Steam Leaving Linkfilter Skipper

Skip the nagging message about leaving steam

< Commentaires sur Steam Leaving Linkfilter Skipper

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 28/11/2018
Édité le: 28/11/2018

Can you make the same for Xhamster ?

Just a little request :-) Test links:

Posté le: 02/12/2018

In your example only the xhamster links are clickable for me, so I don't get to see a nagscreen. I'd have to actually copy paste the links.

Posté le: 02/12/2018

;-) Ha yes , i forgot a little thing: i use Linkify Plus Plus , so these link are clickable.

Posté le: 04/12/2018

No matter, I just tried my own link and I got the warning, I'll upload a script for it.

Posté le: 04/12/2018
Édité le: 04/12/2018

Good idea, well done !

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