Confluence: better monospace CSS - Adds a border and a background to monospace text, making it easier to read.
Jira: better inline code formatting CSS - Adds a border and a background to monospace text, making it easier to read.
网页无图模式 no pic CSS - 网页无图模式
FK CSDN CSS - 对CSDN的文章布局优化
Better Bing AI CSS - A new userstyle
Coursera layout optimization CSS - Move the transcript under the video to the right of the video.
discord 消息标红 CSS - 新消息标红
The New York Times Paywall Bypass CSS - Removes paywalls when trying to view content on The New York Times
Clean Douyu CSS - cleaner Douyu
douyin.com - 2023/3/6 12:45:08 CSS - A new userstyle
[watch] soccercatch CSS - A new userstyle
Google Chrome Webstore Dark and Gray v.2 CSS - Dark and Gray flavour + more infos in a glance
Google Multi-Columns Style CSS - styled google search result list to multi-columns
tele5 base usercss 2023 CSS - hide everything but the video itself
nautiljon-mini-signatures CSS - Réduit la taille des images et du texte dans les signatures et les agrandit au passage du pointeur.
hideretweet🐘 CSS - hide retweet
GitHub Icons CSS - Custom GitHub icons
Gegenstimme Dark Mode colourful like/dislike buttons CSS - Changes colour of the like or dislike button if activated, so it's easier to see if video already was rated. Red dislike, green like.
Avoid Copy Self Email in OpenAI ChatGPT CSS - To avoid copying the avatar email address in OpenAI ChatGPT's chatroom.
Bitbucket: hide banner at the top CSS - Hides the banner at the top of Bitbucket Server webpages
Confluence: hide banner at the top CSS - Hides the banner at the top of Confluence pages
[yande.re] Show and highlight HIDDEN posts CSS - Uncensored pictures are the best 显示并高亮隐藏的图片
Legacy Script Meta Block CSS - returns old script meta block for Greasy Fork. (as close as possible to old one)
Stream - Tolbek + Clones Widescreen + TMDB (USw) v.31 CSS - Adaptation de Stream - Tolbek + Clones Widescreen Pour "Remplacer div par card et ajouter posters sur les site de streaming [GreasyFork]". Celui-ci remplace les Titres des Films proposés par des cards et ajoute les posters depuis l'API The Movie Database.
Make Google Lyrics Copyable CSS - To copy lyrics in Google Search
ChatGPT Version in Header CSS - To make the ChatGPT version in each chat located in the top.
ニコニコ FullHD プレーヤー CSS - WQHD以上の解像度のモニターを使っている人向けに、プレーヤー部が1920x1080になる新サイズを導入します。
仰晨-百度搜索页 CSS - 主观百度搜索样式。始于 - 2023/4/11 20:01:47
Poe Style Enhancement: Font Modification, Wide Screen Adaptation, and Overall Element Scaling CSS - Font Modification, Wide Screen Adaptation, and Overall Element Scaling
SkyscraperCity bold Inter font CSS - All type faces of Inter from Google Fonts to mitigate Windows 7 Firefox issue.
StackOverflow sticky votes CSS - Makes the upvote/downvote buttons and vote count on StackOverflow and StackExchange sticky, so you don't have to scroll up to upvote a long answer.
ChatGPT Hide Identity CSS - To hide your identity in ChatGPT
Lenna's Fet Tag Request Hider v2 CSS - Removes tag requests on a notice page that supports Fet.
kinozal ( kinozal.tv ) Dark Theme CSS - Improved usability, dark colors, logo removed.
Google Search MultiColumn (New Design) (USw) v.13 CSS - Less scrolling with a multi columns interface. It work with the last Google design (2003.05)
Soundcloud Hyper Dark CSS - A functional, modern redesign of the outdated Soundcloud UX.
萌娘百科:移除背景廣告 CSS - 移除萌娘百科「MoeSkin」外觀的背景廣告圖片。
kinozal ( kinozal.tv ) Dark Theme Alt1 CSS - Improved usability, dark colors, logo removed.
kinozal ( kinozal.tv ) Dark Theme Alt2 CSS - Improved usability, dark colors, logo removed.
Polar Flow ( flow.polar.com ) Dark Theme CSS - Dark theme for Polar Flow website
Tabview Youtube Design Customization CSS - Change some designs in Tabview Youtube
Non-LGBT MDN CSS - color everything to default colors as it was back before. (basically removes lgbt s***)
4pda ( 4pda.to ) dark style CSS - `Поддержка 4pda.to, тёмные цвета, по возможности порезана реклама.`
PDB DMs CSS - Show who sent a DM request on PDB.
Remove YouTube Movie Purchase CSS - to remove YouTube Movie Purchase
KBin Extra Compact Dark Blue Theme CSS - KBin dark blue theme that also makes Compact mode even more compact
Hide YouTube Pause Overlay CSS - To hide YouTube Pause Overlay
Hide YouTube Shorts in Videos SidePanel CSS - To hide YouTube Shorts in Videos SidePanel
doubanResize CSS - resize douban short comment
ipanel微软雅黑 CSS - ipanel微软雅黑。
youtubeタイトル3行に増やす CSS - youtubeのサムネのタイトルを2行から3行に
Display summary in Amazon video CSS - Amazonプライムビデオのあらすじを常に表示する
GitHub Red Issues optional supplement CSS - An optional supplement to the "GitHub Red Issues" script/style.
CSS Fix for YouTube Shorts CSS - to fix YouTube Shorts issues
Listography Tweaks CSS - Tweaks for listography.com
[theme] kalcho CSS - A new userstyle
Minimal Reddit CSS - Wide posts and remove bloat from homepage
網頁XY卷軸美化 CSS - XY卷軸美化+自定義scrollbar better customize
Crop Stop CSS - The crop on some thumbnails is just bad. So, rather than having them cropped, this style resizes the image.
YouTube FullScreen No Controls CSS - Make YouTube FullScreen No Controls
GitHub bring back tabs CSS - Bringing back tabs, which are far better for readability
YouTube - Large "Show less" Button CSS - Turns the right half of the description box into a large "Show less" button.
Fix tp-yt-paper-tooltip.yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer CSS - It is to fix tp-yt-paper-tooltip.yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer
ROBLOX 2012/ 2013 CSS - roblox 2013 in only css
Remove IEEE Spectrum Nav Bar CSS - Fixes scrolling bug when using touch screens by simply removing the top navigation bar.
mozz.us Gemini portal - Pink CSS - A bright pink theme.
GreasyFork Header Style Fix CSS - To fix GreasyFork Header Style
YouTube Chat Color Names CSS - Make YouTube Chat Color Names
YouTube: Hide Tickers (Live Chat) CSS - To Hide Tickers Bar in YouTube Live Chat
Bitbucket: readable commit messages CSS - Make commit messages on Bitbucket Cloud more readable
2017 Twitter Mobile CSS - Twitter if it was less ugly
Bilibili 20-21年旧版 CSS - 还原20-21年时期bilibili旧版界面
楽天の PR 商品を非表示にする CSS - 楽天市場の検索結果から PR 商品(広告商品)を除外する
jut.su + CSS - Новый вид jut.su Как по мне сайт с этим стилем выглядит лучше чем обычный Всем кто установит этот стиль +100 к чакре ;)
Fix YouTube Watch Flexible Menu Items CSS - To fix YouTube Watch Flexible Menu Items
Dark theme for Youtube Hitchhiker CSS - Designed for Rehike
ARD Mediathek - Smaller Subtitles CSS - Makes the subtitles on the ARD Mediathek smaller
YT簡化自訂控制項 CSS - YT簡化-控制項+按鈕+進度條自定義修改youtube Simplify - control items + buttons + progress bar customize
Twitter X Sleek CSS - Makes twitter.com and x.com sleek ... and requires ':has' functionality from your browser.
YouTube No Cursor No Controls CSS - Make YouTube No Controls when you move cursor outside the video.
Apple Music Lyrics Panel Left-Aligned CSS - Custom style to left-align lyrics in Apple Music for improved readability.
Fusion HCM Knowledgebase Unlock CSS - Fusion HCM Knowledgebase applies a blur filter and an overlay that prevents text selection with a timer for removal. This style removes both immediately.
Rehike Hitchhiker Thumbnail Resizer CSS - can change the size of any thumbnail
Коммерсант: эксклюзивные статьи CSS - Доступ к эксклюзивным статьям Коммерсанта без аккаунта
YT Theater Chat CSS - YouTube Livestreams Theater Mode擴充的CSS修正
pixelplanet.fun green tema CSS - green tema for pixelplanet
Slickdeals Cleaner NG CSS - Removes ADs, promotional junk, and any sponsored or featured sections.
Test encoding issue CSS - https://github.com/JasonBarnabe/greasyfork/issues/1174
YouTube Remove Ambient CSS - Removes ambient mode around video player on YouTube.
Amazon Prime Gaming - Fade out non-GOG or Epic Games freebies CSS - Make the interesting freebies easier to find between all the Amazon Games App cruft.
2012 google logo this is meant for 2012-2013 Google CSS - https://uso.kkx.one/style/192418
Remove Video Focus Border for anime1 CSS - A new userstyle
Twitter fixes CSS - Display whole images, display whole tweets, and various enhancements here and there
Classic Google Top Bar CSS - Brings back the old black top bar from 2011 - 2014.
LightboxModern CSS CSS - Styling LightboxModern
Google Poeple Also Ask Remover CSS - Removes "People Also Ask" section from Google search results page
Google Icons Remover CSS - Removes icons (favicons) from top of each search result. Saves vertical space.
Chinese Font Fix CSS - Force PingFang on some sites
Custom Global Nav Tweaks CSS - A collection of css tweaks to be used with the "GitHub Custom Global Navigation" UserScript: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/478687-github-custom-global-navigation
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