
An SubModule for the Definable ModMenu for Drawaria.Online.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         BotPlayer
// @namespace    Definable
// @version      0.1.1
// @description  An SubModule for the Definable ModMenu for Drawaria.Online.
// @homepage
// @author       ≺ᴄᴜʙᴇ³≻
// @match
// @match
// @match*
// @icon         
// @grant        none
// @license      GNU GPLv3
// ==/UserScript==

//#region TypeDefinitions
 * @typedef {Object} PlayerInstance
 * @property {string} name - The name of the player.
 * @property {string} uid - The unique identifier for the player.
 * @property {string} wt - The weight of the player.
 * @property {string} roomID - The room ID the player is in.
 * @property {WebSocket} socket - The WebSocket connection for the player.
 * @property {Map<string, Function[]>} events - The events map for the player.
 * @property {boolean} isConnected - Whether the player is connected.
 * @property {(invitelink:string)=>void} connect - Connects the player to a room.
 * @property {()=>void} disconnect - Disconnects the player.
 * @property {()=>void} reconnect - Reconnects the player.
 * @property {(invitelink:string)=>void} enterRoom - Enters a room.
 * @property {()=>void} nextRoom - Moves the player to the next room.
 * @property {()=>void} leaveRoom - Leaves the current room.
 * @property {(payload:string)=>void} send - Sends a message through the WebSocket.
 * @property {(event:string,handler:Function)=>void} addEventListener - Adds an event listener.
 * @property {(event:string)=>boolean} hasEventListener - Checks if an event listener exists.
 * @property {()=>void} __invokeEvent - Invokes an event.

 * @typedef {Object} DrawariaOnlineMessageTypes
 * @property {(message: string) => string} chatmsg - Sends a chat message.
 * @property {() => string} passturn - Passes the turn.
 * @property {(playerid: number|string) => string} pgdrawvote - Votes for a player to draw.
 * @property {() => string} pgswtichroom - Switches the room.
 * @property {() => string} playerafk - Marks the player as AFK.
 * @property {() => string} playerrated - Rates the player.
 * @property {(gestureid: number|string) => string} sendgesture - Sends a gesture.
 * @property {() => string} sendvote - Sends a vote.
 * @property {(playerid: number|string) => string} sendvotekick - Votes to kick a player.
 * @property {(wordid: number|string) => string} wordselected - Selects a word.
 * @property {Object} clientcmd - Client commands.
 * @property {(itemid: number|string, isactive: boolean) => string} clientcmd.activateitem - Activates an item.
 * @property {(itemid: number|string) => string} clientcmd.buyitem - Buys an item.
 * @property {(itemid: number|string, target: "zindex"|"shared", value: any) => string} clientcmd.canvasobj_changeattr - Changes an attribute of a canvas object.
 * @property {() => string} clientcmd.canvasobj_getobjects - Gets canvas objects.
 * @property {(itemid: number|string) => string} clientcmd.canvasobj_remove - Removes a canvas object.
 * @property {(itemid: number|string, positionX: number|string, positionY: number|string, speed: number|string) => string} clientcmd.canvasobj_setposition - Sets the position of a canvas object.
 * @property {(itemid: number|string, rotation: number|string) => string} clientcmd.canvasobj_setrotation - Sets the rotation of a canvas object.
 * @property {(value: any) => string} clientcmd.customvoting_setvote - Sets a custom vote.
 * @property {(value: any) => string} clientcmd.getfpid - Gets the FPID.
 * @property {() => string} clientcmd.getinventory - Gets the inventory.
 * @property {() => string} clientcmd.getspawnsstate - Gets the spawn state.
 * @property {(positionX: number|string, positionY: number|string) => string} clientcmd.moveavatar - Moves the avatar.
 * @property {() => string} clientcmd.setavatarprop - Sets the avatar properties.
 * @property {(flagid: number|string, isactive: boolean) => string} clientcmd.setstatusflag - Sets a status flag.
 * @property {(playerid: number|string, tokenid: number|string) => string} clientcmd.settoken - Sets a token.
 * @property {(playerid: number|string, value: any) => string} clientcmd.snapchatmessage - Sends a Snapchat message.
 * @property {() => string} clientcmd.spawnavatar - Spawns an avatar.
 * @property {() => string} clientcmd.startrollbackvoting - Starts rollback voting.
 * @property {() => string} clientcmd.trackforwardvoting - Tracks forward voting.
 * @property {(trackid: number|string) => string} clientcmd.votetrack - Votes for a track.
 * @property {(roomID: string, name?: string, uid?: string, wt?: string) => string} startplay - Starts the play.
 * @property {Object} clientnotify - Client notifications.
 * @property {(playerid: number|string) => string} clientnotify.requestcanvas - Requests a canvas.
 * @property {(playerid: number|string, base64: string) => string} clientnotify.respondcanvas - Responds with a canvas.
 * @property {(playerid: number|string, imageid: number|string) => string} clientnotify.galleryupload - Uploads to the gallery.
 * @property {(playerid: number|string, type: any) => string} clientnotify.warning - Sends a warning.
 * @property {(playerid: number|string, targetname: string, mute?: boolean) => string} clientnotify.mute - Mutes a player.
 * @property {(playerid: number|string, targetname: string, hide?: boolean) => string} clientnotify.hide - Hides a player.
 * @property {(playerid: number|string, reason: string, targetname: string) => string} - Reports a player.
 * @property {Object} drawcmd - Drawing commands.
 * @property {(x1: number|string, y1: number|string, x2: number|string, y2: number|string, color: number|string, size?: number|string, ispixel?: boolean, playerid?: number|string) => string} drawcmd.line - Draws a line.
 * @property {(x1: number|string, y1: number|string, x2: number|string, y2: number|string, color: number|string, size: number|string, ispixel?: boolean, playerid?: number|string) => string} drawcmd.erase - Erases a part of the drawing.
 * @property {(x: number|string, y: number|string, color: number|string, tolerance: number|string, r: number|string, g: number|string, b: number|string, a: number|string) => string} drawcmd.flood - Flood fills an area.
 * @property {(playerid: number|string) => string} drawcmd.undo - Undoes the last action.
 * @property {() => string} drawcmd.clear - Clears the drawing.

 * @typedef {Object} PlayerClass
 * @property {PlayerInstance[]} instances
 * @property {PlayerInstance} noConflict
 * @property {(inviteLink:string)=>URL} getSocketServerURL
 * @property {(inviteLink:string)=>string} getRoomID
 * @property {DrawariaOnlineMessageTypes} parseMessage

 * @typedef {Object} UI
 * @property {(selectors: string, parentElement?: ParentNode) => Element|null} querySelect - Returns the first element that is a descendant of node that matches selectors.
 * @property {(selectors: string, parentElement?: ParentNode) => NodeListOf<Element>} querySelectAll - Returns all element descendants of node that match selectors.
 * @property {(tagName: string, properties?: object) => Element} createElement - Creates an element and assigns properties to it.
 * @property {(element: Element, attributes: object) => void} setAttributes - Assigns attributes to an element.
 * @property {(element: Element, styles: object) => void} setStyles - Assigns styles to an element.
 * @property {(name?: string) => HTMLDivElement} createContainer - Creates a container element.
 * @property {() => HTMLDivElement} createRow - Creates a row element.
 * @property {(name: string) => HTMLElement} createIcon - Creates an icon element.
 * @property {(type: string, properties?: object) => HTMLInputElement} createInput - Creates an input element.
 * @property {(input: HTMLInputElement, properties?: object) => HTMLLabelElement} createLabelFor - Creates a label for an input element.
 * @property {(className?: string) => HTMLElement & { show: Function, hide: Function }} createSpinner - Creates a spinner element.
 * @property {(input: HTMLInputElement, addon: HTMLLabelElement|HTMLInputElement|HTMLButtonElement|HTMLElement) => HTMLDivElement} createGroup - Creates an input group element.
 * @property {(inputs: Array<HTMLLabelElement|HTMLInputElement|HTMLButtonElement|HTMLElement>) => HTMLDivElement} createInputGroup - Creates an input group element.

 * @typedef {Object} Other
 * @property {(message: string, styles?: string, application?: string) => void} log - Logs a message with styles.
 * @property {(size?: number) => string} uid - Generates a random UID.
 * @property {(byteArray: number[]) => string} toHexString - Converts a byte array to a hex string.
 * @property {(key: string, value: string) => void} setCookie - Sets a cookie.
 * @property {() => Array<*>&{addEventListener:(event:"delete"|"set",handler:(property:string,value:*)=>void)=>}} makeObservableArray - Creates an observable array.
 * @property {(message: string) => (Array<any> | object)} tryParseJSON - Tries to parse a JSON string.

 * @class
 * @typedef {Object} DefinableCore
 * @property {PlayerClass} Player
 * @property {UI} UI
 * @property {Other} helper

 * @typedef {Object} Definable
 * @property {PlayerClass} Player
 * @property {UI} UI
 * @property {()=>HTMLElement} createRow
 * @property {(submodule:Core)=>void} registerModule

 * @typedef {Object} Position
 * @prop {number} x
 * @prop {number} y

 * @typedef {Object} Color
 * @prop {number} r
 * @prop {number} g
 * @prop {number} b
 * @prop {number} a

 * @typedef {Object} Volume
 * @prop {number} width
 * @prop {number} height

 * @typedef {Position & Color} Pixel

 * @typedef {Pixel & Volume} Area

 * @typedef {Object} PromiseResponse
 * @prop {*} data
 * @prop {Error|string|undefined} error
//#endregion TypeDefinitions

(function () {
  "use strict";

   * @param {Definable} definable
   * @param {DefinableCore} $core
  function initialize(definable, $core) {
    /** @type {Definable} */
    const botplayer = new $core("Bot Player", "robot");
    const ui = $core.UI;

    /* Row 1 */ {
      const row = botplayer.createRow();

        const input = ui.createInput("button");
        const label = ui.createLabelFor(input, { title: "Enter Room" });
        label.className = label.className.replace("secondary", "success");

        input.addEventListener("click", function () {

        const input = ui.createInput("button");
        const label = ui.createLabelFor(input, { title: "Switch Room" });

        input.addEventListener("click", function () {

        const input = ui.createInput("button");
        const label = ui.createLabelFor(input, { title: "Leave Room" });
        label.className = label.className.replace("secondary", "danger");

        input.addEventListener("click", function () {

    /* Row 2 */ {
      const row = botplayer.createRow();

        const input = ui.createInput("file", { accept: "image/*" });
        const label = ui.createLabelFor(input, { title: "Upload Avatar" });
        input.addEventListener("input", function () {
          loadFileAsImage(input.files[0]).then((response) => {
            if ( {
              /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */
              const image =;

              $core.helper.setCookie("uid", "_");

              fetch("", {
                method: "POST",
                body: "imagedata=" + encodeURIComponent(image.src.replace("image/gif", "image/png")) + "&fromeditor=true",
                headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" },
                .then((res) => {
                  if (res.status === 200) {
                    res.text().then((body) => {
                      const data = body.split(".");
                      const player = $core.Player.noConflict;
                      player.uid = data[0];
                      player.wt = data[1];
                      if (player.isConnected) {

                      ui.querySelect("i,img", label).remove();
                        ui.createElement("img", {
                          src: `${body}.jpg`,
                          style: "width: 100%;",
                  } else {
                    ui.querySelect("#chatbox_messages").appendChild(ui.createElement("div", { textContent: res.statusText, className: "chatmessage systemchatmessage" }));
                .catch((reason) => {
                  ui.querySelect("#chatbox_messages").appendChild(ui.createElement("div", { textContent: reason, className: "chatmessage systemchatmessage" }));
              input.value = null;

        const botNameInput = ui.createInput("text");
        const botNameUpdateInput = ui.createInput("button");
        const botNameUpdateLabel = ui.createLabelFor(botNameUpdateInput, { title: "Update Name" });

        botNameUpdateInput.addEventListener("click", function () {
          const player = $core.Player.noConflict;
 = botNameInput.value;
          if (player.isConnected) {

        const group = ui.createInputGroup(botNameInput, botNameUpdateLabel); = "1"; = "min-content";

    window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("definable:playerbot:init", { detail: { main: botplayer, core: $core } }));

   * @param {File} file
   * @returns {Promise<PromiseResponse>}
  function loadFileAsImage(file) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (!(FileReader && file)) {
        reject({ data: undefined, error: "Native FileReader not present." });
      } else {
        const reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = function () {
          const image = new Image();
          image.src = reader.result;
          image.onload = function () {
            resolve({ data: image, error: undefined });

  window.addEventListener("definable:init", function (event) {
    const { main, core } = event.detail;
    if (!main || !core) return console.error("main: %o & core: %o", main, core);
    initialize(main, core);

(function () {
  "use strict";

   * @param {Definable} playerbot
   * @param {DefinableCore} $core
  function initialize(playerbot, $core) {
    /** @type {Definable} */
    const sozials = new $core("Sozials", "comments");
    const ui = $core.UI;

    /* Row 1 */ {
      const row = sozials.createRow();

      const input = ui.createInput("button");
      const label = ui.createLabelFor(input, { title: "Send Message" });
      const messageInput = ui.createInput("text");
      input.addEventListener("click", function () {
      const group = ui.createInputGroup(messageInput, label);
    /* Row 2 */ {
      const row = sozials.createRow();
      ["thumbs-up", "heart", "paint-brush", "cocktail", "hand-peace", "feather-alt", "trophy", "mug-hot", "gift"].forEach((token, index) => {
        const input = ui.createInput("button");
        const label = ui.createLabelFor(input);
        input.addEventListener("click", function () {
          ui.querySelectAll("#playerlist>.playerlist-row").forEach((player) => {
            $core.Player.noConflict.send($core.Player.parseMessage.clientcmd.settoken(Number(player.dataset.playerid), index));

    /* Row 3 */ {
      const row = sozials.createRow();
      ui.querySelectAll("#gesturespickerselector .gesturespicker-container .gesturespicker-item img").forEach((node, index) => {
        const input = ui.createInput("button");
        const label = ui.createLabelFor(input);
        label.appendChild(ui.createElement("img", { src: node.src, style: "width: 100%;" }));
        input.addEventListener("click", function () {

    ui.querySelect("#definableStyles").textContent += "\n#definable .row>label:has(img) { width: 2rem; padding: 0; }";

  window.addEventListener("definable:playerbot:init", function (event) {
    const { main, core } = event.detail;
    if (!main || !core) return console.error("main: %o & core: %o", main, core);
    initialize(main, core);