrapper" > '
+ '<a target="_blank" href="' + html.getWikimapiaUrl() + '" class="WikimapiaUrl" title="Go to Wikimapia"> <img src="http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/c1/7a/ea/c17aea4b-2f3d-dbc3-3fa9-92ece451ae3c/icon175x175.png"></a>'
+ '</div></button>';
listener = {
panoramioButton: function(){
$( document ).on('mouseenter', 'a.PanoramioUrl img, a.PanoramioUrl', function(e){
this == e.target && (
$( 'a.PanoramioUrl' ).attr('href', html.getPanoramioUrl() )
WikimapiaButton: function(){
$( document ).on('mouseenter', '.WikimapiaUrl img, .WikimapiaUrl', function(e){
this == e.target && (
$( '.WikimapiaUrl' ).attr('href', html.getWikimapiaUrl() )
render = function(){
var insert = $('.app-horizontal-widget-holder'); //$('.widget-expand-button-pegman')
$('.PanoramioWrapper').length || $( html.panoramioButton() ).prependTo( insert );
// css.style('WikimapiaButton');
$('.WikimapiaWrapper').length || $( html.WikimapiaButton() ).prependTo( insert );
googleMaps_observer = new MutationObserver( function( mutations /*, observer */) {
mutations.forEach( function( mutation ) {
var newNodes = mutation.addedNodes;
newNodes !== null &&
$( newNodes ).each( function( i, e ){
var $e = $(e);
( $e.hasClass('widget-expand-button-pegman') || $e.hasClass('.app-horizontal-widget-holder') ) && render();
googleMaps_observer.observe( document, { subtree: true, childList: true });
setInterval(function() {
$('.PanoramioWrapper').length || render();
}, 1024);
$(window).load(function() {
function fn_panoramio(){
var search = '/photos/small/';
$( document ).on('hover mouseenter', '.map-info-window-img-inner img', function(){
var mainParent = $( this ).parents('.map-info-window-img-outer'),
mainImgParent = mainParent.find('.map-info-window-img-inner'),
mainLink = mainImgParent.find('a'),
src = $( this ).attr('src');
src.search('logo-tos.png') > 0 && $( this ).addClass('panoLinkClick').closest('a').attr('href', mainLink.attr('href') );
$('.map-info-window-img-footer-logo a').attr('href', mainLink.attr('href') );
mainParent.hasClass( 'Donne' ) || ( mainParent.addClass( 'Donne' ), mainLink.find('img').unwrap() );
src.search(search) !== -1 && (
glob.img = src.split(search).pop(),
html.bottomLink = $( this ).parent().next().clone(),
html.title = $( this ).parent().parent().prev().clone().addClass('TheTitle')
$( document ).on('click', 'img', function(){
var removePano = $('.largePanorama'),
src = $( this ).attr('src');
removePano.length && removePano.remove();
src.search(search) !== -1 && (
glob.locDoc.search('panoramio.com') != -1 && fn_panoramio();
glob.locDoc.search('/maps/') != -1 && fn_googleMaps();
function infoCol(){
var zoomURL = $('#info-col').find('#location .geo a'),
href = zoomURL.attr('href').split('=');
href[3] = '-1&' + href[3].split('&').pop();
zoomURL.attr('href', href.join('=') );
glob.locDoc.search('panoramio.com/photo/') != -1 && $('#info-col').length && infoCol();
function switcher(code) {
var url = $('a.widget-titlecard-attribution-link').attr('data-attribution-url');
f.l( 'switcher',code + ': ' + url );
method : "GET",
url : url,
crossDomain: true,
onprogress : function(res){
var msg = "\n\r\t "
+ "On progress Report."
+ "\nresponseText: " + res.responseText
+ "\nreadyState: " + res.readyState
+ "\nresponseHeaders: " + res.responseHeaders
+ "\nstatus: " + res.status
+ "\nstatusText: " + res.statusText
+ "\nfinalUrl: " + res.finalUrl;
// + "\n\nContent-length: " + res.responseHeaders.match('Content-Length: \\d+').toString().split(': ').pop()
res.readyState == 4 && console.log(msg);
onload : function(res){
//f.l( 'res.responseText', res.responseText );
var $res = function(){
return $( res.responseText );
href = $res().find('#location .geo a').attr('href').split('='),
img = $('<img/>',{src:'http://www.galis.org/_/rsrc/1315550090403/Home/panoramio.png'}),
a = $('<a/>',{ class:'panoramio_switcher', html:img });
href[3] = '-1&' + href[3].split('&').pop();
f.l('link', 'https://ssl.panoramio.com' + href.join('=') );
$('.panoramio_switcher').length || $('.widget-titlecard-header .widget-titlecard-attribution').append( a.attr('href', 'https://ssl.panoramio.com' + href.join('=') ) );
var panaramioCss = 'a.panoramio_switcher img {'
+ 'width: 26px;'
+ 'top: 9px;'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ '}'
+ '.widget-titlecard-header .widget-titlecard-attribution {'
+ 'top: -10px;'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ '}';
$('<style id="panaramio">' + panaramioCss + '</style>').appendTo( 'head' );
}, 424);
var link = $('a.widget-titlecard-attribution-link').attr('data-attribution-url'),
arrays = link.split('/'),
locDoc = window.location.href;
link.search('ssl.panoramio.com') > 0 && locDoc.search( arrays[4] ) == -1 && (
console.log('chk', locDoc.search( arrays[4] ) ),
}, 2500);
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// The END //
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f.l('google maps');
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