/* eslint-disable camelcase */
/* eslint-disable brace-style, curly, nonblock-statement-body-position, no-template-curly-in-string, func-names */
// ==UserScript==
// @name WME GIS Layers
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/324334
// @version 2023.09.27.001-py028
// @description Adds Paraguay GIS layers in WME
// @author MapOMatic
// @match *://*.waze.com/*editor*
// @exclude *://*.waze.com/user/editor*
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/24851-wazewrap/code/WazeWrap.js
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Turf.js/4.7.3/turf.min.js
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect greasyfork.org
// @grant GM_info
// @license GNU GPLv3
// @contributionURL https://github.com/WazeDev/Thank-The-Authors
// @connect *
// @connect www.asuncion.gov.py
// @connect analisis.stp.gov.py
// @connect www.arcgis.com
// @connect services1.arcgis.com
// @connect services2.arcgis.com
// @connect services3.arcgis.com
// @connect services5.arcgis.com
// @connect services6.arcgis.com
// @connect services8.arcgis.com
// @connect services9.arcgis.com
// @connect geohidroinformatica.itaipu.gov.py
// @connect geobosques.pti.org.py
// @connect catastro.gov.py
// @connect geo1.skycop.com.py
// @connect sigcosiplan.unasursg.org
// @connect snmf.infona.gov.py
// @connect
// @connect sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu
// @connect
// @connect wwf-sight-maps.org
// @connect www.geosur.info
// @connect a.mapillary.com
// @connect geoshape.unasursg.org
// @connect geo-ide.carto.com
// @connect
// @connect pese.pti.org.py
// @connect geo.pti.org.py
// @connect www.mapadeasentamientos.org.py
// @connect gis-gfw.wri.org
// @connect opengeo.pol.una.py
// @connect gis.mic.gov.py
// @connect vigisalud.gov.py
// @connect mapaescolar.mec.gov.py
// @connect apps.mades.gov.py
// @connect www.mopc.gov.py
// ==/UserScript==
// This version is for Paraguay Only, modified by ancho85
/* global OpenLayers */
/* global W */
/* global WazeWrap */
/* global _ */
/* global turf */
(function main() {
'use strict';
// **************************************************************************************************************
// IMPORTANT: Update this when releasing a new version of script that includes changes to the spreadsheet format
// that may cause old code to break. This # should match the version listed in the spreadsheet
// i.e. update them at the same time.
// const LAYER_DEF_VERSION = '2018.04.27.001'; // NOT ACTUALLY USED YET
// **************************************************************************************************************
// const UPDATE_MESSAGE = 'Bug fix due to WME update';
// const UPDATE_MESSAGE = `<ul>${[
// 'Added ability to shift layers. Right click a layer in the list to bring up the layer settings window.'
// ].map(item => `<li>${item}</li>`).join('')}</ul><br>`;
const GF_URL = 'https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/388277-wme-paraguay-gis-layers';
// Used in tooltips to tell people who to report issues to. Update if a new author takes ownership of this script.
const SCRIPT_AUTHOR = 'ancho85'; // MapOMatic is the original author, but he won't fix any Paraguay related issues
// const LAYER_INFO_URL = 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/1cEG3CvXSCI4TOZyMQTI50SQGbVhJ48Xip-jjWg4blWw/o7gusx3/public/values?alt=json';
const LAYER_DEF_SPREADSHEET_URL = 'https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/1aePOmux2IBxE_2CGPOequGnubr9g4hWr1wH_qAjcM24/values/layerDefs';
const REQUEST_FORM_URL = 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfMhBxF0P6bn8dFfOoNTAF1LHBFXr5w9oXvzqsii_TfA-_Bmw/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.831784226={username}';
const DEC = s => atob(atob(s));
const PRIVATE_LAYERS = { 'nc-henderson-sl-signs': ['the_cre8r', 'mapomatic'] }; // case sensitive -- use all lower case
// const COUNTRIES = {
// 'United States': {
// sheetId: '1cEG3CvXSCI4TOZyMQTI50SQGbVhJ48Xip-jjWg4blWw',
// sheetLayerRange: 'layerDefs'
// }
// };
fillColor: '#000',
pointRadius: 4,
label: '${label}',
strokeColor: '#ffa500',
strokeOpacity: '0.95',
strokeWidth: 1.5,
fontColor: '#ffc520',
fontSize: '13',
labelOutlineColor: 'black',
labelOutlineWidth: 3
const LAYER_STYLES = {
cities: {
fillOpacity: 0.3,
fillColor: '#f65',
strokeColor: '#f65',
fontColor: '#f62'
forests_parks: {
fillOpacity: 0.4,
fillColor: '#585',
strokeColor: '#484',
fontColor: '#8b8'
milemarkers: {
strokeColor: '#fff',
fontColor: '#fff',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fillOpacity: 0,
labelYOffset: 10,
pointRadius: 2,
fontSize: 12
parcels: {
fillOpacity: 0,
fillColor: '#ffa500'
points: {
strokeColor: '#000',
fontColor: '#0ff',
fillColor: '#0ff',
labelYOffset: -10,
labelAlign: 'ct'
post_offices: {
strokeColor: '#000',
fontColor: '#f84',
fillColor: '#f84',
fontWeight: 'bold',
labelYOffset: -10,
labelAlign: 'ct'
state_parcels: {
fillOpacity: 0,
strokeColor: '#e62',
fillColor: '#e62',
fontColor: '#e73'
state_points: {
strokeColor: '#000',
fontColor: '#3cf',
fillColor: '#3cf',
labelYOffset: -10,
labelAlign: 'ct'
road_labels: {
strokeOpacity: 0,
fillOpacity: 0,
fontColor: '#faf'
structures: {
fillOpacity: 0,
strokeColor: '#f7f',
fontColor: '#f7f'
water: {
fillOpacity: 1,
strokeColor: '#13a1dd',
fillColor: '#13a1dd',
fontColor: '#13a1dd',
fontWeight: 'bold'
function initRoadStyle() {
ROAD_STYLE = new OpenLayers.Style({
pointRadius: 12,
fillColor: '#369',
pathLabel: '${label}',
label: '',
fontColor: '#faf',
labelSelect: true,
pathLabelYOffset: '${getOffset}',
pathLabelCurve: '${getSmooth}',
pathLabelReadable: '${getReadable}',
labelAlign: '${getAlign}',
labelOutlineWidth: 3,
labelOutlineColor: '#000',
strokeWidth: 3,
stroke: true,
strokeColor: '#f0f',
strokeOpacity: 0.4,
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: 11
}, {
context: {
getOffset() { return -(W.map.getZoom() + 5); },
getSmooth() { return ''; },
getReadable() { return '1'; },
getAlign() { return 'cb'; }
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const _regexReplace = {
// Strip leading zeros or blank full label for any label starting with a non-digit or
// is a Zero Address, use with '' as replace.
r0: /^(0+(\s.*)?|\D.*)/,
// Strip Everything After Street Type to end of the string by use $1 and $2 capture
// groups, use with replace '$1$2'
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
r1: /^(.* )(Ave(nue)?|Dr(ive)?|St(reet)?|C(our)?t|Cir(cle)?|Blvd|Boulevard|Pl(ace)?|Ln|Lane|Fwy|Freeway|R(oa)?d|Ter(r|race)?|Tr(ai)?l|Way|Rte \d+|Route \d+)\b.*/gi,
// Strip SPACE 5 Digits from end of string, use with replace ''
r2: /\s\d{5}$/,
// Strip Everything after a "~", ",", ";" to the end of the string, use with replace ''
r3: /(~|,|;|\s?\r\n).*$/,
// Move the digits after the last space to before the rest of the string using, use with
// replace '$2 $1'
r4: /^(.*)\s(\d+).*/,
// Insert newline between digits (including "-") and everything after the digits,
// except(and before) a ",", use with replace '$1\n$2'
r5: /^([-\d]+)\s+([^,]+).*/,
// Insert newline between digits and everything after the digits, use with
// replace '$1\n$2'
r6: /^(\d+)\s+(.*)/
let _gisLayers = [];
// const _layerRefinements = [
// {
// id: 'us-post-offices',
// labelHeaderFields: ['LOCALE_NAME']
// }
// ];
const STATES = {
_states: [
['PRY (Pais)', 'PRY', -1], ['Asuncion (Capital)', 'ASU', 0], ['Concepcion', 'CON', 1],
['San Pedro', 'SAN', 2], ['Cordillera', 'COR', 3], ['Guaira', 'GUA', 4],
['Caaguazu', 'CAG', 5], ['Caazapa', 'CAZ', 6], ['Itapua', 'ITA', 7],
['Misiones', 'MIS', 8], ['Paraguari', 'PAR', 9], ['Alto Parana', 'ANA', 10],
['Central', 'CEN', 11], ['Neembucu', 'NEE', 12], ['Amambay', 'AMA', 13], ['Canindeyu', 'CAN', 14],
['Presidente Hayes', 'PHA', 15], ['Boqueron', 'BOQ', 16], ['Alto Paraguay', 'AAY', 17],
toAbbr(fullName) { return this._states.find(a => a[0] === fullName)[1]; },
toFullName(abbr) { return this._states.find(a => a[1] === abbr)[0]; },
toFullNameArray() { return this._states.map(a => a[0]); },
toAbbrArray() { return this._states.map(a => a[1]); },
fromId(id) { return this._states.find(a => a[2] === id); }
const SETTINGS_STORE_NAME = 'wme_gis_layers';
const COUNTIES_URL = 'https://analisis.stp.gov.py:443/user/ine/api/v2/';
// const COUNTIES_URL2 = 'https://services2.arcgis.com/tnyi76ruua1nbtl3/ArcGIS/rest/services/Paraguay_Interactive/FeatureServer/0';
const COUNTIES_URL2 = 'https://services2.arcgis.com/Xim64FzemN4fqY1y/ArcGIS/rest/services/PY_Departamentos_y_Municipios/FeatureServer/0';
const ALERT_UPDATE = false;
const SCRIPT_NAME = GM_info.script.name;
const SCRIPT_VERSION = GM_info.script.version;
const DOWNLOAD_URL = 'https://greasyfork.org/scripts/388277-wme-paraguay-gis-layers/code/WME%20Paraguay%20GIS%20Layers.user.js';
let _mapLayer = null;
let _roadLayer = null;
let _settings = {};
let _ignoreFetch = false;
let _lastToken = {};
const DEBUG = true;
//function log(message) { console.log('PY GIS Layers:', message); }
function logError(message) { console.error(`${SCRIPT_NAME}:`, message); }
function logDebug(message) { if (DEBUG) console.debug(`${SCRIPT_NAME}:`, message); }
// function logWarning(message) { console.warn('PY GIS Layers:', message); }
let _layerSettingsDialog;
class LayerSettingsDialog {
constructor() {
this._$titleText = $('<span>');
this._$closeButton = $('<span>', {
style: 'cursor:pointer;padding-left:4px;font-size:17px;color:#d6e6f3;float:right;',
class: 'fa fa-window-close'
}).click(() => this._onCloseButtonClick());
this._$shiftUpButton = LayerSettingsDialog._createShiftButton('fa-angle-up').click(() => this._onShiftButtonClick(0, 1));
this._$shiftLeftButton = LayerSettingsDialog._createShiftButton('fa-angle-left').click(() => this._onShiftButtonClick(-1, 0));
this._$shiftRightButton = LayerSettingsDialog._createShiftButton('fa-angle-right').click(() => this._onShiftButtonClick(1, 0));
this._$shiftDownButton = LayerSettingsDialog._createShiftButton('fa-angle-down').click(() => this._onShiftButtonClick(0, -1));
this._$resetButton = $('<button>', {
class: 'form-control',
style: 'height: 24px; width: auto; padding: 2px 6px 0px 6px; display: inline-block; float: right;'
}).text('Reset').click(() => this._onResetButtonClick());
this._dialogDiv = $('<div>', {
style: 'position: fixed; top: 15%; left: 400px; width: 200px; z-index: 100; background-color: #73a9bd; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid;'
+ 'border-radius: 10px; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); border-color: #50667b; padding: 4px;'
}).append($('<div>').append( // The extra div is needed here. When the header text wraps, the main dialog div won't expand properly without it.
$('<div>', { style: 'border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 4px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; text-align:left; cursor: default;' }).append(
$('<div>', { style: 'border-radius: 5px; width: 100%; padding: 4px; background-color:#d6e6f3; display:inline-block; margin-right:5px;' }).append(
$('<input>', {
type: 'radio', id: 'gisLayerShiftAmt1', name: 'gisLayerShiftAmt', value: '1', checked: 'checked'
$('<label>', { for: 'gisLayerShiftAmt1' }).text('1m'),
$('<input>', {
type: 'radio', id: 'gisLayerShiftAmt10', name: 'gisLayerShiftAmt', value: '10', style: 'margin-left: 6px'
$('<label>', { for: 'gisLayerShiftAmt10' }).text('10m'),
$('<div>', { style: 'padding: 4px' }).append(
$('<table>', { style: 'table-layout:fixed; width:60px; height:84px; margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;' }).append(
$('<tr>', { style: 'width: 20px; height: 28px;' }).append(
$('<td>', { align: 'center' }),
$('<td>', { align: 'center' }).append(this._$shiftUpButton),
$('<td>', { align: 'center' })
$('<tr>', { style: 'width: 20px; height: 28px;' }).append(
$('<td>', { align: 'center' }).append(this._$shiftLeftButton),
$('<td>', { align: 'center' }),
$('<td>', { align: 'center' }).append(this._$shiftRightButton)
$('<tr>', { style: 'width: 20px; height: 28px;' }).append(
$('<td>', { align: 'center' }),
$('<td>', { align: 'center' }).append(this._$shiftDownButton),
$('<td>', { align: 'center' })
if (typeof jQuery.ui !== 'undefined') {
const that = this;
// Gotta nuke the height setting the dragging inserts otherwise the panel cannot dynamically resize
stop() { that._dialogDiv.css('height', ''); }
get gisLayer() {
return this._gisLayer;
set gisLayer(value) {
if (value !== this._gisLayer) {
this._gisLayer = value;
this.title = value.name;
get title() {
return this._$titleText.text();
set title(value) {
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
getShiftAmount() {
return $('input[name=gisLayerShiftAmt]:checked').val();
show() {
hide() {
_onCloseButtonClick() {
_onShiftButtonClick(x, y) {
const shiftAmount = this.getShiftAmount();
x *= shiftAmount;
y *= shiftAmount;
this._shiftLayerFeatures(x, y);
const { id } = this._gisLayer;
let offset = _settings.getLayerSetting(id, 'offset');
if (!offset) {
offset = { x: 0, y: 0 };
_settings.setLayerSetting(id, 'offset', offset);
offset.x += x;
offset.y += y;
_onResetButtonClick() {
const offset = _settings.getLayerSetting(this._gisLayer.id, 'offset');
if (offset) {
this._shiftLayerFeatures(offset.x * -1, offset.y * -1);
delete _settings.layers[this._gisLayer.id].offset;
_shiftLayerFeatures(x, y) {
const layer = this.gisLayer.isRoadLayer ? _roadLayer : _mapLayer;
layer.getFeaturesByAttribute('layerID', this.gisLayer.id).forEach(f => f.geometry.move(x, y));
static _createShiftButton(fontAwesomeClass) {
return $('<button>', {
class: 'form-control',
style: 'cursor:pointer;font-size:14px;padding: 3px;border-radius: 5px;width: 21px;height: 21px;'
$('<i>', { class: 'fa', style: 'vertical-align: super' }).addClass(fontAwesomeClass)
function loadSettingsFromStorage() {
const loadedSettings = $.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem(SETTINGS_STORE_NAME));
const defaultSettings = {
lastVersion: null,
visibleLayers: [],
onlyShowApplicableLayers: false,
selectedStates: [],
enabled: true,
fillParcels: false,
toggleHnsOnlyShortcut: '',
oneTimeAlerts: {},
layers: {}
_settings = loadedSettings || defaultSettings;
Object.keys(defaultSettings).forEach(prop => {
if (!_settings.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
_settings[prop] = defaultSettings[prop];
_settings.getLayerSetting = function getLayerSetting(layerID, settingName) {
const layerSettings = this.layers[layerID];
if (!layerSettings) {
return undefined;
return layerSettings[settingName];
_settings.setLayerSetting = function setLayerSetting(layerID, settingName, value) {
let layerSettings = this.layers[layerID];
if (!layerSettings) {
layerSettings = {};
this.layers[layerID] = layerSettings;
layerSettings[settingName] = value;
function saveSettingsToStorage() {
// Check for existance of action first, due to WME beta issue.
if (W.accelerators.Actions.GisLayersAddrDisplay) {
let keys = '';
const { shortcut } = W.accelerators.Actions.GisLayersAddrDisplay;
if (shortcut) {
if (shortcut.altKey) keys += 'A';
if (shortcut.shiftKey) keys += 'S';
if (shortcut.ctrlKey) keys += 'C';
if (keys.length) keys += '+';
if (shortcut.keyCode) keys += shortcut.keyCode;
_settings.toggleHnsOnlyShortcut = keys;
_settings.lastVersion = SCRIPT_VERSION;
localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_STORE_NAME, JSON.stringify(_settings));
logDebug('Configuracion guardada');
function getUrl(extent, gisLayer) {
if (gisLayer.spatialReference) {
const proj = new OpenLayers.Projection(`EPSG:${gisLayer.spatialReference}`);
let new_extent = extent.clone();
new_extent.transform(W.map.getProjectionObject(), proj); // do not transform original extent
extent = new_extent;
let layerOffset = _settings.getLayerSetting(gisLayer.id, 'offset');
if (!layerOffset) {
layerOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 };
const geometry = {
xmin: extent.left - layerOffset.x,
ymin: extent.bottom - layerOffset.y,
xmax: extent.right - layerOffset.x,
ymax: extent.top - layerOffset.y,
spatialReference: {
wkid: gisLayer.spatialReference ? gisLayer.spatialReference : 102100,
latestWkid: gisLayer.spatialReference ? gisLayer.spatialReference : 3857
const geometryStr = JSON.stringify(geometry);
let fields = gisLayer.labelFields.filter(function (e) { return e != ""});
if (gisLayer.labelHeaderFields) {
fields = fields.concat(gisLayer.labelHeaderFields);
if (gisLayer.distinctFields) {
fields = fields.concat(gisLayer.distinctFields);
let url = ""
if (gisLayer.isFeatureSet) {
url = gisLayer.url; // no extra filters for this resource (caching)
} else if (gisLayer.serverType == "GeoNode"){
url = gisLayer.url;
url += `&CRS=EPSG:${geometry.spatialReference.latestWkid}`;
if (gisLayer.where){
var geom_field = gisLayer.cql_the_geom ? gisLayer.cql_the_geom : "the_geom"; //some geom fields are called simply 'geom'
var where = `(bbox(${geom_field},${geometry.xmin},${geometry.ymin},${geometry.xmax},${geometry.ymax},'EPSG:${geometry.spatialReference.latestWkid}') and ${gisLayer.where})`;
url += `&cql_filter=${encodeURIComponent(where)}`;
} else {
url += `&bbox=${geometry.xmin},${geometry.ymin},${geometry.xmax},${geometry.ymax},EPSG:${geometry.spatialReference.latestWkid}`;
url += `&srsName=EPSG:${geometry.spatialReference.latestWkid}&outputFormat=${gisLayer.output? gisLayer.output : "application/json"}`;
} else if (gisLayer.serverType == "CartoDB"){
// url with query format 'SELECT the_geom_webmercator AS the_geom FROM user.table_name'
url =`${gisLayer.url} WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(${extent.left},${extent.top}),ST_Point(${extent.right},${extent.bottom})),3857),the_geom_webmercator)`;
if (fields.length){
url = url.replace("the_geom_webmercator AS the_geom", `the_geom_webmercator AS the_geom%2C${encodeURIComponent(fields.join(','))}`)
if (gisLayer.where){
url += `AND ${gisLayer.where}`;
url += '&format=GeoJSON'
} else { //default ArcGIS server
url = `${gisLayer.url}/query?geometry=${encodeURIComponent(geometryStr)}`;
url += gisLayer.token ? `&token=${gisLayer.token}` : '';
url += `&outFields=${encodeURIComponent(fields.join(','))}`;
url += '&returnGeometry=true&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope';
url += `&inSR=${gisLayer.spatialReference ? gisLayer.spatialReference : '102100'}`;
url += '&outSR=3857&f=json';
url += gisLayer.where ? `&where=${encodeURIComponent(gisLayer.where)}` : '';
logDebug(`Request URL: ${url}`);
return url;
function hashString(value) {
let hash = 0;
if (value.length === 0) return hash;
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
const chr = value.charCodeAt(i);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + chr;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;
function getCountiesUrl(extent) {
const geometry = {
xmin: extent.left,
ymin: extent.bottom,
xmax: extent.right,
ymax: extent.top,
spatialReference: { wkid: 102100, latestWkid: 3857 }
const url = `${COUNTIES_URL2}/query?geometry=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(geometry))}`;
return `${url}&outFields=NAME as BASENAME%2CCODE as STATE&returnGeometry=false&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects`
+ '&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=102100&outSR=3857&f=json';
/*const url = `${COUNTIES_URL}sql?q=SELECT dist_desc_ AS BASENAME, dpto AS STATE FROM ine.paraguay_2019_distritos `;
var gps1 = WazeWrap.Geometry.ConvertTo4326(extent.left, extent.top);
var gps2 = WazeWrap.Geometry.ConvertTo4326(extent.right, extent.bottom);
return `${url} WHERE ST_Intersects(
let _countiesInExtent = [];
let _statesInExtent = [];
function getFetchableLayers(getInvisible) {
if (W.map.getZoom() < 12 - 12) return []; //TODO: CHECK THIS LINE
return _gisLayers.filter(gisLayer => {
const isValidUrl = gisLayer.url && gisLayer.url.trim().length > 0;
const isVisible = (getInvisible || _settings.visibleLayers.includes(gisLayer.id))
&& _settings.selectedStates.includes(gisLayer.state);
const isInState = gisLayer.state === 'PRY' || _countiesInExtent.some(county => county.stateInfo[1] === gisLayer.state);
// Be sure to use hasOwnProperty when checking this, since 0 is a valid value.
const isValidZoom = getInvisible || W.map.getZoom() - 12 >= (gisLayer.hasOwnProperty('visibleAtZoom')
? gisLayer.visibleAtZoom : DEFAULT_VISIBLE_AT_ZOOM);
return isValidUrl && isInState && isVisible && isValidZoom;
function filterLayerCheckboxes() {
const applicableLayers = getFetchableLayers(true).filter(layer => {
const hasCounties = layer.hasOwnProperty('counties');
return (hasCounties && layer.counties.some(countyName => _countiesInExtent.some(county => county.name === countyName.toLowerCase()
&& layer.state === county.stateInfo[1]))) || !hasCounties;
const statesToHide = STATES.toAbbrArray();
_gisLayers.forEach(gisLayer => {
const id = `#gis-layer-${gisLayer.id}-container`;
if (!_settings.onlyShowApplicableLayers || applicableLayers.includes(gisLayer)) {
const idx = statesToHide.indexOf(gisLayer.state);
if (idx > -1) statesToHide.splice(idx, 1);
} else {
if (_settings.onlyShowApplicableLayers) {
statesToHide.forEach(st => $(`#gis-layers-for-${st}`).hide());
function convertFeatureGeometry(gisLayer, featureGeometry) {
if (gisLayer.spatialReference) {
const proj = new OpenLayers.Projection(`EPSG:${gisLayer.spatialReference}`);
featureGeometry.transform(proj, W.map.getProjectionObject());
return featureGeometry;
function setStateFullAddress() {
if (document.getElementsByClassName("location-info")){
var full = document.getElementsByClassName("location-info")[0];
if (full != undefined){
var yy = full.innerText;
if (yy.includes("Paraguay")){
var deptos = _statesInExtent.join(', ');
yy = yy.replace(/\[.*\]/g, '');
yy += " [" + deptos + "]";
document.getElementsByClassName("location-info")[0].innerText = yy;
const ROAD_ABBR = [
[/\bAVDA./gi, 'Av.'], [/\bAVENIDA/gi, 'Av.'], [/\bCOURT$/, 'CT'], [/\bDRIVE$/, 'DR'],
[/\bLANE$/, 'LN'], [/\bPARK$/, 'PK'], [/\bPLACE$/, 'PL'], [/\bROAD$/, 'RD'], [/\bSTREET$/, 'ST'],
[/\bTERRACE$/, 'TER']
function processFeatures(data, token, gisLayer) {
const features = [];
if (data.skipIt) {
// do nothing
} else if (data.error) {
logError(`Error in layer "${gisLayer.name}": ${data.error.message}`);
} else {
let items = {}
if (gisLayer.isFeatureSet){
// storing result as cache if not already there
if (!sessionStorage.getItem(gisLayer.id)){
sessionStorage.setItem(gisLayer.id, JSON.stringify(data));
if (gisLayer.isFeatureSet == 1) {
items = data.layers[0].featureSet.features;
} else if (gisLayer.isFeatureSet == 2){ // 2 is for GeoNode
items = data.features;
} else if (gisLayer.isFeatureSet == 3){ // RawData
items = data;
} else {
items = data.features || [];
if (!token.cancel) {
let error = false;
const distinctValues = [];
items.forEach(item => {
let skipIt = false;
if (!token.cancel && !error) {
let feature;
let featureGeometry;
let area;
if (gisLayer.distinctFields) {
if (distinctValues.some(v => gisLayer.distinctFields.every(
fld => v[fld] === item.attributes[fld]
))) {
skipIt = true;
} else {
const dist = {};
gisLayer.distinctFields.forEach(fld => (dist[fld] = item.attributes[fld]));
if (!skipIt) {
let isPolyLine = false;
let layerOffset = _settings.getLayerSetting(gisLayer.id, 'offset');
if (!layerOffset) {
layerOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 };
// Special handling for this layer, because it doesn't have a geometry property.
// Coordinates are stored in the attributes.
// if (gisLayer.id === 'nc-richmond-co-pts') {
// const pt = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(item.attributes.XCOOR, item.attributes.YCOOR);
// pt.transform(W.map.getOLMap().displayProjection, W.map.getProjectionObject());
// item.geometry = pt;
// }
if (!item.geometry && ["RawPointData",].indexOf(gisLayer.serverType) >= 0){
item.geometry = "RawPointData"
if (item.geometry) {
if (item.geometry.x) {
featureGeometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
item.geometry.x + layerOffset.x,
item.geometry.y + layerOffset.y
} else if (item.geometry.points) {
// @TODO Fix for multiple points instead of just grabbing first.
featureGeometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
item.geometry.points[0][0] + layerOffset.x,
item.geometry.points[0][1] + layerOffset.y
} else if (item.geometry.rings) {
const rings = [];
item.geometry.rings.forEach(ringIn => {
const pnts = [];
for (let i = 0; i < ringIn.length; i++) {
pnts.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
ringIn[i][0] + layerOffset.x,
ringIn[i][1] + layerOffset.y
rings.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing(pnts));
featureGeometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon(rings);
if (gisLayer.areaToPoint) {
featureGeometry = featureGeometry.getCentroid();
} else {
area = featureGeometry.getArea();
} else if (data.geometryType === 'esriGeometryPolyline') {
// We have to handle polylines differently since each item can have multiple features.
// In terms of ArcGIS, each feature's geometry can have multiple paths. For instance
// a single road can be broken into parts that are physically not connected to each other.
let label = '';
const hasVisibleAtZoom = gisLayer.hasOwnProperty('visibleAtZoom');
const hasLabelsVisibleAtZoom = gisLayer.hasOwnProperty('labelsVisibleAtZoom');
const displayLabelsAtZoom = hasLabelsVisibleAtZoom ? gisLayer.labelsVisibleAtZoom
: (hasVisibleAtZoom ? gisLayer.visibleAtZoom : DEFAULT_VISIBLE_AT_ZOOM) + 1;
if (gisLayer.labelHeaderFields) {
label = `${gisLayer.labelHeaderFields.map(
fieldName => item.attributes[fieldName]
).join(' ').trim()}\n`;
if (W.map.getZoom() - 12 >= displayLabelsAtZoom || area >= 5000) { //TODO: CHECK THIS LINE
label += gisLayer.labelFields.map(
fieldName => item.attributes[fieldName]
).join(' ').trim();
if (gisLayer.processLabel) {
label = gisLayer.processLabel(label, item.attributes);
label = label ? label.trim() : '';
// Use Turf library to clip the geometry to the screen bounds.
// This allows labels to stay in view on very long roads.
const mls = turf.multiLineString(item.geometry.paths);
const e = W.map.getExtent();
const bbox = [e.left, e.bottom, e.right, e.top];
const clipped = turf.bboxClip(mls, bbox);
if (clipped.geometry.type === 'LineString') {
item.geometry.paths = [clipped.geometry.coordinates];
} else if (clipped.geometry.type === 'MultiLineString') {
item.geometry.paths = clipped.geometry.coordinates;
item.geometry.paths.forEach(path => {
const pointList = [];
path.forEach(point => pointList.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
point[0] + layerOffset.x,
point[1] + layerOffset.y
featureGeometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(pointList);
featureGeometry.skipDupeCheck = true;
const attributes = {
layerID: gisLayer.id,
const lineFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(featureGeometry, attributes);
isPolyLine = true;
} else if (["GeoNode", "CartoDB"].indexOf(gisLayer.serverType) >= 0){
if (item.geometry.type == "GeometryCollection") {
let props = item.properties;
item = item.geometry.geometries[0];
item.geometry = item;
item.properties = props;
if (item.geometry.type == "Point") {
featureGeometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
item.geometry.coordinates[0] + layerOffset.x,
item.geometry.coordinates[1] + layerOffset.y
} else if (item.geometry.type == "MultiPoint") {
const rings = [];
const pnts = [];
item.geometry.coordinates.forEach(ringIn => {
pnts.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
ringIn[0] + layerOffset.x,
ringIn[1] + layerOffset.y
rings.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing(pnts));
featureGeometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon(rings);
} else if (item.geometry.type == "Polygon") {
const rings = [];
item.geometry.coordinates.forEach(ringIn => {
const pnts = [];
for (let i = 0; i < ringIn.length; i++) {
pnts.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
ringIn[i][0] + layerOffset.x,
ringIn[i][1] + layerOffset.y
rings.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing(pnts));
featureGeometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon(rings);
if (gisLayer.areaToPoint) {
featureGeometry = featureGeometry.getCentroid();
} else {
area = featureGeometry.getArea();
} else if (item.geometry.type == "MultiPolygon") {
const source = item.geometry.coordinates[0];
const polygonList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < source.length; i += 1) {
const pointList = [];
for (var j = 0; j < source[i].length; j += 1) {
var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
var linearRing = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing(pointList);
var polygon = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon([linearRing]);
featureGeometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon(polygonList);
} else if (item.geometry.type == "MultiLineString") {
const pointList = [];
item.geometry.coordinates.forEach(path => {
path.forEach(point => pointList.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
point[0] + layerOffset.x,
point[1] + layerOffset.y
featureGeometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(pointList);
featureGeometry.skipDupeCheck = true;
} else if (item.geometry.type == "LineString") {
const pointList = [];
item.geometry.coordinates.forEach(point => {
pointList.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
point[0] + layerOffset.x,
point[1] + layerOffset.y
featureGeometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(pointList);
featureGeometry = convertFeatureGeometry(gisLayer, featureGeometry);
} else if (["RawPointData",].indexOf(gisLayer.serverType) >= 0){
featureGeometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(item[`${gisLayer.processLon}`] + layerOffset.x, item[`${gisLayer.processLat}`] + layerOffset.y);
featureGeometry = convertFeatureGeometry(gisLayer, featureGeometry);
} else {
logDebug(`Unexpected feature type in layer: ${JSON.stringify(item)}`);
logError(`Error: Unexpected feature type in layer "${gisLayer.name}"`);
error = true;
if (!error && !isPolyLine) {
const hasVisibleAtZoom = gisLayer.hasOwnProperty('visibleAtZoom');
const hasLabelsVisibleAtZoom = gisLayer.hasOwnProperty('labelsVisibleAtZoom');
const displayLabelsAtZoom = hasLabelsVisibleAtZoom ? gisLayer.labelsVisibleAtZoom
: (hasVisibleAtZoom ? gisLayer.visibleAtZoom : DEFAULT_VISIBLE_AT_ZOOM) + 1;
let label = '';
let attrs = [];
if (["GeoNode", "CartoDB"].indexOf(gisLayer.serverType) >= 0){
attrs = item.properties;
} else if (["RawPointData"].indexOf(gisLayer.serverType) >= 0) {
attrs = item;
} else {
attrs = item.attributes;
if (gisLayer.labelHeaderFields) {
label = `${gisLayer.labelHeaderFields.map(
fieldName => attrs[fieldName]
).join(' ').trim()}\n`;
if (W.map.getZoom() - 12 >= displayLabelsAtZoom || area >= 5000) {
label += gisLayer.labelFields.map(
fieldName => attrs[fieldName]
).join(' ').trim();
if (gisLayer.processLabel) {
label = gisLayer.processLabel(label, attrs);
label = label ? label.trim() : '';
if (label && [
LAYER_STYLES.points, LAYER_STYLES.parcels, LAYER_STYLES.state_points,
].includes(gisLayer.style)) {
if (_settings.addrLabelDisplay === 'hn') {
const m = label.match(/^\d+/);
label = m ? m[0] : '';
} else if (_settings.addrLabelDisplay === 'street') {
const m = label.match(/^(?:\d+\s)?(.*)/);
label = m ? m[1].trim() : '';
else if (_settings.addrLabelDisplay === 'none') {
label = '';
const attributes = {
layerID: gisLayer.id,
if (gisLayer.isFeatureSet){
// avoid drawing features that are not in extent
const isFeatureInExtent = W.map.getExtent().intersectsBounds(featureGeometry.getBounds());
if (!isFeatureInExtent) return;
feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(featureGeometry, attributes);
if (!token.cancel) {
// Check for duplicate geometries.
for (let i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
const f1 = features[i];
let labels = [f1.attributes.label];
if (!f1.geometry.skipDupeCheck) {
const c1 = f1.geometry.getCentroid();
for (let j = i + 1; j < features.length; j++) {
const f2 = features[j];
if (!f2.geometry.skipDupeCheck && f2.geometry.getCentroid().distanceTo(c1) < 1) {
features.splice(j, 1);
labels = _.uniq(labels);
if (labels.length > 1) {
labels.forEach((label, idx) => {
label = label.replace(/\n/g, ' ').replace(/\s{2,}/, ' ').replace(/\bUNIT\s.{1,5}$/i, '').trim();
ROAD_ABBR.forEach(abbr => (label = label.replace(abbr[0], abbr[1])));
labels[idx] = label;
labels = _.uniq(labels);
if (labels.length > 12) {
const len = labels.length;
labels = labels.slice(0, 10);
labels.push(`(${len - 10} more...)`);
f1.attributes.label = _.uniq(labels).join('\n');
} else {
let { label } = f1.attributes;
ROAD_ABBR.forEach(abbr => (label = label.replace(abbr[0], abbr[1])));
f1.attributes.label = label;
const layer = gisLayer.isRoadLayer ? _roadLayer : _mapLayer;
layer.removeFeatures(layer.getFeaturesByAttribute('layerID', gisLayer.id));
if (features.length) {
$(`label[for="gis-layer-${gisLayer.id}"]`).css({ color: '#00a009' });
} // END processFeatures()
function fetchFeatures() {
if (!_settings.enabled) return;
if (_ignoreFetch) return;
if (W.map.getZoom() < 12 - 12) {// TODO: CHECK THIS LINE
_lastToken.cancel = true;
_lastToken = { cancel: false, features: [], layersProcessed: 0 };
$('.gis-state-layer-label').css({ color: '#777' });
let _layersCleared = false;
// if (layersToFetch.length) {
const extent = W.map.getExtent();
url: getCountiesUrl(extent),
method: 'GET',
onload(res) {
if (res.status < 400) {
const data = $.parseJSON(res.responseText);
if (data.error) {
logError(`Error in PY Census counties data: ${data.error.message}`);
} else {
_countiesInExtent = data.features.map(feature => {
const name = feature.attributes.BASENAME.toLowerCase();
const stateInfo = STATES.fromId(parseInt(feature.attributes.STATE, 10));
return { name, stateInfo };
logDebug(`PY Census counties: ${_countiesInExtent.map(c => `${c.name} ${c.stateInfo[1]}`).join(', ')}`);
_statesInExtent = _.uniq(data.features.map(
// eslint-disable-next-line radix
feature => STATES.fromId(parseInt(feature.attributes.STATE, 10))[0]
let layersToFetch;
if (!_layersCleared) {
_layersCleared = true;
layersToFetch = getFetchableLayers();
// Remove features of any layers that won't be mapped.
_gisLayers.forEach(gisLayer => {
if (!layersToFetch.includes(gisLayer)) {
_mapLayer.removeFeatures(_mapLayer.getFeaturesByAttribute('layerID', gisLayer.id));
_roadLayer.removeFeatures(_roadLayer.getFeaturesByAttribute('layerID', gisLayer.id));
layersToFetch = layersToFetch.filter(layer => !layer.hasOwnProperty('counties')
|| layer.counties.some(countyName => _countiesInExtent.some(county => county.name === countyName.toLowerCase()
&& layer.state === county.stateInfo[1])));
logDebug(`Fetching ${layersToFetch.length} layers...`);
layersToFetch.forEach(gisLayer => {
const url = getUrl(extent, gisLayer);
if (gisLayer.isFeatureSet){ // trying to retrieve cached data from sessionStorage
let sessionValue = sessionStorage.getItem(gisLayer.id);
if (sessionValue){
logDebug(`Processing features of ${gisLayer.id} from storage (RawData)...`);
processFeatures($.parseJSON(sessionValue), {}, gisLayer);
context: _lastToken,
method: 'GET',
headers: (gisLayer.customHeaders) ? $.parseJSON(gisLayer.customHeaders): {},
onload(res2) {
if (res2.status < 400) { // Handle stupid issue where http 4## is considered success
processFeatures($.parseJSON(res2.responseText), res2.context, gisLayer);
} else {
logDebug(`HTTP request error: ${JSON.stringify(res2)}`);
logError(`Could not fetch layer "${gisLayer.id}". Request returned ${res2.status}`);
$(`label[for="gis-layer-${gisLayer.id}"]`).css({ color: '#ff0000' });
onerror(res3) {
logDebug(`xmlhttpRequest error:${JSON.stringify(res3)}`);
logError(`Could not fetch layer "${gisLayer.id}". An error was thrown.`);
$(`label[for="gis-layer-${gisLayer.id}"]`).css({ color: '#ff0000' });
} else {
logDebug(`HTTP request error: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`);
logError(`Could not fetch counties from PY Census site. Request returned ${res.status}`);
onerror(res) {
logDebug(`xmlhttpRequest error:${JSON.stringify(res)}`);
logError('Could not fetch counties from PY Census site. An error was thrown.');
function showScriptInfoAlert() {
/* Check version and alert on update */
if (ALERT_UPDATE && SCRIPT_VERSION !== _settings.lastVersion) {
let releaseNotes = '';
releaseNotes += '<p>What\'s New:</p>';
if (SCRIPT_VERSION_CHANGES.length > 0) {
releaseNotes += '<ul>';
for (let idx = 0; idx < SCRIPT_VERSION_CHANGES.length; idx++)
releaseNotes += `<li>${SCRIPT_VERSION_CHANGES[idx]}`;
releaseNotes += '</ul>';
else {
releaseNotes += '<ul><li>Nothing major.</ul>';
WazeWrap.Interface.ShowScriptUpdate(GM_info.script.name, SCRIPT_VERSION, releaseNotes, GF_URL);
function setEnabled(value) {
_settings.enabled = value;
const color = value ? '#00bd00' : '#ccc';
$('span#gis-layers-power-btn').css({ color });
if (value) fetchFeatures();
$('#layer-switcher-item_gis_layers').prop('checked', value);
function onGisLayerToggleChanged() {
const checked = $(this).is(':checked');
const layerId = $(this).data('layer-id');
const idx = _settings.visibleLayers.indexOf(layerId);
if (checked) {
const gisLayer = _gisLayers.find(l => l.id === layerId);
if (gisLayer.oneTimeAlert) {
const lastAlertHash = _settings.oneTimeAlerts[layerId];
const newAlertHash = hashString(gisLayer.oneTimeAlert);
if (lastAlertHash !== newAlertHash) {
// alert(`Layer: ${gisLayer.name}\n\nMessage:\n${gisLayer.oneTimeAlert}`);
WazeWrap.Alerts.info(GM_info.script.name, `Layer: ${gisLayer.name}<br><br>Message:<br>${gisLayer.oneTimeAlert}`);
_settings.oneTimeAlerts[layerId] = newAlertHash;
if (idx === -1) _settings.visibleLayers.push(layerId);
} else if (idx > -1) _settings.visibleLayers.splice(idx, 1);
if (!_ignoreFetch) {
function onOnlyShowApplicableLayersChanged() {
_settings.onlyShowApplicableLayers = $(this).is(':checked');
function onStateCheckChanged(evt) {
const state = evt.data;
const idx = _settings.selectedStates.indexOf(state);
if (evt.target.checked) {
if (idx === -1) _settings.selectedStates.push(state);
} else if (idx > -1) _settings.selectedStates.splice(idx, 1);
if (!_ignoreFetch) {
function onLayerCheckboxChanged(checked) {
function setFillParcels(doFill) {
[LAYER_STYLES.parcels, LAYER_STYLES.state_parcels].forEach(style => {
style.fillOpacity = doFill ? 0.2 : 0;
function onFillParcelsCheckedChanged(evt) {
const { checked } = evt.target;
_settings.fillParcels = checked;
function onMapMove() {
if (_settings.enabled) fetchFeatures();
function onRefreshLayersClick() {
const $btn = $('#gis-layers-refresh');
if (!$btn.hasClass('fa-spin')) {
$btn.css({ cursor: 'auto' });
function onChevronClick(evt) {
const $target = $(evt.currentTarget);
.toggleClass('fa fa-fw fa-chevron-down')
.toggleClass('fa fa-fw fa-chevron-right');
function doToggleABunch(evt, checkState) {
_ignoreFetch = true;
$(evt.target).closest('fieldset').find('input').prop('checked', !checkState).trigger('click');
_ignoreFetch = false;
if (evt.data) initLayersTab();
function onSelectAllClick(evt) {
doToggleABunch(evt, true);
function onSelectNoneClick(evt) {
doToggleABunch(evt, false);
function onGisAddrDisplayChange(evt) {
_settings.addrLabelDisplay = evt.target.value;
function onAddressDisplayShortcutKey() {
if (!$('#gisAddrDisplay-hn').is(':checked')) {
} else {
function initLayer() {
const rules = _gisLayers.map(gisLayer => new OpenLayers.Rule({
filter: new OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison({
type: OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.EQUAL_TO,
property: 'layerID',
value: gisLayer.id
symbolizer: gisLayer.style
const style = new OpenLayers.Style(DEFAULT_STYLE, { rules });
let existingLayer;
let uniqueName;
uniqueName = 'wmeGISLayersDefault';
existingLayer = W.map.layers.find(l => l.uniqueName === uniqueName); // Note: W.map.getLayerByUniqueName(...) isn't working.
if (existingLayer) W.map.removeLayer(existingLayer);
_mapLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('PY GIS Layers - Default', {
styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap(style)
uniqueName = 'wmeGISLayersRoads';
existingLayer = W.map.layers.find(l => l.uniqueName === uniqueName); // Note: W.map.getLayerByUniqueName(...) isn't wworking.
if (existingLayer) W.map.removeLayer(existingLayer);
_roadLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('PY GIS Layers - Roads', {
styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap(ROAD_STYLE)
W.map.addLayers([_roadLayer, _mapLayer]);
} // END InitLayer
function initLayersTab() {
const user = W.loginManager.user.attributes.userName.toLowerCase();
const states = _.uniq(_gisLayers.map(l => l.state)).filter(st => _settings.selectedStates.includes(st));
$('<div>', { class: 'controls-container' }).css({ 'padding-top': '0px' }).append(
$('<input>', { type: 'checkbox', id: 'only-show-applicable-gis-layers' }).change(
).prop('checked', _settings.onlyShowApplicableLayers),
$('<label>', { for: 'only-show-applicable-gis-layers' })
.css({ 'white-space': 'pre-line' }).text('Solo mostrar capas aplicables')
$('.gis-layers-state-checkbox:checked').length === 0
? $('<div>').text('Marcar categoria de capas en solapa Configuraciones')
: states.map(st => $('<fieldset>', {
id: `gis-layers-for-${st}`,
style: 'border:1px solid silver;padding:4px;border-radius:4px;-webkit-padding-before: 0;'
$('<legend>', { style: 'margin-bottom:0px;border-bottom-style:none;width:auto;' })
$('<i>', {
class: 'fa fa-fw fa-chevron-down',
style: 'cursor: pointer;font-size: 12px;margin-right: 4px'
$('<span>', {
style: 'font-size:14px;font-weight:600;text-transform: uppercase; cursor: pointer'
$('<div>', { id: `${st}_body` }).append(
$('<div>').css({ 'font-size': '11px' }).append(
'Select ',
$('<a>', { href: '#' })
' / ',
$('<a>', { href: '#' })
$('<div>', { class: 'controls-container', style: 'padding-top:0px;' }).append(
_gisLayers.filter(l => (l.state === st && (!PRIVATE_LAYERS.hasOwnProperty(l.id)
|| PRIVATE_LAYERS[l.id].includes(user))))
.map(gisLayer => {
const id = `gis-layer-${gisLayer.id}`;
return $('<div>', { class: 'controls-container', id: `${id}-container` })
.css({ 'padding-top': '0px', display: 'block' })
$('<input>', { type: 'checkbox', id })
.data('layer-id', gisLayer.id)
.prop('checked', _settings.visibleLayers.includes(gisLayer.id)),
$('<label>', { for: id, class: 'gis-state-layer-label' })
.css({ 'white-space': 'pre-line' })
.text(`${gisLayer.name}${gisLayer.restrictTo ? ' *' : ''}`)
.attr('title', gisLayer.restrictTo ? `Restringido a: ${gisLayer.restrictTo}` : '')
.contextmenu(evt => {
// TODO - enable the layer if it isn't already.
// Tried using click function on the evt target, but that didn't work.
_layerSettingsDialog.gisLayer = gisLayer;
function initSettingsTab() {
const states = _.uniq(_gisLayers.map(l => l.state));
const createRadioBtn = (name, value, text, checked) => {
const id = `${name}-${value}`;
return [$('<input>', {
type: 'radio', id, name, value
}).prop('checked', checked), $('<label>', { for: id }).text(text).css({
paddingLeft: '15px', marginRight: '4px'
$('<fieldset>', {
style: 'border:1px solid silver;padding:8px;border-radius:4px;-webkit-padding-before: 0;margin-top:-8px;'
$('<legend>', {
style: 'margin-bottom:0px;border-bottom-style:none;width:auto;'
}).append($('<span>', {
style: 'font-size:14px;font-weight:600;text-transform: uppercase;'
$('<div>', { id: 'labelSettings' }).append(
$('<div>', { class: 'controls-container' }).css({ 'padding-top': '2px' }).append(
$('<label>', { style: 'font-weight:normal;' }).text('Addresses:'),
createRadioBtn('gisAddrDisplay', 'hn', 'Nro Casa', _settings.addrLabelDisplay === 'hn'),
createRadioBtn('gisAddrDisplay', 'street', 'Calle', _settings.addrLabelDisplay === 'street'),
createRadioBtn('gisAddrDisplay', 'all', 'Ambos', _settings.addrLabelDisplay === 'all'),
createRadioBtn('gisAddrDisplay', 'none', 'None', _settings.addrLabelDisplay === 'none'),
$('<i>', {
class: 'waze-tooltip',
id: 'gisAddrDisplayInfo',
'data-toggle': 'tooltip',
style: 'margin-left:8px; font-size:12px',
'data-placement': 'bottom',
title: `This may not work properly for all layers. Please report issues to ${SCRIPT_AUTHOR}.`
$('<fieldset>', {
style: 'border:1px solid silver;padding:8px;border-radius:4px;-webkit-padding-before: 0;'
$('<legend>', {
style: 'margin-bottom:0px;border-bottom-style:none;width:auto;'
}).append($('<span>', {
style: 'font-size:14px;font-weight:600;text-transform: uppercase;'
}).text('Categoria de Capas')),
$('<div>', { id: 'states_body' }).append(
$('<div>').css({ 'font-size': '11px' }).append(
'Select ',
$('<a>', { href: '#' }).text('All').click(true, onSelectAllClick),
' / ',
$('<a>', { href: '#' }).text('None').click(true, onSelectNoneClick)
$('<div>', { class: 'controls-container', style: 'padding-top:0px;' }).append(
states.map(st => {
const fullName = STATES.toFullName(st);
const id = `gis-layer-enable-state-${st}`;
return $('<div>', { class: 'controls-container' })
.css({ 'padding-top': '0px', display: 'block' })
$('<input>', { type: 'checkbox', id, class: 'gis-layers-state-checkbox' })
.change(st, onStateCheckChanged)
.prop('checked', _settings.selectedStates.includes(st)),
$('<label>', { for: id }).css({ 'white-space': 'pre-line', color: '#777' }).text(fullName)
$('<fieldset>', { style: 'border:1px solid silver;padding:8px;border-radius:4px;-webkit-padding-before: 0;' })
$('<legend>', { style: 'margin-bottom:0px;border-bottom-style:none;width:auto;' })
$('<span>', { style: 'font-size:14px;font-weight:600;text-transform: uppercase;' })
$('<div>', { class: 'controls-container' }).css({ 'padding-top': '2px' }).append(
$('<input>', { type: 'checkbox', id: 'fill-parcels' })
.prop('checked', _settings.fillParcels),
$('<label>', { for: 'fill-parcels' }).css({ 'white-space': 'pre-line', color: '#777' }).text('Llenar parcelas')
async function initTab(firstCall = true) {
if (firstCall) {
const { user } = W.loginManager;
const content = $('<div>').append(
$('<span>', { style: 'font-size:14px;font-weight:600' }).text('Paraguay GIS Layers'),
$('<span>', { style: 'font-size:11px;margin-left:10px;color:#aaa;' }).text(GM_info.script.version),
// <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfMhBxF0P6bn8dFfOoNTAF1LHBFXr5w9oXvzqsii_TfA-_Bmw/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.831784226=test" target="_blank" style="color: #6290b7;font-size: 12px;margin-left: 8px;" title="Report broken layers, bugs, request new layers, script features">Report an issue</a>
$('<a>', {
href: REQUEST_FORM_URL.replace('{username}', user.userName),
target: '_blank',
style: 'color: #6290b7;font-size: 12px;margin-left: 8px;',
title: 'Reportar capas rotas, bugs, solicitar nuevas capas, nuevas caracteristicas'
}).text('Enviar una solicitud'),
$('<span>', {
id: 'gis-layers-refresh',
class: 'fa fa-refresh',
style: 'float: right;',
'data-toggle': 'tooltip',
title: 'Obtener nuevas informaciones del planilla primaria y refrescar todas las capas.'
'<ul class="nav nav-tabs">'
+ '<li class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#panel-gis-state-layers" aria-expanded="true">'
+ 'Capas'
+ '</a></li>'
+ '<li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#panel-gis-layers-settings" aria-expanded="true">'
+ 'Configuracion'
+ '</a></li> '
+ '</ul>',
$('<div>', { class: 'tab-content', style: 'padding:8px;padding-top:2px' }).append(
$('<div>', { class: 'tab-pane active', id: 'panel-gis-state-layers', style: 'padding: 4px 0px 0px 0px; width: auto' }),
$('<div>', { class: 'tab-pane', id: 'panel-gis-layers-settings', style: 'padding: 4px 0px 0px 0px; width: auto' })
const powerButtonColor = _settings.enabled ? '#00bd00' : '#ccc';
const labelText = $('<div>').append(
$('<span>', {
class: 'fa fa-power-off',
id: 'gis-layers-power-btn',
style: `margin-right: 5px;cursor: pointer;color: ${powerButtonColor};font-size: 13px;`,
title: 'Activar/Desactivar Paraguay GIS Layers'
$('<span>', { title: 'PY GIS Layers' }).text('PY GIS-L')
const { tabLabel, tabPane } = W.userscripts.registerSidebarTab('PY GIS-L');
tabLabel.innerHTML = labelText;
tabPane.innerHTML = content;
// Fix tab content div spacing.
$(tabPane).parent().css({ width: 'auto', padding: '6px' });
await W.userscripts.waitForElementConnected(tabPane);
$('#gis-layers-power-btn').click(evt => {
function initGui(firstCall = true) {
if (firstCall) {
WazeWrap.Interface.AddLayerCheckbox('Display', 'PY GIS Layers', _settings.enabled, onLayerCheckboxChanged);
// W.map.events.register('moveend', null, onMapMove);
WazeWrap.Events.register('moveend', null, onMapMove);
} else {
async function loadSpreadsheetAsync() {
let data;
try {
data = await $.getJSON(`${LAYER_DEF_SPREADSHEET_URL}?key=${DEC(API_KEY)}`);
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Spreadsheet call failed. (${err.status}: ${err.statusText})`);
const [[minVersion], fieldNames, ...layerDefRows] = data.values;
'state', 'name', 'id', 'counties', 'url', 'where', 'labelFields',
'processLabel', 'style', 'visibleAtZoom', 'labelsVisibleAtZoom', 'enabled',
'restrictTo', 'oneTimeAlert', "areaToPoint", "isFeatureSet", "serverType"
const result = { error: null };
const checkFieldNames = fldName => fieldNames.includes(fldName);
if (SCRIPT_VERSION < minVersion) {
result.error = `Script must be updated to at least version ${
minVersion} before layer definitions can be loaded.`;
} else if (fieldNames.length < REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES.length) {
result.error = `Expected ${
REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES.length} columns in layer definition data. Spreadsheet returned ${
} else if (!REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES.every(fldName => checkFieldNames(fldName))) {
result.error = 'Script expected to see the following column names in the layer '
+ `definition spreadsheet:\n${REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES.join(', ')}\n`
+ `But the spreadsheet returned these:\n${fieldNames.join(', ')}`;
if (!result.error) {
layerDefRows.filter(row => row.length).forEach(layerDefRow => {
const layerDef = { enabled: '0' };
fieldNames.forEach((fldName, fldIdx) => {
let value = layerDefRow[fldIdx];
if (value !== undefined && value.trim().length > 0) {
value = value.trim();
if (fldName === 'counties' || fldName === 'labelFields') {
value = value.split(',').map(item => item.trim());
} else if (fldName === 'processLabel') {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
value = eval(`(function(label, fieldValues){${value}})`);
} catch (ex) {
logError(`Error loading label processing function for layer "${
} else if (fldName === 'style') {
layerDef.isRoadLayer = value === 'roads';
if (LAYER_STYLES.hasOwnProperty(value)) {
value = LAYER_STYLES[value];
} else if (!layerDef.isRoadLayer) {
// If style is not defined, try to read in as JSON (custom style)
try {
value = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (ex) {
// ignore error
} else if (fldName === 'state') {
value = value ? value.toUpperCase() : value;
} else if (fldName === 'restrictTo') {
try {
const { user } = W.loginManager;
const values = value.split(',').map(v => v.trim().toLowerCase());
layerDef.notAllowed = !values.some(entry => {
const rankMatch = entry.match(/^r(\d)(\+am)?$/);
if (rankMatch) {
if (rankMatch[1] <= (user.attributes.rank + 1) && (!rankMatch[2] || user.attributes.isAreaManager)) {
return true;
} else if (entry === 'am' && user.attributes.isAreaManager) {
return true;
} else if (entry === user.attributes.userName.toLowerCase()) {
return true;
return false;
} catch (ex) {
layerDef[fldName] = value;
} else if (fldName === 'labelFields') {
layerDef[fldName] = [''];
const enabled = layerDef.enabled && !['0', 'false', 'no', 'n'].includes(layerDef.enabled.toString().trim().toLowerCase());
if (!layerDef.notAllowed && (enabled || layerDef.restrictTo)) {
return result;
function loadScriptUpdateMonitor() {
try {
const updateMonitor = new WazeWrap.Alerts.ScriptUpdateMonitor(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_VERSION, DOWNLOAD_URL, GM_xmlhttpRequest);
} catch (ex) {
// Report, but don't stop if ScriptUpdateMonitor fails.
async function init(firstCall = true) {
_gisLayers = [];
if (firstCall) {
// W.accelerators.events.listeners was removed in WME beta, so check for it here before calling WazeWrap.Interface.Shortcut
// Hopefully there will be a fix or workaround for this issue.
if (W.accelerators.events.listeners) {
new WazeWrap.Interface.Shortcut(
'Activar/desactivar etiquetas/direcciones solo con numero casa (Paraguay GIS Layers)',
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', saveSettingsToStorage, false);
_layerSettingsDialog = new LayerSettingsDialog();
const t0 = performance.now();
try {
const result = await loadSpreadsheetAsync();
if (result.error) {
// _layerRefinements.forEach(layerRefinement => {
// const layerDef = _gisLayers.find(layerDef2 => layerDef2.id === layerRefinement.id);
// if (layerDef) {
// Object.keys(layerRefinement).forEach(fldName => {
// const value = layerRefinement[fldName];
// if (fldName !== 'id' && layerDef.hasOwnProperty(fldName)) {
// logDebug(`The "${fldName}" property of layer "${
// layerDef.id}" has a value hardcoded in the script, and also defined in the spreadsheet.`
// + ' The spreadsheet value takes precedence.');
// } else if (value) layerDef[fldName] = value;
// });
// } else {
// logDebug(`Refined layer "${layerRefinement.id}" does not have a corresponding layer defined`
// + ' in the spreadsheet. It can probably be removed from the script.');
// }
// });
logDebug(`Loaded ${_gisLayers.length} layer definitions in ${Math.round(performance.now() - t0)} ms.`);
$('#gis-layers-refresh').removeClass('fa-spin').css({ cursor: 'pointer' });
} catch (err) {
function onWmeReady() {
if (WazeWrap && WazeWrap.Ready) {
} else {
logDebug('Bootstrap ha fallado. Reintentando...');
setTimeout(onWmeReady, 100);
function bootstrap() {
if (typeof W === 'object' && W.userscripts?.state.isReady) {
} else {
document.addEventListener('wme-ready', onWmeReady, { once: true });
function installPathFollowingLabels() {
// Copyright (c) 2015 by Jean-Marc.Viglino [at]ign.fr
// Dual-licensed under the CeCILL-B Licence (http://www.cecill.info/)
// and the Beerware license (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beerware),
// feel free to use and abuse it in your projects (the code, not the beer ;-).
//* Overwrite the SVG function to allow text along a path
//* setStyle function
//* Add new options to the Openlayers.Style
// pathLabel: {String} Label to draw on the path
// pathLabelXOffset: {String} Offset along the line to start drawing text in pixel or %, default: "50%"
// pathLabelYOffset: {Number} Distance of the line to draw the text
// pathLabelCurve: {String} Smooth the line the label is drawn on (empty string for no)
// pathLabelReadable: {String} Make the label readable (empty string for no)
// * Extra standard values : all label and text values
// *
// * Method: removeChildById
// * Remove child in a node.
// *
function removeChildById(node, id) {
if (node.querySelector) {
var c = node.querySelector('#' + id);
if (c) node.removeChild(c);
// For old browsers
var c = node.childNodes;
if (c) for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
if (c[i].id === id) {
// *
// * Method: setStyle
// * Use to set all the style attributes to a SVG node.
// *
// * Takes care to adjust stroke width and point radius to be
// * resolution-relative
// *
// * Parameters:
// * node - {SVGDomElement} An SVG element to decorate
// * style - {Object}
// * options - {Object} Currently supported options include
// * 'isFilled' {Boolean} and
// * 'isStroked' {Boolean}
var setStyle = OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.prototype.setStyle;
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_STARTOFFSET = { 'l': '0%', 'r': '100%', 'm': '50%' };
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.prototype.pathText = function (node, style, suffix) {
var label = this.nodeFactory(null, 'text');
label.setAttribute('id', node._featureId + '_' + suffix);
if (style.fontColor) label.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', style.fontColor);
if (style.fontStrokeColor) label.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke', style.fontStrokeColor);
if (style.fontStrokeWidth) label.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-width', style.fontStrokeWidth);
if (style.fontOpacity) label.setAttributeNS(null, 'opacity', style.fontOpacity);
if (style.fontFamily) label.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-family', style.fontFamily);
if (style.fontSize) label.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-size', style.fontSize);
if (style.fontWeight) label.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-weight', style.fontWeight);
if (style.fontStyle) label.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-style', style.fontStyle);
if (style.labelSelect === true) {
label.setAttributeNS(null, 'pointer-events', 'visible');
label._featureId = node._featureId;
} else {
label.setAttributeNS(null, 'pointer-events', 'none');
function getpath(pathStr, readeable) {
var npath = pathStr.split(',');
var pts = [];
if (!readeable || Number(npath[0]) - Number(npath[npath.length - 2]) < 0) {
while (npath.length) pts.push({ x: Number(npath.shift()), y: Number(npath.shift()) });
} else {
while (npath.length) pts.unshift({ x: Number(npath.shift()), y: Number(npath.shift()) });
return pts;
var path = this.nodeFactory(null, 'path');
var tpid = node._featureId + '_t' + suffix;
var tpath = node.getAttribute('points');
if (style.pathLabelCurve) {
var pts = getpath(tpath, style.pathLabelReadable);
var p = pts[0].x + ' ' + pts[0].y;
var dx, dy, s1, s2;
dx = (pts[0].x - pts[1].x) / 4;
dy = (pts[0].y - pts[1].y) / 4;
for (var i = 1; i < pts.length - 1; i++) {
p += ' C ' + (pts[i - 1].x - dx) + ' ' + (pts[i - 1].y - dy);
dx = (pts[i - 1].x - pts[i + 1].x) / 4;
dy = (pts[i - 1].y - pts[i + 1].y) / 4;
s1 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pts[i - 1].x - pts[i].x, 2) + Math.pow(pts[i - 1].y - pts[i].y, 2));
s2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pts[i + 1].x - pts[i].x, 2) + Math.pow(pts[i + 1].y - pts[i].y, 2));
p += ' ' + (pts[i].x + s1 * dx / s2) + ' ' + (pts[i].y + s1 * dy / s2);
dx *= s2 / s1;
dy *= s2 / s1;
p += ' ' + pts[i].x + ' ' + pts[i].y;
p += ' C ' + (pts[i - 1].x - dx) + ' ' + (pts[i - 1].y - dy);
dx = (pts[i - 1].x - pts[i].x) / 4;
dy = (pts[i - 1].y - pts[i].y) / 4;
p += ' ' + (pts[i].x + dx) + ' ' + (pts[i].y + dy);
p += ' ' + pts[i].x + ' ' + pts[i].y;
path.setAttribute('d', 'M ' + p);
} else {
if (style.pathLabelReadable) {
var pts = getpath(tpath, style.pathLabelReadable);
var p = '';
for (var i = 0; i < pts.length; i++) p += ' ' + pts[i].x + ' ' + pts[i].y;
path.setAttribute('d', 'M ' + p);
} else path.setAttribute('d', 'M ' + tpath);
path.setAttribute('id', tpid);
var defs = this.createDefs();
removeChildById(defs, tpid);
var textPath = this.nodeFactory(null, 'textPath');
textPath.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:href', '#' + tpid);
var align = style.labelAlign || OpenLayers.Renderer.defaultSymbolizer.labelAlign;
label.setAttributeNS(null, 'text-anchor', OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_ALIGN[align[0]] || 'middle');
textPath.setAttribute('startOffset', style.pathLabelXOffset || OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_STARTOFFSET[align[0]] || '50%');
label.setAttributeNS(null, 'dominant-baseline', OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_ALIGN[align[1]] || 'central');
if (style.pathLabelYOffset) label.setAttribute('dy', style.pathLabelYOffset);
textPath.textContent = style.pathLabel;
removeChildById(this.textRoot, node._featureId + '_' + suffix);
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.prototype.setStyle = function (node, style, options) {
if (node._geometryClass === 'OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString' && style.pathLabel) {
if (node._geometryClass === 'OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString' && style.pathLabel) {
var drawOutline = (!!style.labelOutlineWidth);
// First draw text in halo color and size and overlay the
// normal text afterwards
if (drawOutline) {
var outlineStyle = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, style);
outlineStyle.fontColor = outlineStyle.labelOutlineColor;
outlineStyle.fontStrokeColor = outlineStyle.labelOutlineColor;
outlineStyle.fontStrokeWidth = style.labelOutlineWidth;
if (style.labelOutlineOpacity) outlineStyle.fontOpacity = style.labelOutlineOpacity;
delete outlineStyle.labelOutlineWidth;
this.pathText(node, outlineStyle, 'txtpath0');
this.pathText(node, style, 'txtpath');
setStyle.apply(this, arguments);
} else setStyle.apply(this, arguments);
return node;
// *
// * Method: drawGeometry
// * Remove the textpath if no geometry is drawn.
// *
// * Parameters:
// * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
// * style - {Object}
// * featureId - {String}
// *
// * Returns:
// * {Boolean} true if the geometry has been drawn completely; null if
// * incomplete; false otherwise
var drawGeometry = OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.prototype.drawGeometry;
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.prototype.drawGeometry = function (geometry, style, id) {
var rendered = drawGeometry.apply(this, arguments);
if (rendered === false) {
removeChildById(this.textRoot, id + '_txtpath');
removeChildById(this.textRoot, id + '_txtpath0');
return rendered;
// *
// * Method: eraseGeometry
// * Erase a geometry from the renderer. In the case of a multi-geometry,
// * we cycle through and recurse on ourselves. Otherwise, we look for a
// * node with the geometry.id, destroy its geometry, and remove it from
// * the DOM.
// *
// * Parameters:
// * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
// * featureId - {String}
var eraseGeometry = OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.prototype.eraseGeometry;
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.prototype.eraseGeometry = function (geometry, featureId) {
eraseGeometry.apply(this, arguments);
removeChildById(this.textRoot, featureId + '_txtpath');
removeChildById(this.textRoot, featureId + '_txtpath0');