hwm_player_semaphores JS - Светофоры в личных рекордах ГО игроков (by Alex Kocharin & Demin)
hwm_forum_spam_filter JS - HWM mod - Udalenie soobshhenij personazhej na forume (by Demin)
SetsMaster JS - Наборы армии, навыков и оружия - 3 в 1 (by Tamozhnya1 & Demin)
Convert units to Celcius JS - attempts to convert all Farenheit temperature measurments to Celcius. Not infallable, but decent for cooking measurements
covconv JS - いまアッシュヒョークいるんだけどっいけそうならいこうっ!
贴吧提醒界面快速回复表情添加版 JS - ss
Text Highlight and Seek JS - Automatically highlight user-defined text with Seek function (2019-09-22)
WME Split POI JS - Split POI with a new seg
Pinterest with no login JS - Allows to browse Pinterest without logging into the site.
xkcd 1418 JS - Replaces the word "force" with "horse" everywhere. Is expandable with other replacements.
tapuz stop link ads JS - stops tapuz from replacing links in ads
HF Staff Opti JS - For Optimized
LF Clickable Userbars JS - Harvey R Specter
twitchplaysdark JS - twitchplaysdark controller
UseClix viewer JS - UseClix automatic views
Marketpaid viewer JS - enter something useful
Clixgrid viewer JS - enter something useful
YouTube: Hide Watched Videos JS - Hides watched videos (and shorts) from your YouTube subscriptions page.
Chatango HTML Mini Overlay JS - An extension for chatango.com's new html5/js chat. Which adds the old "mini profile on hover" feature.
Fusion Scouts JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
iRacing Auto Join JS - This script adds an auto join checkbox after registering for an iRacing session. Once a green join button becomes available it will be automatically clicked if the checkbox is ticked.
ZenMoney Currency Percents JS - On the ZenMoney service (zenmoney.ru) calculates the total percent each currency concludes and shows you alert if you need to buy or sell a currency. By default works for USD, EUR and RUB, with desired percents 30, 30 and 40 respectively. Change the __PARAMS__ settings below to your desired values. Timeout setting is required, because when the page loads, the objects are not ready yet.
4Chan WinRAR Finder JS - Creates a list of all GET's in current thread
KAT: smart full date/time JS - Today: "1 hour ago", yesterday: "yesterday, 11:44", earlier: "12 days ago, 01 Oct 2015, 10:45"
BCPop JS - Filter bandcamp user collections by popularity
MODIFIED LIME FOR ROSE JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
General Magnet Link Cleaner JS - Reduces magnet links to their HASH source
(mTurk) ProductRnR School Appropriate HIT Helper JS - Defaults all images in the ProductRnR "Identify these images as School appropriate" HITs as "OK to show" so that you only have to glance at and change the ones that aren't.
MODIFIED LIME FOR VER JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
ink JS - ink_trade
Macapp下载助手 JS - 为 macapp.so 增加一个下载按钮
x4的夺宝岛脚本 JS - zh-cn
WoTStatScript - Tournament Teams JS - More info for World of Tanks tournament teams
Počítání váženého průměru bakaláři JS - Počítání váženého průměru známek bakaláři
Simkl inline tagging and memo taking JS - Adds inline-memos to Simkl for quick tagging
lulu 1.0 JS - spamsms
HorribleSubs.info myanimelist.net links (HML) JS - Parses HorribleSubs Releases table for anime episodes, filtering out the series name and generates a MAL search link IF it doesn't have a horriblesubs link.
MODIFIED LIME FOR FWAG JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
MODIFIED LIME FOR SARYN JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
MODIFIED LIME FOR DTRIXELL JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
Stop asking to save auth-code JS - Will set the "remember this computer" check box off by default in Google 2-Step authentication. To never save this computer. Good for work computers.
MODIFIED LIME FOR BEZCO JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
remove overscroll JS - Disables the overscroll to homepage feature on spiegel.de and sueddeutsche.de
MyEpisodes Downloader JS - Adds download links to MyEpisodes website
Pimp My CAT JS - The CAT Pimper
DCF Filing Embed JS - enter something useful
Macapp.so Link JS - Show baidu link for macapp.so
屏蔽百度搜索中的卡饭教程 JS - 屏蔽百度搜索中的卡饭教程!
Show Password JS - Rollover any password field to see the password as tooltip pop up.
Tumblr - Archive Reblog JS - Reblog posts from any archive.
Tumblr - Mass Post Features JS - Multi-select box, Queue or Drafts Edit, Mass Reblog Archive/Dash/Tagged/Likes, Select or Show by Tag or Type, Backdate, Schedule, Caption, Link, and more
Karachan czerwone tło - usuwanie JS - Usuwa czerwone tło ze strony karachan.org
OGame RaidsTable JS - Tableau de raids
Audi Jira Header Hider JS - Hides the useless message that takes half of a screen from Audi Jira
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Profile Switch JS - Switch "About me" and "Statistics" in your profile
XamvlMedia JS - XamVL Image Gallery and Video Player
Wider Google Tasks JS - Makes the Google Calendar tasks window wide enough to actually use!
dubtrack.fm autowoot JS - Automatically upvote songs when they play.
Fix drop-down menus on Steam store JS - Keep the Games, Software, Hardware and For You menus from disappearing! (2015-10-16)
Quizlet - Hotkeys to Search Flash Cards by Accuracy JS - Press the 1-2-3-4 number keys to navigate large decks easily
Research Tasks - Rate Funniness of Scenarios JS - Press 1-5 to rate.
MODIFIED LIME FOR CLARA JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
Tirkx Popup Video Player JS - Popup Video Player for tirkx.com
WME Polygon Kab Pasaman Barat JS - Polygons Kabupaten Pasaman Barat, Sumatra Barat di WME layer
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Com-to-Com Links JS - Add Com-to-Com link between user and comment user for every comment.
Loteria paragonowa - asystent JS - Userscript to assist on https://loteriaparagonowa.gov.pl/. Lottery for Polish citizens.
donanimhaber JS - donanimhaber forumu için bir takım güzel işler yapar, bunun için para pul istemez.
torrent9 JS - enhance torrent9 / t411
OSChinaJsonCopyer JS - OSChina在线JSON代码格式化工具 添加 一键复制
Ghost Trappers - Loot Alerter JS - To be used with the Ghost Trappers Facebook game. This script will alert you when you receive specified loot you are looking for.
Extended Steamgifts JS - New features for Steamgifts.com
LennyFace w wiadomosciach na facebooku JS - dodaje lennyface'y na facebooku
Firefox for desktop - list fixed bugs in Mercurial as sortable table JS - Lists (as sortable table) fixed bugs related to Firefox for desktop in Mozilla Mercurial pushlogs
Kecamatan Nias Selatan JS - Nias Selatan
Humbang Hasundutan JS - Polygons Kabupaten di WME layer
Replace old Flash Player-based YouTube embeds by their new HTML5 counterparts JS - Ideal if you don't have Flash Player installed in your device. I know I don't.
Redirect Greasyfork French to English JS - Redirect Greasyfork Root French page to English page
WikiLang JS - Makes your preferred language links easy to find on Wikimedia pages. Config available via Script Commands.
StayCached JS - Keeps you in Google cache when you click links on cached pages.
Remove from Feed Button for YouTube JS - Easily remove items from your YouTube subscription feed with a single click
MODIFIED LIME FOR INTHENIGHTSKY JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts!
WME Thai Regions Overlay JS - Creates polygons for WME "Thai Regions Regions"
HF Mobile JS - A mobile theme for HackForums
HF Infiniscroll JS - A userscript to enhance HF by providing infinite scrolling on thread listings and post listings
Call the playButton for SongTaste JS - 召唤播放按钮君
My.Helianthus.annuus JS - by 向日
baiduCloudInput JS - input method in browser based on baidu online input method.
Show My Pitchfork Score & Search in Spotify JS - Get the score of each album on the overview of the reviews & get a link to search album on Spotify
WME URComments Indonesian Bahasa JS - This script is for Indonesian Bahasa comments to be used with Rick Zabel's script URComments
Auto Join Group Facebook JS - Join Grup Otomatis
Tabun CommentHider L JS - I Want my autohide back!
Niconico Seiga User Block JS - block images on Niconico Seiga
Wayback Machine Short Frame Fixer JS - Removes frame stretching for thin frames on Wayback Machine
IMDb Search JS - Search on imdb.com
easy-forex.com JS - enter something useful
ayuwage_sub_openAdlink JS - www.ayuwage.com - sub - click open link Ad
ayuwage - MainPage JS - www.ayuwage.com - Main - getAlllink and open one
adfiver.com - Main JS - adfiver.com- Main - choose link and open
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