Greasy Fork is available in English.

Nyaa Extreme Redux

This scrip sorts searches by seeders, it also shows the description and images if those are included. Also it grays out unseeded torrents.

Ceci est la version du script où le code a été mise à jour. Présenter toutes les versions.

  • v5.1 2016-07-28 Fixed script not working, Updated Jquery
  • v5.0 2015-07-19 2015-07-19; Cleaned up code a bit, Updated jquery code. Fixed my name. It's no longer "ssimon98", please delete old version and install this version.
  • v4.0 2014-07-26 Removed gray background (Slowed the page down)
  • v3.0 2014-07-26
  • v3.0 2014-07-26 Uploaded it to Greasy Fork because went down. Also a lot faster than previously.
  • v2.1 2014-07-26