Téléchargeur Instagram

Ajoutez des boutons pour télécharger ou ouvrir des médias

< Commentaires sur Téléchargeur Instagram

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 01/07/2023

Firstly, this script has worked great for ages.
Recently, having an issue with the button not appearing. I have used it for months without issue before hand.

UserInfo: 114.0.2 Firefox 64 bit, Windows 10, latest version of your script as of 1/07/23.

I have two bugs.
As I previously aluded to before, the download button is no longer appearing.

BUT, if I sign out, it works fine. Also, the second issue. If I have a reel from a DM, I cannot download it, when pressing the button nothing happens. I need to go to the page who published the reel and find it, which is sometimes time intensive as you need to scroll back a few weeks to find it.

Thanks for your continued development.

Posté le: 01/07/2023

Thanks for your feedback.

1) Could you elaborate more details about first bug? for example, on which page? all the time or randomly disappear?
2) What does the "DM" mean? (I am not using English version Instagram.)

Posté le: 02/07/2023


Sorry for confusion.

For example, this page. If I am logged in, it looks like this. https://imgur.com/a/k5Ve9f0
If I log out of instagram, it looks like this. https://imgur.com/a/iGUoz7V
As you can see, the button has disappeared if I am logged in. I refreshed my browser, cleared my cache etc and the problem is still occuring.

DM is Direct Message, for example, you message an account on instagram, you have a private or direct message with them. https://imgur.com/a/Jafoazp
I have just realised, the download button will show here and will work here, but it only appears in the direct message tab. However, as per point 1, you will see how the button doesn't appear and I need to log out for it to appear.

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