Code Injector - Starblast.io JS - Allows different userscripts to define functions that modify the game's code
Julia client JS - Julia client for Starblast.io
Starblast lag/ping reducer JS - 12/5/2024, 3:35:19 PM
Starblast 1 Minute Survival Game JS - Allows you to make 1 minute-long survival mode games. (Instead of the usual 10 min limit)
Starblast.io ECPCheck JS - Check the ECPs in starblast.io
Starblast.io Notification Mod JS - Shows a notification when players join a starblast.io match
Starblast.io Custom Station Modules JS - Use custom station modules client-side
SB-AUI JS - Advanced UI for Starblast with extra features
New music player (Fixed) JS - Music player for io flash games
OUTDATED Starblast.io FPS Bypass read desc. JS - READ THIS: THIS MOD IS OUTDATED. USE MY 60FPS BUGFIX MOD INSTEAD. To use this mod with minimal lag, your computer must be able to maintain the fps that you input. Use multiples of 60 to ensure minimal lag. You can use any fps value you want, but 120 and 180 will have the least lag. Thank you to Taxin for forcing me to create this. Thank you to Ancient for inspiring me to make something that actually works, unlike his client's fps uncap.
60fps bugfix JS - Literally the best mod ever made. Makes 60fps not only playable, it feels exactly the same as 240fps while *reducing* lag and ping instead of increasing it. Fullscreen recommended. Keywords: starblast.io starblast dueling mod fps bypass unlock uncap if you want more than 60fps, please instead use this mod, it'll solve all your problems.
FPS forcer JS - 12/5/2024, 3:36:38 PM
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