Youtube - Search While Watching Video

Search YouTube without interrupting the video, by loading the search results in the related video bar

< Feedback on Youtube - Search While Watching Video


Posted: 7.7.2021
Edited: 7.7.2021

Suggestion of Coding Change:

If the user types too fast, the result would be incorrect. (the searchvalue is 100ms before)

Here are the changes:

Obsolete Coding?

For your copy:

                script.search_timeout = 0;
                script.search_bar.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
                    if(script.search_timeout>0) script.search_timeout = clearTimeout(script.search_timeout);
                    if (this.value === "") {
                    } else{
                        // only allow 1 suggestion request every 100 milliseconds
                        script.search_timeout = setTimeout(()=>searchSuggestions(this.value),100); 
        function suggestionsCallback(data) {
            let raw = data[1]; // extract relevant data from json
            let suggestions = {
                return array[0]; // change 2D array to 1D array with only suggestions
            if (script.debug) { console.log(suggestions); }
            script.search_suggestions = suggestions;
            cleanupSuggestionRequests(); // clean up the loaded json request script
        function searchSuggestions(searchValue) {

            // youtube search parameters
            const GeoLocation =;
            const HostLanguage =;

            if (script.debug) { console.log("suggestion request send", searchValue); }
            let scriptElement = document.createElement("script");
            scriptElement.type = "text/javascript";
            scriptElement.className = "suggestion-request";
            scriptElement.async = true;
            scriptElement.src = "" + HostLanguage + "&gl=" + GeoLocation + "&gs_ri=youtube&ds=yt&q=" + encodeURIComponent(searchValue) + "&callback=suggestions_callback";
            (document.querySelector('head') || document.documentElement).appendChild(scriptElement);


You forgot to remove the .autocomplete-suggestions created by new window.autoComplete({...} in createSearchBar()

        function loadSearch() {
            // prevent double searchbar
            let playlistOrLiveSearchBar = document.querySelector('#suggestions-search.playlist-or-live');
            if (playlistOrLiveSearchBar) {
                 let autocomplete_suggestions = document.querySelector('.autocomplete-suggestions');
                 if(autocomplete_suggestions) autocomplete_suggestions.remove();

            let searchbar = document.getElementById('suggestions-search');
            if (!searchbar) {
            } else {
                searchbar.value = "";

            script.searched = false;

Posted: 7.7.2021

Fixed and fixed

Fixed and fixed


I think having these few codes would be better.
- in searchSuggestions(...), async script is marked as async and appended to head instead of body
- in suggestionsCallback(...), cleanup the async script after loaded
- in loadSearch(), remove the unneccessary div.autocomplete

This console.log(term); shall be only for Debug mode.

Posted: 8.7.2021
- in searchSuggestions(...), async script is marked as async and appended to head instead of body

Dynamically inserted script elements are automatically executed as an async function.
I disagree with appending to the head. While it is also correct for me the head element is for scripts that need to block page loading.

- in suggestionsCallback(...), cleanup the async script after loaded

I clean them when I search, that's good enough. Removing elements from the dom also costs resources and not immediately cleaning them doesn't do any harm.

- in loadSearch(), remove the unneccessary div.autocomplete

Mhm weird, I fixed that but don't see the changes anymore. Probably had 2 tabs of my script open or something. Fixed

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