Login reminder popup remover (developement ceased - not up to date)

Removes the nagging login popups and banners from mobile and desktop versions of Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Quora, Ask.fm, VK, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitch and from the mobile versions of Youtube and TikTok.

< Commentaires sur Login reminder popup remover (developement ceased - not up to date)

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 2021-10-28
Édité le: 2021-10-28

Hi, the last update is causing a bug on twitter. The script is killing the scroll bar and making it impossible to scroll on the page. Weirdly enough, it works fine when enabled in incognito mode.

Would greatly appreciate if you could take a look at this! Here's a sample screenshot (https://i.imgur.com/IvtZvA9.png); using tampermonkey on google chrome.

Posté le: 2021-10-29

Hi, I'll check the script tomorrow. For the twitter bug, Twitter probably changed something in the site, as in the last update I didn't change the code for twitter. By the way it should be very easy to fix the missing scrolling.
Thank you for specifying which userscript manager and browser you are using, I'll make sure that the script works also on Tampermonkey (I usually write it and test it in Greasemonkey on Firefox).

Posté le: 2021-10-29

I'm trying to replicate the issue in Chrome with tampermonkey, but I can't. It already works fine for me. Can you check in the Developer tools if the HTML element's style has an "overflow-y" (or "overflow") property set to "hidden" or even worse "hidden !important"? This is most likely the issue, but it's not supposed to happen as I've fixed it some time ago.

Posté le: 2021-10-29

If that's the case, try to comment line 52 of the script (just add // at the beginning), and reload the page: if the scrollbar disappears and a popup appears at the same time, I'll have to edit blockBannerTW function in the script.

Posté le: 2021-10-29
Édité le: 2021-10-29

Yep, it was exactly as you described. The "overflow" property is set to "hidden" (https://i.imgur.com/D0bEY4T.png). On commenting out line 52, the scrollbar disappeared and the popup appeared (https://i.imgur.com/qQRG4jp.png). The scrollbar came back when I manually closed the popup.

Posté le: 2021-10-29

Try the new version, I've synchronized the list of hidden popups with the list of popups that hide the scroll bar: from now on, the scrollbar will disappear only if an undetected popup is shown, so that it will still be possible to manually close the popup.

Posté le: 2021-10-29

Still causing the same problem, I'm afraid.

Posté le: 2021-10-29

Not sure if this is important, but I noticed that the little number on the tampermonkey extension (which shows the number of working scripts on the page) keeps increasing each time I reload the page (like in the image). Mentioning it because this also started the same time as the scrollbar problem. And both of them are solved in incognito mode.

Posté le: 2021-10-29

The number should represent the amount of userscripts loaded for that page. Each time a page il fully reloaded (not when using AJAX requests) Tampermonkey should load the installed scripts that are compatible with the site you're visiting. Scripts can't be installed without user interaction, so I have no idea of how it's possible that they increase every time you reload the page.
By the way, once the number has increased, click the Tampermonkey icon and check which script is duplicating. One possible explaination (even though I'm not sure how Tampermonkey would deal with this situation) is that the site is loading some iframes and the scripts are loaded several times in the same tab, one time for each iframe. As far as I've seen, Twitter doesn't use iframes, apart from a Google login button that doesn't trigger my script.

Posté le: 2021-10-29
Édité le: 2021-10-29

Yeah, your script is the only one I use on twitter. That's why I found it odd. For example, this is what I get after reloading 6 times.

Incidentally, since you mentioned iframes, the google login button is not showing at all even on the twitter homepage. Idk if it's only happening at my end.

The main problem is the scrollbar tho. I can manually get it back using devtools, but the script still keeps removing it :(

Posté le: 2021-10-30

I've fixed the scrollbar bug two or three times, but it keeps reappearing to you: now the script uses the same CSS selectors for hiding the popup and for re-enabling the scrollbar, so I really can't understand why does it hide the popup, but doesn't show the scrollbar.
Considering that you also have the unexpected increasing number on Tampermonkey and only the Incognito mode working correctly, can you try to disable temporarily Tampermonkey, install Violentmonkey and try the script with Violentmonkey?
Or try with a totally different browser.

Posté le: 2021-10-30
Édité le: 2021-10-30

I tried with violentmonkey and faced the same problem. However, it worked correctly in Microsoft edge. Looks like a chrome-only issue
Yeah, idk this is weird.

Posté le: 2021-10-30

If it's working in Edge and in Chrome in Incognito mode, it could be a corrupted Chrome profile.

Posté le: 2021-10-31
Édité le: 2021-10-31

Delete the twitter.com cookie. Once you login with your browser, the cookie will remain even after you logout, and the window that prompts you to log in will change its behavior so that the script will not work. This is why script works in the incognito window.

Posté le: 2021-10-31

That worked. Which is weird because I've never logged into twitter in my life, so there shouldn't be any login cookies. But thanks a lot!

Posté le: 2021-11-01
that prompts you to log in will change its behavior so that the script will not work. This is why script works in the incognito window.

Which cookie is it exactly? I'd like to try to solve this issue once for all.

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