ADV Ride Report De-Crufter
A greasemonkey script for to only show the original poster's posts in a thread
To filter a thread, click the checkbox next to "Only show OP's posts?"
To see all posts in a thread, uncheck the checkbox.
The script will automatically remember which threads you've chosen to filter. This is done using cookies, so if you clear your cookies your settings will be reset.
You can add users to an exceptions list on a per-thread basis. This allows for tidy group ride threads -- now you can see just the posts belonging to the group ride members.
Click edit
to add usernames to the exception list. Multiple usernames are allowed; separate them with commas.
Click clear
to reset the exception list.
The script will automatically remember your exception lists. This is done using cookies, so if you clear your cookies your settings will be reset.
- 2018.09.11 - version 4.2 - Update for URL format changes
- 2018.07.17 - version 4.1 - Fix cookie expiration date
- 2018.07.13 - version 4.0 - Update for Greasemonkey v4
- 2017.07.28 - version 3.1 - Add exceptions
- 2017.07.25 - version 3.0 - Rewrite for XenForo
- 2011.08.17 - version 2.0 - Rewrite due to forum theme changes
- 2009-ish - version 1.0 - Initial release