// ==UserScript==
// @name MTurk HIT Database Mk.II
// @author feihtality
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/12709
// @version 1.2.1
// @description Keep track of the HITs you've done (and more!). Cross browser compatible.
// @include /^https://www\.mturk\.com/mturk/(dash|view|sort|find|prev|search|accept|cont|myhits).*/
// @exclude https://www.mturk.com/mturk/findhits?*hit_scraper
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
** This is a complete rewrite of the MTurk HIT Database script from the ground up, which
** eliminates obsolete methods, fixes many bugs, and brings this script up-to-date
** with the modern browser environment.
/*globals self*/
const DB_VERSION = 8;
const DB_NAME = 'HITDB';
const MTURK_BASE = 'https://www.mturk.com/mturk/';
/*************************** Native code modifications *******************************/
if (!NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator]) NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator];
Number.prototype.toPadded = function(length) { // format leading zeros
'use strict';
length = length || 2;
return ("0000000"+this).substr(-length);
Math.decRound = function(v, shift) { // decimal rounding
'use strict';
v = Math.round(+(v+"e"+shift));
return +(v+"e"+-shift);
Date.prototype.toLocalISOString = function() { // ISOString by local timezone
'use strict';
var pad = function(num) { return Number(num).toPadded(); },
offset = pad(Math.floor(this.getTimezoneOffset()/60)) + pad(this.getTimezoneOffset()%60),
timezone = this.getTimezoneOffset() > 0 ? "-" + offset : "+" + offset;
return this.getFullYear() + "-" + pad(this.getMonth()+1) + "-" + pad(this.getDate()) +
"T" + pad(this.getHours()) + ":" + pad(this.getMinutes()) + ":" + pad(this.getSeconds()) + timezone;
if (!('includes' in Array.prototype)) Array.prototype.includes = function(arg) { 'use strict'; return Boolean(~this.indexOf(arg)); };
(function() {
'use strict';
var qc = {
//extraDays: !!localStorage.getItem("hitdb_extraDays") || false,
save: function(key, name, isObj) {
if (isObj)
localStorage.setItem(name, JSON.stringify(this[key]));
localStorage.setItem(name, this[key]);
metrics = {},
get = (...args) => (args.length > 1 ? args[1] : document).querySelector(args[0] || args[1]),
getAll = (...args) => (args.length > 1 ? args[1] : document).querySelectorAll(args[0] || args[1]);
HITStorage = { //{{{
data: {}, db: null,
versionChange: function hsversionChange() { //{{{
var db = this.result;
db.onversionchange = function(e) { console.log("detected version change??",console.dir(e)); db.close(); };
var dbo, idx;
if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains("HIT")) {
console.log("creating HIT OS");
dbo = db.createObjectStore("HIT", { keyPath: "hitId" });
for (idx of ['date', 'requesterName', 'title', 'reward', 'bonus', 'status', 'requesterId'])
dbo.createIndex(idx, idx, { unique: false });
//localStorage.setItem("hitdb_extraDays", true);
//qc.extraDays = true;
} else if (!this.transaction.objectStore('HIT').indexNames.contains('bonus')) {
this.transaction.objectStore('HIT').createIndex('bonus','bonus',{ unique: false });
if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains("STATS")) {
console.log("creating STATS OS");
dbo = db.createObjectStore("STATS", { keyPath: "date" });
if (this.transaction.objectStore("STATS").indexNames.length < 5) { // new in v5: schema additions
for (idx of ['approved', 'earnings', 'pending', 'rejected', 'submitted'])
this.transaction.objectStore("STATS").createIndex(idx, idx, { unique: false });
if (db.objectStoreNames.contains("NOTES") && this.transaction.objectStore("NOTES").indexNames.length < 3)
if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains("NOTES")) { // new in v5; schema change
console.log("creating NOTES OS");
dbo = db.createObjectStore("NOTES", { keyPath: "id", autoIncrement: true });
dbo.createIndex("hitId", "hitId", { unique: false });
dbo.createIndex("requesterId", "requesterId", { unique: false });
dbo.createIndex("tags", "tags", { unique: false, multiEntry: true });
dbo.createIndex("date", "date", { unique: false });
if (db.objectStoreNames.contains("BLOCKS"))
}, // }}} versionChange
parseDOM: function(doc) {//{{{
Status.color = "black";
var errorCheck = doc.querySelector('td[class="error_title"]'),
extraInfo = [];
if (doc.title.search(/Status$/) > 0) // status overview
else if (doc.querySelector('td[colspan="4"]')) // valid status detail, but no data
else if (doc.title.search(/Status Detail/) > 0) // status detail with data
else if (errorCheck) { // encountered an error page
// hit max request rate
if (~errorCheck.textContent.indexOf("page request rate")) {
try {
var _d = doc.documentURI.match(/\d{8}/)[0],
_p = doc.documentURI.match(/ber=(\d+)/)[1];
metrics.dbupdate.mark("[PRE]"+_d+"p"+_p, "start");
console.log("exceeded max requests; refetching %sp%s", _d, _p);
Status.node.innerHTML = "Exceeded maximum server requests; retrying "+Utils.ISODate(_d)+" page "+_p+"."+
"<br>Please wait...";
} catch (err) {
console.log('exceeded max requests; refetching status page');
Status.node.innerHTML = 'Exceeded maximum server requests; retrying status page<br />Please wait...';
} finally {
return setTimeout(HITStorage.fetch, 3050, doc.documentURI);
// no more staus details left in range
else if (qc.extraDays)
Utils.errorHandler(new Error("Failed to parse '" + doc.documentURI + "'"));
Utils.errorHandler(new Error("Unhandled document '" + doc.docuemntURI + "'"));
function parseStatus() {//{{{
HITStorage.data = { HIT: [], STATS: [] };
qc.seen = {};
qc.aat = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("hitdb_autoAppTemp") || "{}");
qc.fetchData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("hitdb_fetchData") || "{}");
var _pastDataExists = Boolean(Object.keys(qc.fetchData).length),
timeout = 0, scope = [],
range = _pastDataExists ? Object.keys(qc.fetchData).filter(v => !isNaN(v)) : [],
raw = {
day: doc.querySelectorAll(".statusDateColumnValue"),
sub: doc.querySelectorAll(".statusSubmittedColumnValue"),
app: doc.querySelectorAll(".statusApprovedColumnValue"),
rej: doc.querySelectorAll(".statusRejectedColumnValue"),
pen: doc.querySelectorAll(".statusPendingColumnValue"),
pay: doc.querySelectorAll(".statusEarningsColumnValue")
for (var i=0;i<raw.day.length;i++) {
var d = {};
var _date = raw.day[i].childNodes[1].href.substr(53);
d.date = Utils.ISODate(_date);
d.submitted = +raw.sub[i].textContent;
d.approved = +raw.app[i].textContent;
d.rejected = +raw.rej[i].textContent;
d.pending = +raw.pen[i].textContent;
d.earnings = +raw.pay[i].textContent.substr(1);
// bonus received on date with 0 HITs
if (!d.submitted && !d.pending) { if (_date in qc.fetchData) delete qc.fetchData[_date]; continue; }
// check whether or not we need to get status detail pages for date, then
// fetch status detail pages per date in range and slightly slow
// down GET requests to avoid making too many in too short an interval
var payload = { encodedDate: _date, pageNumber: 1, sortType: "All" };
if (_pastDataExists) {
// date not in range but is new date (or old date but we need updates)
// lastDate stored in ISO format, fetchData date keys stored in mturk's URI ecnodedDate format
if ( (d.date >= qc.fetchData.lastDate) || ~(Object.keys(qc.fetchData).indexOf(_date)) ||
(d.pending && !~Object.keys(qc.fetchData).indexOf(_date))) {
setTimeout(HITStorage.fetch, timeout, MTURK_BASE+"statusdetail", payload);
timeout += 380;
qc.fetchData[_date] = { submitted: d.submitted, pending: d.pending };
} else { // get everything
setTimeout(HITStorage.fetch, timeout, MTURK_BASE+"statusdetail", payload);
timeout += 380;
qc.fetchData[_date] = { submitted: d.submitted, pending: d.pending };
} // for
// remove out of range dates to prevent lockup when scanning after a long hiatus
range.filter(v => !scope.includes(v)).forEach(v => delete qc.fetchData[v]);
// try for extra days
if (qc.extraDays === true) {
d = _decDate(HITStorage.data.STATS[HITStorage.data.STATS.length-1].date);
qc.extraDays = d; // repurpose extraDays for QC
payload = { encodedDate: d, pageNumber: 1, sortType: "All" };
setTimeout(HITStorage.fetch, 1000, MTURK_BASE+"statusdetail", payload);
qc.fetchData.expectedTotal = _calcTotals(qc.fetchData);
qc.fetchData.lastDate = HITStorage.data.STATS[0].date; // most recent date seen
qc.save("fetchData", "hitdb_fetchData", true);
}//}}} parseStatus
function parseDetail() {//{{{
var _date = doc.documentURI.replace(/.+(\d{8}).+/, "$1"),
_page = doc.documentURI.replace(/.+ber=(\d+).+/, "$1"),
getExtras = function(entry) {
return new Promise( function(y) {
HITStorage.db.transaction('HIT', 'readonly').objectStore('HIT').get(entry.hitId).onsuccess = function() {
if (this.result && +this.result.bonus)
entry.bonus = +this.result.bonus;
if (this.result && +this.result.autoAppTime)
entry.autoAppTime = this.result.autoAppTime;
HITStorage.data.HIT.push(entry); y(1);
metrics.dbupdate.mark("[PRE]"+_date+"p"+_page, "end");
Status.message = "Processing "+Utils.ISODate(_date)+" page "+_page;
var raw = {
req: doc.querySelectorAll(".statusdetailRequesterColumnValue"),
title: doc.querySelectorAll(".statusdetailTitleColumnValue"),
pay: doc.querySelectorAll(".statusdetailAmountColumnValue"),
status: doc.querySelectorAll(".statusdetailStatusColumnValue"),
feedback: doc.querySelectorAll(".statusdetailRequesterFeedbackColumnValue")
for (var i=0;i<raw.req.length;i++) {
var d = {};
d.date = Utils.ISODate(_date);
d.feedback = raw.feedback[i].textContent.trim().replace(/[\n\t]/g, ' ');
d.hitId = raw.req[i].childNodes[1].href.replace(/.+hitId=([^&]+).*/, "$1");
d.requesterId = raw.req[i].childNodes[1].href.replace(/.+rId=([^&]+).+/, "$1");
d.requesterName = raw.req[i].textContent.trim();
d.reward = +raw.pay[i].textContent.substr(1);
d.status = raw.status[i].textContent.replace(/\s/g, " "); // replace char160 spaces with char32 spaces
d.title = raw.title[i].textContent.trim();
// mturk apparently never marks $0.00 HITs as 'Paid' so we fix that
if (!d.reward && ~d.status.search(/approved/i)) d.status = "Paid";
// insert autoApproval times
d.autoAppTime = HITStorage.autoApprovals.getTime(_date,d.hitId);
if (!qc.seen[_date]) qc.seen[_date] = {};
qc.seen[_date] = {
submitted: qc.seen[_date].submitted + 1 || 1,
pending: ~d.status.search(/pending/i) ?
(qc.seen[_date].pending + 1 || 1) : (qc.seen[_date].pending || 0)
} //for
// additional pages remain; get them
var morePages = doc.querySelector('img[src="/media/right_dbl_arrow.gif"]')/* || doc.querySelector('a[href*="&pageNumber='+(_page+1)+'"]')*/;
if (morePages) {
var payload = { encodedDate: _date, pageNumber: +_page+1, sortType: "All" };
setTimeout(HITStorage.fetch, 380, MTURK_BASE+"statusdetail", payload);
} else if (Utils.ISODate(_date) !== qc.fetchData.lastDate &&
qc.seen[_date].submitted === qc.fetchData[_date].submitted && qc.seen[_date].pending === 0) {
console.log("no more pending hits, removing",_date,"from fetchData");
delete qc.fetchData[_date];
qc.save("fetchData", "hitdb_fetchData", true);
if (!qc.extraDays) { // not fetching extra days
console.log("date:", _date, "pages:", _page, "totals:", _calcTotals(qc.seen), "of", qc.fetchData.expectedTotal);
Status.message += " [ "+_calcTotals(qc.seen)+"/"+ qc.fetchData.expectedTotal+" ]";
if (_calcTotals(qc.seen) === qc.fetchData.expectedTotal) {
Status.message = "Writing to database...";
Promise.all(extraInfo).then(function() { HITStorage.write(HITStorage.data, cbUpdate); });
} else if (_date <= qc.extraDays) { // day is older than default range and still fetching extra days
console.log("fetchrequest for", _decDate(Utils.ISODate(_date)));
}//}}} parseDetail
function parseMisc(type) {//{{{
var _d = doc.documentURI.match(/\d{8}/)[0],
_p = doc.documentURI.match(/ber=(\d+)/)[1];
metrics.dbupdate.mark("[PRE]"+_d+"p"+_p, "end");
var payload = { encodedDate: _decDate(Utils.ISODate(_d)), pageNumber: 1, sortType: "All" };
if (type === "next" && +qc.extraDays > 1) {
setTimeout(HITStorage.fetch, 250, MTURK_BASE+"statusdetail", payload);
console.log("going to next page", payload.encodedDate);
} else if (type === "end" && +qc.extraDays > 1) {
Status.message = "Writing to database...";
Promise.all(extraInfo).then(function() { HITStorage.write(HITStorage.data, cbUpdate); });
} else
Utils.errorHandler(new TypeError("Failed to execute '"+type+"' in '"+doc.documentURI+"'"));
function _decDate(date) {//{{{
var y = date.substr(0,4);
var m = date.substr(5,2);
var d = date.substr(8,2);
date = new Date(y,m-1,d-1);
return Number(date.getMonth()+1).toPadded() + Number(date.getDate()).toPadded() + date.getFullYear();
function _calcTotals(obj) {//{{{
var sum = 0;
for (var k in obj){
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k) && !isNaN(+k))
sum += obj[k].submitted;
return sum;
},//}}} parseDOM
autoApprovals: {//{{{
getTime : function(date, hitId) {
if (qc.extraDays || !Object.keys(qc.aat).length) return "";
var found = false,
autoApp = "";
if (!found && Object.keys(qc.aat).length) {
for (var key in qc.aat) { if (qc.aat.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // for all dates in aat
var id = Object.keys(qc.aat[key]).filter(id => id === hitId)[0];
autoApp = qc.aat[key][id] || "";
if (autoApp) {
found = true;
delete qc.aat[key][id];
qc.save("aat", "hitdb_autoAppTemp", true);
}} // for key (dates)
} // if !found && aat not empty
return autoApp;
},// getTime
purge : function() {
if (!Object.keys(qc.aat).length) return; // nothing here
var pad = function(num) { return Number(num).toPadded(); },
_date = Date.parse(new Date().getFullYear() + "-" + pad(new Date().getMonth()+1) + "-" + pad(new Date().getDate()));
for (var key of Object.keys(qc.aat)) {
if (_date - key > 169200000) delete qc.aat[key]; // at least 2 days old, no need to keep it around
qc.save("aat", "hitdb_autoAppTemp", true);
} // purge
},//}}} autoApprovals
fetch: function(url, payload) { //{{{
//format GET request with query payload
if (payload) {
var args = 0;
url += "?";
for (var k in payload) {
if (payload.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
if (args++) url += "&";
url += k + "=" + payload[k];
// defer XHR to a promise
var fetch = new Promise( function(fulfill, deny) {
var urlreq = new XMLHttpRequest();
urlreq.open("GET", url, true);
urlreq.responseType = "document";
urlreq.onload = function() {
if (this.status === 200) {
} else {
deny(new Error(this.status + " - " + this.statusText));
urlreq.onerror = function() { deny(new Error(this.status + " - " + this.statusText)); };
urlreq.ontimeout = function() { deny(new Error(this.status + " - " + this.statusText)); };
} );
fetch.then( HITStorage.parseDOM, Utils.errorHandler );
}, //}}} fetch
write: function(input, callback) { //{{{
var counts = { requests: 0, total: 0 },
os = Object.keys(input),
dbo = [],
dbt = HITStorage.db.transaction(os, "readwrite");
for (var i=0;i<os.length;i++) { // cycle object stores
dbo[i] = dbt.objectStore(os[i]);
for (var k of input[os[i]]) { // cycle entries to put into object stores
if (typeof k.reward === 'object') { k.bonus = k.reward.bonus; k.reward = k.reward.pay; }
if (typeof callback === 'function' && ++counts.requests)
dbo[i].put(k).onsuccess = callback.bind(counts);
}, //}}} write
recall: function(store, options) {//{{{
var _cb = function(cursor) {
try { Status.message = `Retrieving data... [ ${matches} / ${++total} ]`; } catch(e) {}
if (filter(cursor.value)) {
try { Status.message = `Retrieving data... [ ${++matches} / ${total} ]`; } catch(e) {}
o = Object.assign({
index: null, range: null, dir: 'next', limit: Infinity, progress: false, mode: 'readonly', callback: _cb,
status: null, query: null, date: null, reward: null, bonus: null, requesterId: null, requesterName: null
}, options || {});
if (o.status === '*') o.status = null; //if (o.query === '*') o.query = null;
if (o.progress) Progress.show();
var sr = new DBResult(), matches = 0, total = 0,
filter = function(obj) {//{{{
var fields = ['status', 'query', 'reward', 'bonus', 'requesterId', 'requesterName'], matches = {};
// out of date range
if (o.date && (obj.date < (o.date[0]) || obj.date > (o.date[1]))) return false;
for (var f of fields) {
matches[f] = false;
if (!o[f]) {
matches[f] = true;
} else if (f === 'query') { // general search - title, rname, hitid
if ((obj.title + obj.requesterName + obj.hitId).toLowerCase().includes(o[f].toLowerCase())) matches[f] = true;
} else if (!isNaN(obj[f])) {// number
if (+obj[f] >= o[f][0] && +obj[f] <= o[f][1]) matches[f] = true;
} else { // text
if (obj[f] && obj[f].toLowerCase().includes(o[f].toLowerCase())) matches[f] = true;
return fields.reduce((a,b) => a && matches[b], true);
return new Promise( function(resolve) {
var dbo = HITStorage.db.transaction(store, o.mode).objectStore(store), dbq = null;
if (o.index)
dbq = dbo.index(o.index).openCursor(o.range, o.dir);
dbq = dbo.openCursor(o.range, o.dir);
dbq.onsuccess = function() {
if (this.result && matches < o.limit)
o.callback(this.result, { resolve: resolve });
else {
try { Status.message = "Done."; } catch(e) {}
}; // IDBCursor
}); // promise
},//}}} HITStorage::recall
backup: function(internal) {//{{{
var bData = {},
os = ["STATS", "NOTES", "HIT"],
count = 0;
Status.push("Preparing backup...", "black");
for (var store of os)
HITStorage.db.transaction(os, "readonly").objectStore(store).openCursor().onsuccess = populateBackup;
function populateBackup(e) {
var cursor = e.target.result;
if (cursor) {
if (!bData[cursor.source.name]) bData[cursor.source.name] = [];
} else
if (++count === 3)
function finalizeBackup() {
if (typeof internal === 'function') { qc.merge = bData; internal(true); return; }
var backupblob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(bData)], {type:"application/json"});
var date = new Date();
var dl = document.createElement("A");
date = date.getFullYear() + Number(date.getMonth()+1).toPadded() + Number(date.getDate()).toPadded();
dl.href = URL.createObjectURL(backupblob);
dl.download = "hitdb_"+date+".bak";
document.body.appendChild(dl); // FF doesn't support forced events unless element is part of the document
dl.click(); // so we make it so and click,
dl.remove(); // then immediately remove it
Status.push("Done!", "green");
}//}}} backup
}, //}}} HITStorage
Utils = { //{{{
disableButtons: function(arr, status) { //{{{
for (var b of arr) document.getElementById(b).disabled = status;
}, //}}}
ftime : function(t,options) {//{{{
if (t !== undefined && isNaN(t)) return;
options = Object.assign({verbose: false, partial: true}, options);
var units = ['day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'];
units = units.reduce((a,b) => (a[b] = options.verbose ? ' '+b : b.charAt()) && a, {});
units.day = options.partial ? ' day' : units.day;
if (String(t).length && +t === 0) return [0 + units.second].map(v => options.verbose ? v+'s' : v);
if (!t) return ['n/a'];
var pluralize = (num, str) => num > 1 && str.length > 1 ? num + str + 's' : num + str,
time = [ pluralize(Math.floor(t/86400), units.day),
pluralize(Math.floor(t%86400/3600), units.hour),
pluralize(Math.floor(t%86400%3600/60), units.minute),
pluralize(t%86400%3600%60, units.second) ];
return time.filter(v => +v.charAt() > 0);
ISODate: function(date) { //{{{ MMDDYYYY <-> YYYY-MM-DD
if (date.length === 10)
return date.substr(5,2)+date.substr(-2)+date.substr(0,4);
return date.substr(4)+"-"+date.substr(0,2)+"-"+date.substr(2,2);
},//}}} ISODate
getPosition: function(element, includeHeight) {//{{{
var offsets = { x: 0, y: includeHeight ? element.offsetHeight : 0 };
do {
offsets.x += element.offsetLeft;
offsets.y += element.offsetTop;
element = element.offsetParent;
} while (element);
return offsets;
},//}}} getPosition
errorHandler: function(err) {//{{{
try { Status.push(err.name + ": " + err.message, "red"); }
catch(e) {}
finally {
if (err.message.includes('AccessViolation')) {
var _m = 'HITdb probably needs to run an internal update.\nPlease close all tabs running HITdb to complete the process. ' +
'This includes all other MTurk pages and all tabs running HIT Scraper.',
span = str => '<span style="color:#c60;margin-top:6px;width:400px;display:block;position:relative;left:50%;transform:translateX(-50%)">' + str + '</span>';
try { Status.html = Status.html + span(_m); } catch(e) {}
updateTimestamp: function() {//{{{
var time = get('time'),
then = Date.parse(time.getAttribute('datetime')),
now = Date.now(),
diff = Utils.ftime(Math.floor((now-then)/1000), {verbose:true});
if (!diff) return;
time.textContent = diff[0] + ' ago';
time.title = [new Date(then), '\n', 'Last updated:', diff.join(' '), 'ago'].join(' ');
}, //}}} Utils
ProjectedEarnings = (function() {//{{{
if (document.location.pathname !== "/mturk/dashboard") return null;
var _date = new Date(),
_weekStart, _weekEnd,
_default = { today:null, weekStart:null, weekEnd:null, day:new Date().getDay(), dbUpdated:'n/a',
pending:0, approved:0, earnings:{}, target:{ day:10, week:50 } },
_data = Object.assign(_default, JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hitdb_projectedEarnings'))),
_interface = {updateDate: updateDate, setProperties: setProperties, clear: clear, updateValues: updateValues},
_date.setDate(_date.getDate() - _date.getDay()); // sunday
_weekStart = Date.parse(_date.toLocalISOString().slice(0,10));
_date.setDate(_date.getDate() + 7); // next sunday
_weekEnd = Date.parse(_date.toLocalISOString().slice(0,10));
if (_data.weekStart === null) _data.weekStart = _weekStart;
if (_data.weekEnd === null) _data.weekEnd = _weekEnd;
function _findAnchor() {//{{{
var table = Array.prototype.filter.call(getAll('.metrics-table'), v => v.rows.length > 1 && v.rows[1].cells.length > 5)[0];
if (!table) return undefined;
else return { node: table.rows[1].cells[0].children[0], date: table.rows[1].cells[0].children[0].href.match(/\d{8}/)[0] };
function _save() {//{{{
saveState("hitdb_projectedEarnings", JSON.stringify(_data));
function updateDate() {//{{{
var anchor = _findAnchor(),
isToday = anchor.node.textContent.trim() === 'Today',
isNewWeek = (Date.parse(Utils.ISODate(anchor.date)) >= _data.weekEnd) || (!isToday && new Date().getDay() < _data.day),
isNewDay = (!_data.today && isToday) || (_data.today && (anchor.date !== _data.today || !isToday));
if (isNewWeek) setProperties({ earnings: {}, weekEnd: _weekEnd, weekStart: _weekStart });
if (isNewDay) setProperties({ today: (anchor.date === _data.today ? null : anchor.date), day: new Date().getDay() });
return _interface;
function setProperties(obj, scope) {//{{{
if (scope) _data[scope] = Object.assign(_data[scope], obj);
else _data = Object.assign(_data, obj);
return _interface;
function _getWeekTotal() {//{{{
return Math.decRound(Object.keys(_data.earnings).reduce((a,b) => a + _data.earnings[b], 0), 2);
function clear() {//{{{
_data.pending = _data.approved = 0;
for (var day of Object.keys(_data.earnings))
if (day in qc.fetchData || day === _data.today) _data.earnings[day] = 0;
function updateValues(obj) {//{{{
var vDate = Date.parse(obj.date), iDate = Utils.ISODate(obj.date);
if (/pending/i.test(obj.status)) // sum pending earnings (include approved until fully cleared as paid)
_data.pending = Math.decRound(obj.reward + _data.pending, 2);
if (/approved/i.test(obj.status))
_data.approved = Math.decRound(obj.reward + _data.approved, 2);
if (vDate < _data.weekEnd && vDate >= _data.weekStart && !/rejected/i.test(obj.status)) // sum weekly earnings by day
_data.earnings[iDate] = Math.decRound(obj.reward + (_data.earnings[iDate] || 0), 2);
painter = (function() {//{{{
var _parentTable = get("#total_earnings_amount").offsetParent,
_rows = ['pending', 'projectedDay', 'projectedWeek'];
_rows = _rows.map(() => _parentTable.insertRow(-1));
function draw() {//{{{
var meterTitle = "Click to set/change the target value",
weekTotal = _getWeekTotal(),
dayTotal = _data.earnings[_data.today] || 0;
document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('STYLE')).innerHTML =
'.timestamp { font-family:arial; font-size:10px; white-space:nowrap; }' +
'td meter { width:220px; cursor:pointer}' +
'.pending-offset { color:blue; font-family:arial; font-size:10px; margin-left:3px }';
_rows.forEach((v,i) => {
for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) v.insertCell(-1);
if (i === 0)
for (j = 0; j < v.cells.length; j++) v.cells[j].style.borderTop = 'dotted 1px black';
v.cells[0].className = 'metrics-table-first-value';
Array.prototype.slice.call(_parentTable.rows, 1).forEach((v,i) => v.className = ++i % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even');
_rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML = 'Pending earnings ' +
`<span class="timestamp">[ Last updated: <time datetime="${_data.dbUpdated}"></time> ]</span>`;
_rows[1].cells[0].innerHTML = '<span>Projected earnings for the day</span>' +
`<div><meter id="projectedDayProgress" title="${meterTitle}" value="${dayTotal}" max="${_data.target.day}"></meter>` +
'<span class="pending-offset">' + (dayTotal - _data.target.day).toFixed(2) + '</span></div>';
_rows[2].cells[0].innerHTML = '<span>Projected earnings for the week</span>' +
`<div><meter id="projectedWeekProgress" title="${meterTitle}" value="${weekTotal}" max="${_data.target.week}"></meter>` +
'<span class="pending-offset">' + (weekTotal - _data.target.week).toFixed(2) + '</span></div>';
_rows[0].cells[1].title = _makePendingTitle();
_rows[0].cells[1].textContent = "$" + _data.pending.toFixed(2);
_rows[1].cells[1].textContent = "$" + dayTotal.toFixed(2);
_rows[2].cells[1].textContent = "$" + weekTotal.toFixed(2);
if (_data.dbUpdated === 'n/a') get('time', _rows[0]).textContent = 'Never';
else Utils.updateTimestamp();
get("#projectedDayProgress").onclick = _setGoals;
get("#projectedWeekProgress").onclick = _setGoals;
function update() {//{{{
_rows[0].cells[1].title = _makePendingTitle();
_rows[0].cells[1].textContent = '$' + _data.pending.toFixed(2);
_rows[1].cells[1].textContent = '$' + (_data.earnings[_data.today] || 0).toFixed(2);
_rows[2].cells[1].textContent = '$' + _getWeekTotal().toFixed(2);
get('time').setAttribute('datetime', _data.dbUpdated);
var _day = get('meter', _rows[1]).value = _data.earnings[_data.today] || 0;
var _week = get('meter', _rows[2]).value = _getWeekTotal();
get('.pending-offset', _rows[1]).textContent = (+_day - _data.target.day).toFixed(2);
get('.pending-offset', _rows[2]).textContent = (+_week - _data.target.week).toFixed(2);
function _makePendingTitle() {//{{{
return "This value includes all earnings that are not yet fully cleared as 'Paid'\n" +
"\n Pending Approval: $" + (_data.pending - _data.approved).toFixed(2) +
"\n Pending Payment: $" + (_data.approved).toFixed(2) +
"\n Total Pending: $" + _data.pending.toFixed(2);
function _setGoals(e) {//{{{
var type = e.target.id.includes('Day') ? 'day' : 'week',
goal = prompt('Set your ' + (type.replace('y','i') + 'ly') + ' target:', _data.target[type]);
if (!goal || isNaN(goal)) return;
var obj = {}; obj[type] = +goal;
setProperties(obj, 'target');
e.target.max = goal;
e.target.nextSibling.textContent = ((type === 'day' ? (_data.earnings[_data.today] || 0) : _getWeekTotal()) - goal).toFixed(2);
return { draw: draw, update: update };
})();//}}} ProjectedEarnings::painter
_interface.painter = painter;
return _interface;
})(),//}}} ProjectedEarnings
DBResult = function(resArr, colObj) {//{{{
this.results = resArr || [];
this.collation = colObj || null;
this.formatHTML = function(options) {//{{{
options = Object.assign({ compact: false, type: 'default' }, options);
var count = 0, htmlTxt = [], entry, r, templates;
if (this.results.length < 1) return "<h2>No entries found matching your query.</h2>";
templates = (function(type) {//{{{
var header, body, footer;
if (type === 'daily') {
header = '<thead><tr class="hdbHeaderRow"><th></th><th>Date</th><th>Submitted</th><th>Approved</th><th>Rejected</th><th>Pending</th><th>Earnings</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
body = obj => `<tr ${obj.class} style="text-align:right"><td><span class="hdbExpandRow">[+]</span></td><td style="text-align:center;">${obj.date}</td><td>${obj.submitted}</td><td>${obj.approved}</td><td>${obj.rejected}</td><td>${obj.pending}</td><td>${(+obj.earnings).toFixed(2)}</td></tr>`;
footer = obj => `</tbody><tfoot><tr class="hdbTotalsRow" style="text-align:right;"><td>Totals:</td><td>${obj.totalEntries} days</td><td>${obj.totalSub}</td><td>${obj.totalApp}</td><td>${obj.totalRej}</td><td>${obj.totalPen}</td><td>$${(+Math.decRound(obj.totalPay,2)).toFixed(2)}</td></tr></tfoot>`;
} else if (type === 'pending' || type === 'requester') {
header = '<thead><tr class="hdbHeaderRow"><th width="160">Requester ID</th><th>Requester</th><th style="width:36">' + (type === 'pending' ? 'Pending' : 'HITs') + '</th><th style="width:76">Rewards</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
body = arr => {
var innerRows = [], outerRow = `<tr data-sort="${Math.decRound(arr.pay,2)}"><td><span class="hdbExpandRow" title="Display all pending HITs from this requester">[+]</span> ${arr[0].requesterId}</td><td>${arr[0].requesterName}</td><td style="text-align:center;">${arr.length}</td><td style="text-align:center;">${(+Math.decRound(arr.pay,2)).toFixed(2)}</td></tr>`;
for (var hit of arr) // hits in range per requester id
innerRows.push(`<tr data-rid="${arr[0].requesterId}" style="color:#c60000;display:none;"><td style="text-align:right">${hit.date}</td><td width="500" colspan="2" class="nowrap" style="max-width:520" title="${hit.title}">[ <span class="helpSpan" title="Auto-approval time">AA: ${Utils.ftime(hit.autoAppTime).join(' ')}</span> ] ${hit.title}</td><td style="text-align:right">${hit.reward.toFixed(2)}</td></tr>`);
return outerRow + innerRows.join('');
footer = obj => `</tbody><tfoot><tr class="hdbTotalsRow"><td style="text-align:right;">Totals:</td><td style="text-align:center;">${Object.keys(obj).length-7} Requesters</td><td style="text-align:right;">${obj.totalEntries}</td><td style="text-align:right;">$${(+Math.decRound(obj.totalPay,2)).toFixed(2)}</td></tr></tfoot>`;
} else {
header = '<thead><tr class="hdbHeaderRow"><th colspan="3"></th><th colspan="2" title="Bonuses must be added in manually.\n\nClick inside the cell to edit, click out of the cell to save">Reward</th><th colspan="3"></th></tr><tr class="hdbHeaderRow"><th style="min-width:65">Date</th><th>Requester</th><th>HIT title</th><th style="font-size:10px;">Pay</th><th style="font-size:10px;"><span class="helpSpan" title="Click the cell to edit.\nIts value is automatically saved">Bonus</span></th><th>Status</th><th><span class="helpSpan" title="Auto-approval times">AA</span></th><th>Feedback</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
body = obj => {
if (options.compact)
return `<tr><td class="nowrap" title="${obj.requesterName}" style="max-width:130">${obj.requesterName}</td><td class="nowrap" title="${obj.title}" style="max-width:520">${obj.title}</td><td>${obj.reward.toFixed(2)}</td><td class="nowrap" title="${obj.status}" style="max-width:60">${obj.status}</td></tr>`;
return `<tr ${obj.class} data-id="${obj.hitId}"><td width="74px">${obj.date}</td><td style="max-width:145px;"><a target="_blank" title="Contact this requester" href="${obj.contact}">${obj.requesterName}</a></td><td width="375px" title="HIT ID: ${obj.hitId}"><span title="Add a note" id="note-${obj.hitId}" style="cursor:pointer;"> 📝 </span>${obj.title}</td><td style="text-align:right">${obj.reward.toFixed(2)}</td><td style="text-align:right" class="bonusCell" title="Click to add/edit" contenteditable="true" data-hitid="${obj.hitId}">${(obj.bonus ? obj.bonus.toFixed(2) : "")}</td><td style="color:${obj.statusColor};text-align:center">${obj.status}</td><td>${Utils.ftime(obj.autoAppTime).join(' ')}</td><td>${obj.feedback}</td></tr>`;
footer = obj => `</tbody><tfoot><tr class="hdbTotalsRow"><td></td><td style="text-align:right">Totals:</td><td style="text-align:center;">${obj.totalEntries} HITs</td><td style="text-align:right">$${(+Math.decRound(obj.totalPay,2)).toFixed(2)}</td><td style="text-align:right">$${(+Math.decRound(obj.totalBonus,2) || 0).toFixed(2)}</td><td colspan="3"></td></tr></tfoot>`;
return { header: header, body: body, footer: footer };
if (options.type === "daily") {
r = this.collate(this.results,"stats");
for (entry of this.results) {
entry.class = (count++ % 2 === 0) ? 'class="even"' : 'class="odd"';
} else if (options.type === "pending" || options.type === "requester") {
r = this.collate(this.results,"requesterId");
for (var k of Object.keys(r).filter(v => !v.includes('total')))
htmlTxt.sort((a,b) => +b.substr(15,5).match(/\d+\.?\d*/) - +a.substr(15,5).match(/\d+\.?\d*/));
htmlTxt.push(templates.footer(this.collation || r));
} else { // default
this.results.sort((a,b) => a.date === b.date ? (a.requesterName.toLowerCase() > b.requesterName.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1) : a.date < b.date ? -1 : 1);
for (entry of this.results) {
entry.class = (count++ % 2 === 0) ? 'class="even"' : 'class="odd"';
entry.statusColor = ~entry.status.search(/(paid|approved)/i) ? "green" : entry.status === "Pending Approval" ? "orange" : "red";
entry.contact = MTURK_BASE+'contact?requesterId='+entry.requesterId+'&requesterName='+entry.requesterName+'&subject=Regarding+Amazon+Mechanical+Turk+HIT+'+entry.hitId;
if (options.compact)
return htmlTxt.join('');
r = this.collation || this.collate(this.results,"requesterId");
return htmlTxt.join('');
};//}}} formatHTML
this.formatCSV = function(type) {//{{{
var csvTxt = [], entry = null, delimiter="\t";
if (type === "daily") {
csvTxt.push( ["Date", "Submitted", "Approved", "Rejected", "Pending", "Earnings\n"].join(delimiter) );
for (entry of this.results) {
csvTxt.push( [entry.date, entry.submitted, entry.approved, entry.rejected,
entry.pending, Number(entry.earnings).toFixed(2)+"\n"].join(delimiter) );
_csvToFile(csvTxt, "hitdb_dailyOverview.csv");
} else if (type === "pending" || type === "requester") {
csvTxt.push( ["RequesterId","Requester", (type === "pending" ? "Pending" : "HITs"), "Rewards\n"].join(delimiter) );
var r = this.collation || this.collate(this.results,"requesterId");
for (var k in r) {
if (!~k.search(/total/) && r.hasOwnProperty(k))
csvTxt.push( [k, r[k][0].requesterName, r[k].length, Number(Math.decRound(r[k].pay,2)).toFixed(2)+"\n"].join(delimiter) );
_csvToFile(csvTxt, "hitdb_"+type+"Overview.csv");
} else {
for (entry of this.results) {
csvTxt.push([entry.hitId, entry.date, entry.requesterName, entry.requesterId, entry.title, entry.reward.toFixed(2),
(entry.bonus ? entry.bonus.toFixed(2) : ''), entry.status, entry.autoAppTime,
entry.feedback.replace(/[\t\n]/g,' ')+"\n"].join(delimiter));
_csvToFile(csvTxt, "hitdb_queryResults.csv");
return null;
function _csvToFile(csv, filename) {
var blob = new Blob(csv, {type: "text/csv", endings: "native"}),
dl = document.createElement("A");
dl.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
dl.download = filename;
document.body.appendChild(dl); // FF doesn't support forced events unless element is part of the document
dl.click(); // so we make it so and click,
dl.remove(); // then immediately remove it
return dl;
};//}}} formatCSV
this.include = function(value) {
this.collate = function(data, index) {//{{{
var r = {
totalPay: 0, totalBonus: 0, totalEntries: data.length,
totalSub: 0, totalApp: 0, totalRej: 0, totalPen: 0
for (var e of data) {
if (!r[e[index]]) {
r[e[index]] = [];
Object.defineProperty(r[e[index]], "pay", {value: 0, enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true});
if (index === "stats") {
r.totalSub += e.submitted;
r.totalApp += e.approved;
r.totalRej += e.rejected;
r.totalPen += e.pending;
r.totalPay += e.earnings;
} else {
r[e[index]].pay += (+e.reward);
r.totalPay += (+e.reward);
r.totalBonus += (+e.bonus || 0);
return r;
};//}}} _collate
},//}}} databaseresult
DashboardUI = {//{{{
draw: function() {//{{{
var controlPanel = document.createElement("TABLE"),
insertionNode = get(".footer_separator").previousSibling;
document.body.insertBefore(controlPanel, insertionNode);
controlPanel.width = "760";
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controlPanel.id = "hdbControlPanel";
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controlPanel.innerHTML = '<tr height="25px"><td width="10" bgcolor="#7FB448" style="padding-left: 10px;"></td>' +
'<td class="white_text_14_bold" style="padding-left:10px; background-color:#7FB448;">' +
'HIT Database Mk. II <a href="https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/11733-mturk-hit-database-mk-ii#userGuide" '+
'class="whatis" target="turkPopUp" onclick="customPopup(this, 500, 400)">' +
'(What\'s this?)</a></td></tr>' +
'<tr><td class="container-content" colspan="2">' +
'<div style="text-align:center; position:relative" id="hdbDashboardInterface">' +
'<button id="hdbBackup" title="Export your entire database!\nPerfect for moving between computers or as a periodic backup">Create Backup</button>' +
'<button id="hdbRestore" title="Import data from an external file" style="margin:5px">Import</button>' +
'<button id="hdbUpdate" title="Update... the database" style="color:green;">Update Database</button>' +
'<input id="hdbFileInput" type="file" style="display:none"/>' +
'<div style="position:absolute; top:0; right:0; text-align:initial">' +
//'<label title="Popout search results in a new window" style="vertical-align:middle;">popout' +
//'<input id="hdbPopout" type="checkbox" style="vertical-align:middle"></label>' +
'<label for="hdbCSVInput" title="Export results as CSV file" style="vertical-align:middle;">export CSV</label>' +
'<input id="hdbCSVInput" title="Export results as CSV file" type="checkbox" style="vertical-align:middle;">' +
'</div>' +
'<button id="hdbPending" title="Summary of all pending HITs\n Can be exported as CSV" style="margin: 0px 5px 5px;">Pending Overview</button>' +
'<button id="hdbRequester" title="Summary of all requesters\n Can be exported as CSV" style="margin: 0px 5px 5px;">Requester Overview</button>' +
'<button id="hdbDaily" title="Summary of each day you\'ve worked\nCan be exported as CSV" style="margin:0px 5px 5px;">Daily Overview</button>' +
'<br>' +
'<label>Find </label>' +
'<select id="hdbStatusSelect" style="width:100px"><option value="*">ALL</option>' +
'<option value="Pending Approval" style="color: orange;">Pending Approval</option>' +
'<option value="Rejected" style="color: red;">Rejected</option>' +
'<option value="Approved - Pending Payment" style="color:green;">Approved - Pending Payment</option>' +
'<option value="Paid" style="color:green;">Paid</option></select>' +
'<label> HITs from </label><input id="hdbMinDate" type="date" size="10" title="Specify a date, or leave blank">' +
'<label> to </label><input id="hdbMaxDate" type="date" size="10" title="Specify a date, or leave blank">' +
'<label> matching </label>'+
'<br>' +
'<input id="hdbSearchInput" style="width:400px" title="Query can be HIT title, HIT ID, or requester name" />' +
'<button id="hdbSearch" style="margin-left:5px">Search</button>' +
'<br>' +
'<label id="hdbStatusText"></label>' +
'<div id="hdbProgressBar">' +
'<div id="hdbB1" class="ball"></div><div id="hdbB2" class="ball"></div>' +
'<div id="hdbB3" class="ball"></div><div id="hdbB4" class="ball"></div>' +
'</div>' +
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searchResults.innerHTML =
'<span class="hdbResControl" id="hdbResClear">[ clear results ]</span>' +
'<span class="hdbTablePagination" id="hdbPageTop"></span><br>' +
'<table cellSpacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="760" id="hdbResultsTable"></table>' +
'<span class="hdbResControl" id="hdbVpTop">Back to top</span>' +
'<span class="hdbTablePagination" id="hdbPageBot"></span><br>';
document.body.insertBefore(searchResults, insertionNode);
},//}}} dashboardUI::draw
initClickables: function() {//{{{
var main = get('#hdbControlPanel'),
isGecko = /Gecko\/\d+/.test(navigator.userAgent);
get('#hdbSearchResults').firstChild.onclick = function() { //{{{ clear results
get('#hdbResultsTable').innerHTML = null; qc.sr = null;
for (var d of ["hdbResClear","hdbPageTop","hdbVpTop", "hdbPageBot"]) {
if (/page/i.test(d)) get(`#${d}`, get('#hdbSearchResults')).innerHTML = "";
get(`#${d}`, get('#hdbSearchResults')).style.display = "none";
get('#hdbVpTop').onclick = function() { autoScroll("#hdbControlPanel"); };
get('#hdbUpdate',main).onclick = function() { //{{{
if (!HITStorage.db) { return Utils.errorHandler(new TypeError('(AccessViolation) Database is not defined')); }
Utils.disableButtons(['hdbUpdate'], true);
metrics.dbupdate = new Metrics("database_update");
Status.message = "fetching status page....";
get('#hdbCSVInput',main).addEventListener("click", function() {//{{{
var a = get('#hdbAnalytics'), buttons = ['#hdbPending','#hdbRequester','#hdbDaily'];
if (a && a.checked) a.click();
if (this.checked) {
get('#hdbSearch',main).textContent = "Export CSV";
buttons.map(v => get(v,main)).forEach(v => v.textContent += ' (csv)');
else {
get('#hdbSearch',main).textContent = "Search";
buttons.map(v => get(v,main)).forEach(v => v.textContent = v.textContent.replace(" (csv)",""));
if (isGecko) {//{{{
get('#hdbMinDate',main).addEventListener("focus", function() {
var offsets = Utils.getPosition(this, true);
new Calendar(offsets.x, offsets.y, this).drawCalendar();
get('#hdbMaxDate',main).addEventListener("focus", function() {
var offsets = Utils.getPosition(this, true);
new Calendar(offsets.x, offsets.y, this).drawCalendar();
get('#hdbBackup',main).onclick = HITStorage.backup;
get('#hdbRestore',main).onclick = function() { get('#hdbFileInput',main).value = ''; get('#hdbFileInput',main).click(); };
get('#hdbFileInput',main).onchange = FileHandler.delegate;//processFile;
get('#hdbSearchInput',main).onkeydown = function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) get('#hdbSearch',main).click(); };
get('#hdbSearch',main).addEventListener('click', function(e) {//{{{
if (!/^[se]/i.test(e.target.textContent)) return;
var opt = this.getRange(get('#hdbStatusSelect',main).value, _getFilters(get('#hdbSearchInput',main).value.trim()));
opt.progress = true;
if (opt.query && opt.query.length === 30 && !/\s/.test(opt.query)) {
opt.range = window.IDBKeyRange.only(opt.query.toUpperCase());
opt.index = null;
_dbaccess("search", ["HIT", opt], function(r) {
var limiter = 300,
_cb = function(slice) {
for (var _r of slice)
HITStorage.recall("NOTES", { index: "hitId", range: window.IDBKeyRange.only(_r.hitId) }).then(NoteHandler.pin);
var _nodes = [getAll(".bonusCell"), getAll('span[id^="note-"]')];
for (var i=0;i<_nodes[0].length;i++) {
var bonus = _nodes[0][i],
note = _nodes[1][i];
bonus.dataset.initial = bonus.textContent;
bonus.onkeydown = updateBonus;
bonus.onblur = updateBonus;
note.onclick = NoteHandler.createNewNote;
if (get('#hdbCSVInput',main).checked)
get('#hdbResultsTable').innerHTML = r.formatCSV();
else if (r.results.length > limiter) {
var collation = r.collate(r.results, 'requesterId');
do { qc.sr.push(new DBResult(r.results.splice(0,limiter), collation)) } while (r.results.length);
resultConstrain(qc.sr, 0, 'default', _cb);
} else
resultConstrain(r, 0, 'default', _cb);
}.bind(this)); //}}} search button click event
//{{{ overview buttons
get('#hdbPending',main).onclick = function() {
var opt = this.getRange('pending', _getFilters(get('#hdbSearchInput',main).value.trim())),
_opt = { index:'status', dir:'prev', range:window.IDBKeyRange.only('Pending Approval'), progress:true };
opt = Object.assign(opt, _opt);
_dbaccess("pending", ["HIT", opt], function(r) {
get('#hdbResultsTable').innerHTML = get('#hdbCSVInput',main).checked ?
r.formatCSV("pending") : r.formatHTML({type:'pending'});
var expands = getAll(".hdbExpandRow");
for (var el of expands)
el.onclick = showHiddenRows;
}.bind(this); //pending overview click event
get('#hdbRequester',main).onclick = function() {
var opt = this.getRange(get('#hdbStatusSelect',main).value, _getFilters(get('#hdbSearchInput',main).value.trim()));
opt.progress = true;
_dbaccess("requester", ["HIT", opt], function(r) {
var limiter = 100,
_cb = function() {
var expands = getAll(".hdbExpandRow");
for (var el of expands)
el.onclick = showHiddenRows;
if (get('#hdbCSVInput',main).checked)
get('#hdbResultsTable').innerHTML = r.formatCSV("requester");
else if (r.results.length > limiter) {
var collation = r.collate(r.results, "requesterId"), _r = [], count = 0;
var keys = Object.keys(collation)
.filter(function(e) { return !/total/.test(e); })
.sort(function(a,b) { return collation[b].pay - collation[a].pay; });
if (++count > limiter) {
qc.sr.push(new DBResult(_r, collation));
count = 0; _r = [];
} else _r = _r.concat(collation[key]);
qc.sr.push(new DBResult(_r, collation));
resultConstrain(qc.sr, 0, 'requester', _cb);
} else
resultConstrain(r, 0, 'requester', _cb);
}.bind(this); //requester overview click event
get('#hdbDaily',main).onclick = function() {
var opt = Object.assign(this.getRange("*"), { index:null, dir:'prev', progress:true });
_dbaccess("daily", ["STATS", opt], function(r) {
get('#hdbResultsTable').innerHTML = get('#hdbCSVInput',main).checked ?
r.formatCSV("daily") : r.formatHTML({type: 'daily'});
var expands = getAll(".hdbExpandRow");
for (var el of expands)
el.onclick = showHitsByDate;
}.bind(this); //daily overview click event
function _getFilters(str) {//{{{
var re = /(?:[rh][equstri]*(?:id|name)|bonus|reward|pay|req|id):[^;]+/ig,
matches = str.match(re),
filters = { query: str },
_setRange = function(str) {
var rng = str.split(/[><,]/).filter(v => v).sort(); rng.forEach((v,i,a) => a[i] = +v);
if (rng.length === 1) {
if (str.startsWith('<')) {
rng[0] -= 0.01;
} else if (str.startsWith('>')) {
rng[0] += 0.01;
} else rng.push(rng[0]);
return rng;
if (!matches) return filters;
filters.query = str.slice(0,str.indexOf(matches[0])).trim();
if (!filters.query.length) filters.query = null;
for (var m of matches) {
var _m = m.split(':');
if (/(^req$|r[eqstr]*name)/i.test(_m[0])) filters.requesterName = _m[1].trimLeft();
else if (/(^id$|hitid)/i.test(_m[0])) filters.hitId = _m[1].toUpperCase().trimLeft();
else if (/r[eqstr]*id/i.test(_m[0])) filters.requesterId = _m[1].toUpperCase().trimLeft();
else if (/(reward|pay)/i.test(_m[0])) filters.reward = _setRange(_m[1]);
else if (_m[0].toLowerCase() === 'bonus') filters.bonus = _setRange(_m[1]);
return filters;
function _dbaccess(method, rargs, tfn) {//{{{
if (!HITStorage.db) { Utils.errorHandler(new TypeError('(AccessViolation) Database is not defined')); return; }
Utils.disableButtons(['hdbDaily','hdbRequester','hdbPending','hdbSearch'], true);
Status.push("Preparing database...", "black");
metrics.dbrecall = new Metrics("database_recall::"+method);
metrics.dbrecall.mark("data retrieval", "start");
HITStorage.recall(rargs[0],rargs[1]).then(function(r) {
qc.sr = [];
metrics.dbrecall.mark("data retrieval", "end");
Status.message = "Building HTML...";
try {
for (var d of ["hdbResClear","hdbPageTop","hdbVpTop", "hdbPageBot"]) {
if (get('#hdbCSVInput',main).checked || (~d.search(/page/i) && !/^[sr]/.test(method))) continue;
document.getElementById(d).style.display = "initial";
metrics.dbrecall.mark("HTML construction", "start");
metrics.dbrecall.mark("HTML construction", "end");
} catch(e) {
} finally {
Utils.disableButtons(['hdbDaily','hdbRequester','hdbPending','hdbSearch'], false);
Status.push("Done!", "green");
metrics.dbrecall.stop(); metrics.dbrecall.report();
}//}}} _dbaccess
},//}}} dashboardUI::initClickables
getRange: function(status, filters) {//{{{
var obj = Object.assign({}, filters || {}), r = window.IDBKeyRange, main = get('#hdbControlPanel');
obj.status = status || get('#hdbStatusSelect',main).value;
obj.date = [ (get('#hdbMinDate',main).value || '0000'), (get('#hdbMaxDate',main).value || '9999') ];
obj.index = obj.date[0] !== '0000' || obj.date[1] !== '9999' ? 'date' : 'status';
if (filters) {
var indexPriority = { hitId:100, bonus:80, date:70, status:60, requesterId:50, requesterName:40, reward:30, },
indices = Object.keys(filters);
obj.index = indices.reduce((a,b) => indexPriority[a] || 0 > indexPriority[b] || 0 ? a : b);
obj.range = (function(i) {
if (['date','reward','pay','bonus'].includes(i))
return (obj[i] = obj[i].sort()) && r.bound(obj[i][0], obj[i][1]);
else if (i === 'status' && status.length > 1)
return r.only(status);
else if (['hitId','requesterName','requesterId'].includes(i))
return r.bound(obj[i], obj[i].slice(0,-1) + String.fromCharCode(obj[i].slice(-1).charCodeAt()+1));
if (obj.index === 'hitId' || (obj.index === 'status' && status.length === 1)) obj.index = null;
return obj;
}//}}} dashboardUI::getRange
},//}}} dashboard
FileHandler = { //{{{
// TODO: JSON integrity check
delegate: function(e) {//{{{
var f = e.target.files;
if (f.length && ~f[0].name.search(/\.(bak|csv|json)$/i)/* && ~f[0].type.search(/(text|json)/)*/) {
var reader = new FileReader(), testing = true, isCsv = false;
metrics.dbimport = new Metrics("file_import");
reader.onload = function(e) {
var r = e.target.result;
if (testing && !~r.search(/(STATS|NOTES|HIT)/)) { // failed json check, test if csv
console.log("failed json integrity:", r, "\nchecking csv schema...");
if (!~r.search(/hitId/)) { // failed csv check, return error
console.log("failed csv integrity:", r, "\naborting");
return Utils.errorHandler(new TypeError("Invalid data structure"));
} else { // passed initial csv check, parse full file
console.log("deferring to csv parser");
isCsv = true;
testing = false;
} else if (testing) {
testing = false;
} else {
if (isCsv) this.csv.fromFile(r);
else HITStorage.write(JSON.parse(r), cbImport);
}.bind(FileHandler); // reader.onload
} else if (f.length)
Utils.errorHandler(new TypeError("Unsupported file format"));
csv: {//{{{
fromFile: function(r) {//{{{
var validKeys = ["autoAppTime","date","feedback","hitId","requesterId","requesterName","reward","pay","bonus","status","title"],
//lines = r.replace(/\r?\n^(?!"?[A-Z0-9]{30})/gm,' ').split(/\r?\n/);
lines = r.split(/\r?\n(?="?[A-Z0-9]{30})/);
this.delimiter = /^"/.test(lines[0]) ? r.substr(7,1) : r.substr(5,1);
this.header = lines.splice(0,1)[0].replace(new RegExp(`([" ]|${this.delimiter}$)`,'g'),'').split(this.delimiter);
this.data = { HIT:[] };
if (!lines.length) return Utils.errorHandler(new Error("CSV file must contain at least one record"));
// make sure header keys are valid
for (var key of this.header)
if (!~validKeys.indexOf(key)) {
return Utils.errorHandler(new TypeError("Invalid key '"+key+"' found in column header"));
core: function(lr, syn) {//{{{
syn = syn || false;
var badLines = [],
deq = function(str) { if (/^"/.test(str) && /"$/.test(str)) return str.replace(/(^"|"$)/g,''); else return str;},
qfix = arr => arr.reduce((a,b) => {
if (a.length && /^".+[^"]$/.test(a[a.length-1])) {
a[a.length-1] = a[a.length-1] + this.delimiter + b;
return a;
} else return a.concat(b);
}, []);
for (var line of lr) {
var record = {};
line = line.split(this.delimiter);
if (line.length <= 1) continue;
if (line.length !== this.header.length) {
// attempt to resolve delimiter conflicts within field values
line = qfix(line);
while (line.length > this.header.length) {
var datum = line.pop();
if (/\S/.test(deq(datum))) { line.push(datum); break; }
if (line.length !== this.header.length) {
badLines.push({record: line, reason: "SyntaxError: Number of field do not match number of columns"}); continue; }
// convert into usable JSON
for (var i=0;i<line.length;i++) {
if (/(pay|bonus|reward|autoAppTime)/.test(this.header[i]) && isNaN(+line[i])) {
badLines.push({record: line, reason: `TypeError: Value in '${this.header[i]}' is not a number.`}); break; }
if (this.header[i] === 'hitId' && (/\W/.test(deq(line[i])) || deq(line[i]).length !== 30)) {
badLines.push({record: line, reason: "TypeError: Invalid hitId."}); break; }
if (this.header[i] === 'date' && !/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/.test(line[i])) {
badLines.push({record: line, reason: "TypeError: Invalid date. Dates must be in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD)."}); break; }
if (this.header[i] === 'pay' || this.header[i] === 'reward')
record.reward = +line[i];
else if (this.header[i] === 'bonus')
record.bonus = +line[i];
record[this.header[i]] = deq(line[i]);
} // for each field
if (!syn && !badLines.find(v => v.record === line)) this.data.HIT.push(record);
} // for each record
if (syn) return !badLines.length;
else if (badLines.length) { console.warn('SyntaxError'); console.dir(badLines); this.manualFix(badLines); }
else HITStorage.write(this.data, cbImport);
manualFix: function(lr) {//{{{
var div = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('DIV')),
title = div.appendChild(document.createElement('P')),
divInner = div.appendChild(document.createElement('DIV')),
buttons = div.appendChild(document.createElement('P')),
trimSansTab = function(str) {
var c = "[ \f\n\r\v\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]+";
return str.replace(new RegExp("^"+c),'').replace(new RegExp(c+"$"),'');
kdFn = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 9) {// tab
var zs = e.target.selectionStart,
ze = e.target.selectionEnd;
e.target.value = e.target.value.substr(0,zs) + '\t' + e.target.value.substr(ze);
e.target.style.height = '1px';
e.target.style.height = e.target.scrollHeight + 10 +'px';
blurFn = function(e) {
var check = this.core([trimSansTab(e.target.value)],true);
if (check) e.target.style.background = '#9EFF9E'; else e.target.style.background = 'white';
title.outerHTML = '<p style="margin:0;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;font-size:1.2em">Failed lines</p>' +
'<p style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;font-size:0.9em;margin:1%">' + this.header.join(this.delimiter)+'</p>';
div.style.cssText = "z-index:5; position:fixed; top:50%;left:50%; padding:0.7%; width:650px; resize:both; overflow:auto;" +
"background:rgba(204,204,204,0.88); box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px 2px #000; margin-right:-50%; transform:translate(-50%, -50%);";
divInner.style.cssText = "position:relative; max-height:350px; overflow:auto;";
for (var v of lr) {
var ta = divInner.appendChild(document.createElement('TEXTAREA'));
ta.style.cssText = "resize:none; overflow:hidden; width:100%; display:block";
ta.onkeydown = kdFn;
ta.onblur = blurFn;
ta.value = v.record.join(this.delimiter);
ta.style.height = ta.scrollHeight + 10 + 'px';
buttons.style.cssText = "margin:1% auto; text-align:center;";
buttons.innerHTML = '<button id="fretry" title="Retry failed lines.")">Retry</button> ' +
'<button id="fskip" title="Skip these failed lines and import the rest to the database.">Skip</button> ' +
'<button id="fcancel" title="Cancel the entire import process">Cancel</button><br>' +
'Modify the above entries and retry, or skip them, or cancel the entire import.';
buttons.querySelector('#fretry').onclick = function() {
var l = [];
for (var el of div.querySelectorAll('textarea')) l.push(trimSansTab(el.value));
buttons.querySelector('#fskip').onclick = function() { div.remove(); HITStorage.write(this.data, cbImport); }.bind(this);
buttons.querySelector('#fcancel').onclick = function() { div.remove(); this.data = null; Progress.hide();}.bind(this);
}//}}} FileHandler::csv
NoteHandler = (function() {//{{{
if (document.location.pathname !== '/mturk/dashboard') return null;
var _interface = { pin:pin, createNewNote:createNewNote, deleteNote:deleteNote, saveNote:saveNote };
function pin(dbr) {//{{{
if (!dbr.results.length) return;
for (var n of dbr.results) new Note(n).pin();
function createNewNote(e) {//{{{
new Note({ hitId: e.target.id.slice(5) }).pin();
function deleteNote(e) {//{{{
var row = e.target.parentNode.parentNode, range = window.IDBKeyRange.only(row.cells[2].dataset.id);
if (!row.cells[2].dataset.initial) return row.remove();
HITStorage.recall('NOTES', { mode:'readwrite', index:'hitId', callback:cb, range:range }).then(() => row.remove());
function cb(c,promise) {
if (c.value.note === row.cells[2].dataset.initial) return c.delete() && promise.resolve(true);
function saveNote(e) {//{{{
var note = e.target.textContent.trim(), update, initial = e.target.dataset.initial,
date = e.target.previousSibling.textContent, hitId = e.target.dataset.id, range = window.IDBKeyRange.only(hitId);
if (e instanceof window.KeyboardEvent) return (e.keyCode === 13 || null) && !!e.target.blur();
if (note === initial) return; // no change
if (!note) return e.target.parentNode.cells[0].firstChild.click(); // assume intent to delete
HITStorage.recall('NOTES', { mode:'readwrite', index:'hitId', range:range, callback:cb }).then(finalize);
function cb(c,promise) {
var r = c.value;
if (r.note === initial) return (update = true) && (r.note = note) && c.update(r) && promise.resolve(true);
function finalize() {
if (!update) HITStorage.write({ NOTES: [ {hitId:hitId, date:date, note:note} ]});
e.target.dataset.initial = note;
function Note(obj) {//{{{
obj = Object.assign({ date: new Date().toLocalISOString().slice(0,10) }, obj);
this.row = document.createElement('TR');
this.pin = function() {
var target = get('tr[data-id="'+obj.hitId+'"]');
return target.parentNode.insertBefore(this.row, target.nextSibling) && !obj.note && cells[2].focus();
var cells = ['del', 'date', 'note'].map(() => this.row.insertCell(-1));
cells[0].innerHTML = '<span class="hdbNote" title="Delete this note">[x]</span>';
cells[0].firstChild.onclick = NoteHandler.deleteNote;
cells[0].style.textAlign = "right";
cells[1].title = "Date on which the note was added";
cells[1].textContent = obj.date;
cells[2].textContent = cells[2].dataset.initial = obj.note || '';
cells[2].dataset.id = obj.hitId;
cells[2].colSpan = "6";
cells[2].contentEditable = "true";
cells[2].onblur = cells[2].onkeydown = NoteHandler.saveNote;
return _interface;
console.log('hdb hook');
if (document.location.pathname === "/mturk/dashboard") {
setInterval(Utils.updateTimestamp, 1000*60);
var Status = {
node: document.getElementById("hdbStatusText"),
get message() { return this.node.textContent; },
set message(str) { this.node.textContent = str; },
get color() { return this.node.style.color; },
set color(c) { this.node.style.color = c; },
push: function(m,c) { c = c || "black"; this.message = m; this.color = c; },
get html() { return this.node.innerHTML },
set html(str) { this.node.innerHTML = str; }
}, Progress = {
node: document.getElementById("hdbProgressBar"),
hide: function() { this.node.style.display = "none"; },
show: function() { this.node.style.display = "block"; }
var dbh = window.indexedDB.open(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION);
dbh.onerror = function(e) { Utils.errorHandler(e.target.error); };
dbh.onupgradeneeded = HITStorage.versionChange;
dbh.onsuccess = INITDB;
// export some variables for external extensions
self.Status = Status; self.Progress = Progress; self.Metrics = Metrics; self.Math.decRound = Math.decRound;
} else { // page is not dashboard
window.indexedDB.open(DB_NAME).onsuccess = function() { HITStorage.db = this.result; beenThereDoneThat(); };
function saveState(key, value) {//{{{
try {
} catch(err) {
if (err.name !== 'QuotaExceededError') return Utils.errorHandler(err);
try {
localStorage.setItem(key, value);
} catch(errr) {
return Utils.errorHandler(errr);
// {{{ css injection
document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('STYLE')).innerHTML =
"#hdbProgressBar {margin:auto; width:250px; height:15px; position:relative; display:none;}" +
".ball {position:absolute; left:0; width:12px; height:12px; border-radius:5px;" +
"animation:kfpballs 2s cubic-bezier(0.24,0.77,0.68,1) infinite;" +
"background:linear-gradient(222deg, rgba(208,69,247,0), rgba(208,69,247,1), rgba(69,197,247,1), rgba(69,197,247,0))}" +
"#hdbB2{animation-delay:.19s} #hdbB3{animation-delay:.38s} #hdbB4{animation-delay:.55s}" +
"@keyframes kfpballs {0% {left:0%;opacity:1} 50% {left:98%;opacity:0.2} 100% {left:0%;opacity:1}}" +
".hitdbRTButtons {border:1px solid; font-size: 10px; height: 18px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; background: pink;}" +
".hitdbRTButtons-green {background: lightgreen;}" +
".hitdbRTButtons-large {width:80px;}" +
".hdbCalControls {cursor:pointer;} .hdbCalControls:hover {color:#c27fcf;}" +
".hdbCalCells {background:#f0f6f9; height:19px}" +
".hdbCalDays {cursor:pointer; text-align:center;} .hdbCalDays:hover {background:#7fb4cf; color:white;}" +
".hdbDayHeader {width:26px; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px; background:#f0f6f9;}" +
".hdbCalHeader {background:#7fb4cf; color:white; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; font-size:11px; padding:3px 0px;}" +
"#hdbCalendarPanel {position:absolute; z-index:10; box-shadow:-2px 3px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.68);}" +
".hdbExpandRow {cursor:pointer; color:blue;}" +
".hdbTotalsRow {background:#CCC; color:#369; font-weight:bold;}" +
".hdbHeaderRow {background:#7FB448; font-size:12px; color:white;}" +
".helpSpan {border-bottom:1px dotted; cursor:help;}" +
".hdbResControl {border-bottom:1px solid; color:#c60; cursor:pointer; display:none;}" +
".hdbTablePagination {margin-left:15em; color:#c60; display:none;}" +
".spin {animation: kfspin 0.7s infinite linear; font-weight:bold;}" +
"@keyframes kfspin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg) } 100% { transform: rotate(359deg) } }" +
".spin:before{content:'*'}" +
".nowrap {white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis}" +
".hdbNote {color:crimson} span.hdbNote {cursor:pointer}" +
"#javascriptDependentFunctionality { display:block !important }";
// }}}
function resultConstrain(data, index, type, callback) {//{{{
data = data || qc.sr;
var table = document.getElementById("hdbResultsTable"),
rslice = data.length ? data[index].results : data.results,
pager = [document.getElementById("hdbPageTop"), document.getElementById("hdbPageBot")],
sopt = [],
_f = function(e) { resultConstrain(null,e.target.value,type,callback); };
pager[0].innerHTML = ''; pager[1].innerHTML = '';
if (data instanceof DBResult)
table.innerHTML = data.formatHTML({type: type});
else {
table.innerHTML = data[index].formatHTML({type: type});
pager[0].innerHTML = '<span style="cursor:pointer;">' + (index > 0 ? '◀ Prev' : '') + '</span> ' +
'<span style="cursor:pointer;">' + (+index+1 === data.length ? '' : 'Next ▶') + '</span> || '+
'<label>Select page: </label><select></select>';
for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++) {
if (i === +index)
sopt.push('<option value="' + i + '" selected="selected">' + (i+1) + '</option>');
sopt.push('<option value="' + i + '">' + (i+1) + '</option>');
pager[0].lastChild.innerHTML = sopt.join('');
pager[2] = pager[0].cloneNode(true);
pager[2].id = "hdbPageBot";
for (i of [0,2]) {
pager[i].children[0].onclick = resultConstrain.bind(null,null,+index-1,type,callback);
pager[i].children[1].onclick = resultConstrain.bind(null,null,+index+1,type,callback);
pager[i].children[3].onchange = _f;
pager[0].parentNode.replaceChild(pager[2], pager[1]);
}//}}} resultConstrain
function beenThereDoneThat() {//{{{
const pathname = document.location.pathname.split('/').slice(-1).toString();
if (/(accept|continue)/.test(pathname)) {
if (!get('input[name="hitAutoAppDelayInSeconds"]')) return;
// capture autoapproval times
var _aa = get('input[name="hitAutoAppDelayInSeconds"]').value,
_hid = getAll('input[name="hitId"]')[1].value,
pad = function(num) { return Number(num).toPadded(); },
_d = Date.parse(new Date().getFullYear() + "-" + pad(new Date().getMonth()+1) + "-" + pad(new Date().getDate()));
qc.aat = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("hitdb_autoAppTemp") || "{}");
if (!qc.aat[_d]) qc.aat[_d] = {};
qc.aat[_d][_hid] = _aa;
qc.save("aat", "hitdb_autoAppTemp", true);
const qualNode = get('td[colspan="11"]');
if (qualNode) { // we're on the preview page!
const requesterid = get('input[name="requesterId"]').value,
requestername = get('input[name="prevRequester"]').value,
autoApproval = get('input[name="hitAutoAppDelayInSeconds"]').value,
hitTitle = get('div[style*="ellipsis"]').textContent.trim(),
row = document.createElement("TR"), cellL = document.createElement("TD"), cellR = document.createElement("TD"),
results = { r: document.createElement("TABLE"), t: document.createElement("TABLE") };
results.r.dataset.rid = requesterid;
results.t.dataset.title = hitTitle;
cellR.innerHTML = '<span class="capsule_field_title">Auto-Approval:</span> '+Utils.ftime(autoApproval).join(' ');
const rbutton = document.createElement("BUTTON");
rbutton.textContent = "Requester";
rbutton.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); showResults.call(results.r, "req", hitTitle); };
const tbutton = rbutton.cloneNode(false);
rbutton.title = "Show HITs completed from this requester";
tbutton.textContent = "HIT Title";
tbutton.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); showResults.call(results.t, "title", requestername) };
HITStorage.recall("HIT", {index: "requesterId", range: window.IDBKeyRange.only(requesterid), limit: 1})
HITStorage.recall("HIT", {index: "title", range: window.IDBKeyRange.only(hitTitle), limit: 1})
cellL.colSpan = "3";
cellR.colSpan = "8";
} else { // browsing HITs n sutff
const titleNodes = getAll('a[class="capsulelink"]');
if (titleNodes.length < 1) return; // nothing left to do here!
const requesterNodes = pathname === 'myhits'
? getAll('.requesterIdentity')
: getAll('td > a[href*="hitgroups&requester"]');
[].forEach.call(requesterNodes, (req, i) => {
const title = titleNodes[i].textContent.trim(),
tbutton = document.createElement('BUTTON'),
id = pathname === 'myhits'
? get('a[href*="contact"]', titleNodes[i].closest('table').parentNode.closest('table')).href.match(/rId=([A-Z0-9]+)/)[1]
: req.href.replace(/.+Id=([A-Z0-9]+)/, '$1'),
name = req.textContent,
rbutton = document.createElement('BUTTON'),
div = document.createElement('DIV'),
tr = document.createElement('TR'),
results = { r: document.createElement('TABLE'), t: document.createElement('TABLE') };
results.r.dataset.rid = id;
results.t.dataset.title = title;
req.closest('td[width="100%"] > table').parentNode
HITStorage.recall('HIT', {index: 'title', range: window.IDBKeyRange.only(title), limit: 1} )
HITStorage.recall('HIT', {index: 'requesterId', range: window.IDBKeyRange.only(id), limit: 1} )
div.id = `hitdbRTInjection-${i}`;
rbutton.textContent = 'R';
rbutton.onclick = showResults.bind(results.r, 'req', title);
rbutton.title = 'Show HITs completed from this requester';
tbutton.textContent = 'T';
tbutton.onclick = showResults.bind(results.t, 'title', name);
} // else
function showResults(type, match) {//{{{
/*jshint validthis: true*/
if (!this.dataset.hasResults) return;
if (this.children.length) // table is populated
this.innerHTML = '';
else { // need to populate table
var head = this.createTHead(),
body = this.createTBody(),
capt = this.createCaption(),
style= "font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;text-align:center",
validKeys = function(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).filter(function(v) { return !~v.search(/total[A-Z]/); }); };
capt.innerHTML = '<span style="'+style+'">Loading...<label class="spin"></label></span>';
if (type === "req") {
HITStorage.recall("HIT", {index:"requesterId", range:window.IDBKeyRange.only(this.dataset.rid)})
.then( function(r) {
var cbydate = r.collate(r.results, "date"),
kbydate = validKeys(cbydate),
cbydatextitle, kbytitle, bodyHTML = [];
kbydate.forEach(function(date) {
cbydatextitle = r.collate(cbydate[date], "title");
kbytitle = validKeys(cbydatextitle);
kbytitle.forEach(function(title) {
bodyHTML.push('<tr style="text-align:center;"><td>'+date+'</td>' +
'<td style="text-align:left">'+title.trim()+'</td><td>'+cbydatextitle[title].length+'</td>' +
var help = "Total number of HITs submitted for a given date with the same title\n" +
"(aggregates results with the same title to simplify the table and reduce unnecessary spam for batch workers)";
head.innerHTML = '<tr style="'+style+'"><th>Date</th><th>Title</th>' +
'<th><span class="helpSpan" title="'+help+'">#HITs</span></th><th>Total Rewards</th></tr>';
body.innerHTML = bodyHTML.sort(function(a,b) {
return a.match(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/)[0] < b.match(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/)[0] ? 1 : -1;
capt.innerHTML = '<label style="'+style+'">HITs Matching This Requester</label>';
var mrows = Array.prototype.filter.call(body.rows, function(v) {return v.cells[1].textContent === match});
for (var row of mrows)
row.style.background = "lightgreen";
else if (type === "title") {
HITStorage.recall("HIT", {index:"title", range:window.IDBKeyRange.only(this.dataset.title)})
.then( function(r) {
var cbyreq = r.collate(r.results, "requesterName"),
kbyreq = validKeys(cbyreq),
bodyHTML = [];
for (var key of kbyreq)
bodyHTML.push('<tr style="text-align:center;"><td>'+key+'</td><td>'+cbyreq[key].length+'</td>' +
var help = "Total number of HITs matching this title submitted for a given requester\n" +
"(aggregates results with the same requester name to simplify the table and reduce unnecessary spam for batch workers)";
head.innerHTML = '<tr style="'+style+'"><th>Requester Name</th>' +
'<th><span class="helpSpan" title="'+help+'">#HITs</span></th><th>Total Rewards</th></tr>';
body.innerHTML = bodyHTML.join('');
capt.innerHTML = '<label style="'+style+'">Reqesters With HITs Matching This Title</label>';
var mrows = Array.prototype.filter.call(body.rows, function(v) {return v.cells[0].textContent === match});
for (var row of mrows)
row.style.background = "lightgreen";
} //if type === 'title'
}//populate table
}//}}} showResults
function processResults(table, r) {
/*jshint validthis: true*/
if (r.results.length) {
table.dataset.hasResults = 'true';
}//}}} btdt
function showHiddenRows(e) {//{{{
var rid = e.target.parentNode.textContent.substr(4);
var nodes = getAll('tr[data-rid="'+rid+'"]'), el = null;
if (e.target.textContent === "[+]") {
for (el of nodes)
e.target.textContent = "[-]";
} else {
for (el of nodes)
e.target.textContent = "[+]";
function showHitsByDate(e) {//{{{
var date = e.target.parentNode.nextSibling.textContent,
row = e.target.parentNode.parentNode,
table= row.parentNode;
if (e.target.textContent === "[+]") {
e.target.textContent = "[-]";
var nrow = table.insertBefore(document.createElement("TR"), row.nextSibling);
nrow.className = row.className;
nrow.innerHTML = '<td><b>Loading...<label class="spin"></label></b></td>';
HITStorage.recall("HIT", {index: "date", range: window.IDBKeyRange.only(date)}).then( function(r) {
nrow.innerHTML = '<td colspan="7"><table style="width:760;color:#c60;">' + r.formatHTML({compact: true}) + '</table></td>';
} else {
e.target.textContent = "[+]";
}//}}} showHitsByDate
function updateBonus(e) {//{{{
if (e instanceof window.KeyboardEvent && e.keyCode === 13) {
return false;
} else if (e instanceof window.FocusEvent) {
var _bonus = +e.target.textContent.replace(/[^\d.]/g,""),
_tBonusCell = e.target.offsetParent.tFoot.rows[0].cells[4],
_tBonus = +_tBonusCell.textContent.replace(/\$/,"");
e.target.textContent = Number(_bonus).toFixed(2);
_tBonusCell.textContent = '$'+Number(_tBonus-e.target.dataset.initial+_bonus).toFixed(2);
if (_bonus !== +e.target.dataset.initial) {
console.log("updating bonus to",_bonus,"from",e.target.dataset.initial,"("+e.target.dataset.hitid+")");
e.target.dataset.initial = _bonus;
var _range = window.IDBKeyRange.only(e.target.dataset.hitid);
HITStorage.db.transaction("HIT", "readwrite").objectStore("HIT").openCursor(_range).onsuccess = function() {
var c = this.result;
if (c) {
c.value.bonus = _bonus;
}; // idbcursor
} // bonus is new value
} // keycode
} //}}} updateBonus
// writing callback functions {{{
function cbImport() {
/*jshint validthis:true*/
Status.push("Importing " + this.total + " entries");
if (++this.total !== this.requests) return;
Status.push("Importing " + this.total + " entries... Done!", "green");
try { Progress.hide(); metrics.dbimport.stop(); metrics.dbimport.report(); } catch(err) {}
function cbUpdate() {
/*jshint validthis:true*/
if (++this.total !== this.requests) return;
if (qc.extraDays) qc.extraDays = false;
if (HITStorage.data) HITStorage.data = null;
Status.push("Update Complete!", "green");
ProjectedEarnings.setProperties({ dbUpdated: new Date().toLocalISOString() }).painter.update();
Utils.disableButtons(['hdbUpdate'], false);
Progress.hide(); metrics.dbupdate.stop(); metrics.dbupdate.report();
function autoScroll(location, dt) {//{{{
var target = get(location).offsetTop,
pos = window.scrollY,
dpos = Math.ceil((target - pos)/3);
dt = dt ? dt-1 : 25; // time step/max recursions
if (target === pos || dpos === 0 || dt === 0) return;
window.scrollBy(0, dpos);
setTimeout(function() { autoScroll(location, dt); }, dt);
function Calendar(offsetX, offsetY, caller) {//{{{
this.date = new Date();
this.offsetX = offsetX;
this.offsetY = offsetY;
this.caller = caller;
this.drawCalendar = function(year,month,day) {//{{{
year = year || this.date.getFullYear();
month = month || this.date.getMonth()+1;
day = day || this.date.getDate();
var longMonths = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
var date = new Date(year,month-1,day);
var anchors = _getAnchors(date);
//make new container if one doesn't already exist
var container = null;
if (get("#hdbCalendarPanel")) {
container = get("#hdbCalendarPanel");
container.removeChild( container.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0] );
else {
container = document.createElement("DIV");
container.id = "hdbCalendarPanel";
container.style.left = this.offsetX;
container.style.top = this.offsetY;
var cal = document.createElement("TABLE");
cal.cellSpacing = "0";
cal.cellPadding = "0";
cal.border = "0";
cal.innerHTML = '<tr>' +
'<th class="hdbCalHeader hdbCalControls" title="Previous month" style="text-align:right;"><span><</span></th>' +
'<th class="hdbCalHeader hdbCalControls" title="Previous year" style="text-align:center;"><span>≪</span></th>' +
'<th colspan="3" id="hdbCalTableTitle" class="hdbCalHeader">'+date.getFullYear()+'<br>'+longMonths[date.getMonth()]+'</th>' +
'<th class="hdbCalHeader hdbCalControls" title="Next year" style="text-align:center;"><span>≫</span></th>' +
'<th class="hdbCalHeader hdbCalControls" title="Next month" style="text-align:left;"><span>></span></th>' +
'</tr><tr><th class="hdbDayHeader" style="color:red;">S</th><th class="hdbDayHeader">M</th>' +
'<th class="hdbDayHeader">T</th><th class="hdbDayHeader">W</th><th class="hdbDayHeader">T</th>' +
'<th class="hdbDayHeader">F</th><th class="hdbDayHeader">S</th></tr>';
get('th[title="Previous month"]').addEventListener( "click", function() {
this.drawCalendar(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1);
}.bind(this) );
get('th[title="Previous year"]').addEventListener( "click", function() {
this.drawCalendar(date.getFullYear()-1, date.getMonth()+1, 1);
}.bind(this) );
get('th[title="Next month"]').addEventListener( "click", function() {
this.drawCalendar(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+2, 1);
}.bind(this) );
get('th[title="Next year"]').addEventListener( "click", function() {
this.drawCalendar(date.getFullYear()+1, date.getMonth()+1, 1);
}.bind(this) );
var hasDay = false, thisDay = 1;
for (var i=0;i<6;i++) { // cycle weeks
var row = document.createElement("TR");
for (var j=0;j<7;j++) { // cycle days
if (!hasDay && j === anchors.first && thisDay < anchors.total)
hasDay = true;
else if (hasDay && thisDay > anchors.total)
hasDay = false;
var cell = document.createElement("TD");
if (hasDay) {
cell.textContent = thisDay;
cell.addEventListener("click", _clickHandler.bind(this));
cell.dataset.year = date.getFullYear();
cell.dataset.month = date.getMonth()+1;
cell.dataset.day = thisDay++;
} // for j
} // for i
var controls = cal.insertRow(-1);
controls.cells[0].colSpan = "7";
controls.cells[0].innerHTML = ' <a href="javascript:void(0)" style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;">Clear</a>' +
' <a href="javascript:void(0)" style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;">Close</a>';
controls.cells[0].children[0].onclick = function() { this.caller.value = ""; }.bind(this);
controls.cells[0].children[1].onclick = this.die;
function _clickHandler(e) {
/*jshint validthis:true*/
var y = e.target.dataset.year;
var m = Number(e.target.dataset.month).toPadded();
var d = Number(e.target.dataset.day).toPadded();
this.caller.value = y+"-"+m+"-"+d;
function _getAnchors(date) {
var _anchors = {};
_anchors.total = date.getDate();
_anchors.first = date.getDay();
return _anchors;
};//}}} drawCalendar
this.die = function() { document.getElementById('hdbCalendarPanel').remove(); };
}//}}} Calendar
// instance metrics apart from window scoped PerformanceTiming API
function Metrics(name) {//{{{
this.name = name || "undefined";
this.marks = {};
this.start = window.performance.now();
this.end = null;
this.stop = function(){
if (!this.end)
this.end = window.performance.now();
Utils.errorHandler(new Error("Metrics::AccessViolation - end point cannot be overwritten"));
this.mark = function(name,position) {
if (position === "end" && !this.marks[name]) return;
if (!this.marks[name])
this.marks[name] = {};
if (!this.marks[name][position])
this.marks[name][position] = window.performance.now();
this.report = function() {
console.group("Metrics for",this.name.toUpperCase());
console.log("Process completed in",+Number((this.end-this.start)/1000).toFixed(3),"seconds");
for (var k in this.marks) {
if (this.marks.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
console.log(k,"occurred after",+Number((this.marks[k].start-this.start)/1000).toFixed(3),"seconds,",
"resolving in", +Number((this.marks[k].end-this.marks[k].start)/1000).toFixed(3), "seconds");
function INITDB() {//{{{
HITStorage.db = this.result;
self.HITStorage = {db: this.result};
if (localStorage.getItem('hitdb_ridx') === 'true') return;
Utils.disableButtons(['hdbDaily','hdbRequester','hdbPending','hdbSearch'], true);
var count = 0;
this.result.transaction('HIT', 'readwrite').objectStore('HIT').openCursor().onsuccess = function() {
if (!this.result) {
Utils.disableButtons(['hdbDaily','hdbRequester','hdbPending','hdbSearch'], false);
return localStorage.setItem('hitdb_ridx', 'true');
Status.push('Performing integrity check... ' + (++count));
var r = this.result.value;
if (typeof r.reward === 'object') {
if (r.reward === null) r.reward = 0;
else {
r.bonus = r.reward.bonus || 0;
r.reward = r.reward.pay || 0;
})(); //scoping
// vim: ts=2:sw=2:et:fdm=marker:noai