Show not checked content

Shows content hidden by Valve's automated content check system

Voici toutes les versions de ce script. Voir uniquement les versions où le code a été modifié.

  • v0.7 04/07/2023

    update copyright

  • v0.7 20/10/2021

    added explicit setting for @run-at for compatibility with Violentmonkey

  • v0.6 29/08/2020 added better newline handling, minor fixes
  • v0.5 29/08/2020 compatibility fix
  • v0.4 28/08/2020 Fixed bug with auto-created links
  • v0.3 27/08/2020
  • v0.3 27/08/2020 more bbcodes supported; added indication of work.
  • v0.2 25/08/2020 added (partial) parsing of bbcodes.
  • v0.1 24/08/2020