Indeed.com hide certain employers JS - Provides an option on Indeed to select employers that you are uninterested in working for and collapse their openings in search results
Indeed.com: Highlight non-sponsored jobs JS - This script just highlights sponsored and non-sponsored jobs by different colors for better visualization.
Indeed.com Remove Sponsor JS - Removes sponsored companies when job searching
hide_recruiters JS - Used to hide recruiting companies known to show "false" jobs, "hit and run" recruiting etc. on job board sites.
Better Indeed JS - Removes bloat on Indeed by giving users the option to remove sponsored and/or Job Spotter postings
Indeed: separate sponsored jobs from search JS - Separate sponsored jobs from search making them appear yellow. Useful to distinguish those jobs you've not searched for, but are in the results just because they're sponsored.
Indeed.com Compact-Mode JS - Provides a more productive browsing experience on indeed.com by enabling a full-width layout and compacting most UI elements on screens wider than 768 pixels. CSS Only, Grants GM_addStyle.
Indeed Autofill JS - Automatically applies to Indeed applications once you've hit apply.
Unwanted Job Result Hider - indeed.com JS - Adds a button to toggle the visibilty of job results that contain keywords defined in the script.
IndeedJunkFilter JS - Removes customizable job offers from Indeed by automatically hiding any job element that has any keywords from the filterList. Fork from https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/465779-linkedinjunkfilter
Indeed UX+ JS - Removes Archived, Saved & Applied Job Posts from showing up & Allows select Job Posts via Arrow Keys
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