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My Mouse Gestures

A simple mouse gesture script

< Commentaires sur My Mouse Gestures

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 18/08/2015
Édité le: 18/08/2015

Please add..

I tried to add a new gesture but it seems like I have to modify the script further more. If not possible to make the script act on its own by just adding a new gesture, please add few more like.. 'RD', 'DU', and 'LR'

I was trying to add a new gesture; drawing 7 'RD' to get the selection window.getSelection() and search Google in a new tab.

Peer ZengAuteur
Posté le: 10/02/2017

You can prevent the update by modifying the version number up to a greater one like "100.0.0".
After that, just do your great job as you like.

Posté le: 24/03/2018

I did that, thank you!

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