VNDB标签布局修正 JS - 中文化后会导致布局出现问题,修正浮动
VNDB对条件文本完全显示,而不显示...省略 JS - 这里输入描述
VNDB Cover Preview JS - Previews covers in vndb.org searches when hovering over the respective hyperlinks.
VNDB Scout JS - Checks other sites for visual novels
VNDB Show Original Name JS - A very simple text replace to show original language title on vndb
【自用】EROGAMESCAPE JS - 批评空间添加bangumi、 2d fun和百度的跳转
评分对比助手 JS - 在Bangumi、VNDB等上面显示其它网站的评分
vndb 10/10 percentage calculator JS - Calculates the percentage of 10/10 ratings on vndb compared to total ratings
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