Youtube Video Ratings Bar with Power Meter (DISABLED)

This used to display ratings bar on YouTube thumbnails, but Google has blocked how it gets its data. I'm disabling it for now in case people still have it running.

< Commentaires sur Youtube Video Ratings Bar with Power Meter (DISABLED)

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 2014-09-13

Always show number of likes and dislikes

Hi and thanks for your script!
There's one inconvenience with Rating viewing, maybe you'll consider it in future versions.
Show the number of likes and dislikes on the right of suggested videos (like in attached picture) or add an option to always show number of likes and dislikes in the video thumbnails. This helps to estimate how many people have already viewed the video and rated it.

Posté le: 2014-09-13

Okay, I just added the option to the UserStyle to make the text always visible.

You set "Text Visible When..." to "Always".

I can't put the text to the right without re-writing a lot of code and honestly, it's just not something I'm all that interested in doing. Maybe in the future when my job isn't so hectic I can spend more time on it.

Posté le: 2014-09-13

Thanks a lot!
And one more request: Rating is not shown in playlist videos.
If it is possible consider this issue when you have time.

Posté le: 2014-09-16

Yeah, I need to get on that. At least it still works on playlist pages, just not in the little playlist window on watch pages.

Posté le: 2014-09-20

The ratings are shown in playlist windows now. (v2014.09.20)

Posté le: 2014-09-22

I noticed it on YouTube and came here to thank you!

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