
Send message to user's cellphone, using WeChat, SMS(China mainland only), Voice Call(China mainland only).

Ce script ne devrait pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie créée pour d'autres scripts. Elle doit être inclus avec la commande // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/388327/723386/Miaotixing.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Miaotixing
// @name:zh-CN   喵提醒
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/users/324077
// @version      1.0
// @description  Send message to user's cellphone, using WeChat, SMS(China mainland only), Voice Call(China mainland only).
// @description:zh-CN  向用户手机发送微信消息,短信消息(仅支持中国大陆)和语音消息(仅支持中国大陆)。
// @author       Chaopi
// @match        http://*
// @match        https://*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

<How to use>
Guide users to subscribe WeChat Official Account "喵提醒" (Qrcode: https://miaotixing.com/welcome_assets/images/qrcode.jpg) and create a remind, return "喵码"(miaocode) to you, then you can send message to them.

== Parameter ==
miaocode: When users create a remind, they will get a "喵码", put "喵码" in this parameter.
text: You can put some additional information here.
callback: If you want to get the request results.

== Example ==
You are providing ticket-snatching services. A user created a remind named "I got a ticket!" and tell you his remind's "喵码" is tr12345. When you find a ticket for this user, you can use function:
miaotixing("tr12345", "Found a ticket at Setp.13 8:00am", function(data){console.log(data);});
If successed, the user's cellphone will receive a message:

【喵提醒】I got a ticket!
Found a ticket at Setp.13 8:00am

指引用户关注微信公众号“喵提醒”(二维码: https://miaotixing.com/welcome_assets/images/qrcode.jpg)并创建一个提醒,将提醒的“喵码”告诉你,你就可以给用户发送信息。

== 参数 ==
miaocode: 当用户创建一个提醒,用户会获得一个“喵码”,将“喵码” 放入该参数内。
text: 你可以在这设置一些附加信息发给用户。
callback: 如果你需要获取信息发送的结果。

== 例子 ==
假设你在提供抢票服务,一位用户创建了一个名为“找到票啦!”的提醒,并把提醒的“喵码” tr12345 提交给你。当你为该用户找到票时,你可以这样调用function:
miaotixing("tr12345", "找到一张9月3日8:00的票", function(data){console.log(data);});


function miaotixing(miaocode, text='', callback=function(data){}) {
	window.miaotixing_callback = callback;
	var script = document.createElement("script");
	script.setAttribute("src", "//miaotixing.com/trigger?id=" + miaocode + "&text=" + encodeURI(text) + "&type=jsonp");
function miaotixing_jsonpcallback(data){
    if(window.miaotixing_callback !== null) window.miaotixing_callback(data);
    if(data.code == 0){
        console.log("喵提醒发送失败,错误代码:" + data.code + "," + data.msg);