* Lyric FullScreen Columnizer

It offers a full-width and columnized lyric view on major lyric services. No more scrolling while singing, playing the piano, or guitar.

< Commentaires sur * Lyric FullScreen Columnizer

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 15/02/2021

Hey it's me again, and finally get a new/old(can work w/o the CPU Tamer tho lol) machine with the MS Edge intalled
And I find that this script could conflict with Edge's own F11 fullscreen, readers...
Could you also add some option to memorize, disable unnecessary buttons completely as I am on laptop now and easily having unwanted clickss =P

Great concept of column fitting (the Google one is some sort of automatic LyricFind etc. quite awful to support?),
and you should expand this function (column, and de-column some useless) and look into integrate the following scripts (due the 'extra' screen resolution I currently on, haha, their logic is weird yet seems useful...):
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/394945-youtube-live-filled-up-view (missed for me for previous 1st take live =()
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/391636-youtube-normal-thumbnails (how 'normal'? Donno tho...lol)
... (nearly become a cosmetic pack for fitting purpose [not to mention pain-at-button Polymer engine errors...] lol, too crazy if fit them all into script monkeys and consider their execution order..........)

Posté le: 26/02/2021
Édité le: 26/02/2021

@knoa.jp now i understand that u need a total of 5, five columns to view that beast out there, sooo thank you!!
The Edge bug simply install an extension to perform the non-F11/Esc-exit fullscreen will do :D
Others need tool to heavily customize the overall viewing tho...

Posté le: 19/06/2021

NOW I found a PERFECT fix for the crazy fullscreen problem, hooray lol

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