MouseHunt - Marketplace UI Tweaks

Adds useful features and tweaks to the Marketplace rework

Ceci est la version du script où le code a été mise à jour. Présenter toutes les versions.

  • v1.6.2 2020-09-28 Quick band-aid fix for "Load More" buttons
  • v1.6.1 2020-07-07 Added text to reflect sell-side numbers in the Value column
  • v1.6 2020-04-26 Implemented "Value" column sorting
  • v1.5 2019-06-20 querySelector on more specific target element to prevent collisions
  • v1.4 2019-05-31 Edited some strings and fixed row scrolling bug
  • v1.3 2019-05-31 Updated features to work with marketplace rework #2
  • v1.2 2019-03-07 Fixed bug with directly clicking into a 'Sell' dialog
  • v1.1 2019-03-05 Moved 'Close' button, added tariff info to 'Quick Sell', added 3 quick links
  • v1.0 2019-03-04