// ==UserScript==
// @name InstaSynchP Event Hooks
// @namespace InstaSynchP
// @description Attaches itself to the functions on InstaSync to fire events
// @version 1.1.9
// @author Zod-
// @source https://github.com/Zod-/InstaSynchP-Event-Hooks
// @license MIT
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/5647-instasynchp-library/code/code.js?version=41059
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/2857-jquery-bind-first/code/code.js?version=26080
// @include *://instasync.com/r/*
// @include *://*.instasync.com/r/*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
function EventHooks() {
'use strict';
this.version = '1.1.9';
this.name = 'InstaSynchP Event Hooks';
this.isPlaylistLoaded = false;
this.isShuffle = false;
this.hooks = {};
this.hookBinds = {
events: {
connected: 'Connected',
joining: 'Joining',
joined: 'Joined',
reconnecting: 'Reconnecting',
reconnect: 'Reconnect',
disconnect: 'Disconnect'
playlist: {
addVideo: 'AddVideo',
removeVideo: 'RemoveVideo',
moveVideo: 'MoveVideo',
load: 'LoadPlaylist',
purge: 'Purge',
userlist: {
addUser: 'AddUser',
removeUser: 'RemoveUser',
load: 'LoadUserlist',
renameUser: 'RenameUser',
poll: {
create: 'CreatePoll',
addVote: 'AddPollVote',
removeVote: 'RemovePollVote',
end: 'EndPoll',
room: {
addMessage: 'AddMessage',
makeLead: 'MakeLeader',
playVideo: 'PlayVideo',
resume: 'Resume',
pause: 'Pause',
seekTo: 'SeekTo',
setSkips: 'Skips',
sendcmd: 'SendCMD',
EventHooks.prototype.bindLinkifySuppress = function () {
'use strict';
var oldLinkify = window.linkify;
window.linkify = function (str, buildHashtagUrl, includeW3, target) {
var tags = [];
var index = -1;
//remove image urls so they wont get linkified
str = str.replace(/(src|href)=\"([^\"]*)\"/gi, function ($0, $1, $2) {
'tagName': $1,
'url': $2
return '{0}=\"\"'.format($1);
str = oldLinkify(str, buildHashtagUrl, includeW3, target);
//put them back in
str = str.replace(/(src|href)=\"\"/gi, function () {
index += 1;
return '{0}="{1}"'.format(tags[index].tagName, tags[index].url);
return str;
EventHooks.prototype.countUser = function (user, addRemove) {
'use strict';
var _this = this;
var inc = (typeof addRemove === 'boolean' && addRemove) ? 1 : -1;
if (user.permissions > 0) {
_this.mods += inc;
if (user.loggedin) {
_this.blacknames += inc;
} else {
_this.greynames += inc;
EventHooks.prototype.addUser = function (user) {
'use strict';
this.countUser(user, true);
EventHooks.prototype.removeUser = function (user) {
'use strict';
this.countUser(user, false);
EventHooks.prototype.bindUserCount = function () {
'use strict';
var _this = this;
events.on(_this, 'RemoveUser', function (user) {
}, true);
events.on(_this, 'AddUser', function (user) {
}, true);
EventHooks.prototype.createHook = function (ev) {
'use strict';
var _this = this;
function defaultFunction() {
var instasyncArgs = arguments[0];
var frameworkArgs = arguments[1] || instasyncArgs;
events.fire(ev.name, frameworkArgs, true);
ev.oldFn.apply(undefined, instasyncArgs);
events.fire(ev.name, frameworkArgs, false);
function arrayFunction() {
var instasyncArgs = arguments[0];
var frameworkArgs = arguments[1] || instasyncArgs;
frameworkArgs = frameworkArgs[0];
frameworkArgs.forEach(function () {
var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
args = args.slice(0, args.length - 2);
events.fire(ev.name, args, true);
ev.oldFn.apply(undefined, instasyncArgs);
frameworkArgs.forEach(function () {
var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
args = args.slice(0, args.length - 2);
events.fire(ev.name, args, false);
if (ev.location === 'events') {
window.room.e.on(ev.hook, function () {
events.fire(ev.name, arguments, false);
//custom hooks
switch (ev.name) {
case 'LoadPlaylist':
return function () {
if (!_this.isPlaylistLoaded) {
defaultFunction.apply(undefined, [arguments]);
_this.isPlaylistLoaded = true;
} else {
events.fire('Shuffle', arguments, true);
ev.oldFn.apply(undefined, arguments);
events.fire('Shuffle', arguments, false);
case 'AddUser':
return function () {
if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
arrayFunction.apply(undefined, [arguments]);
} else {
defaultFunction.apply(undefined, [arguments]);
case 'AddVideo':
return function () {
if (_this.isShuffle) {
ev.oldFn.apply(undefined, arguments);
if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
arrayFunction.apply(undefined, [arguments]);
} else {
defaultFunction.apply(undefined, [arguments]);
case 'RemoveUser':
case 'MakeLeader':
case 'RenameUser':
return function () {
var user = findUserId(arguments[0]);
if (ev.name === 'RenameUser') {
user.username = arguments[1];
defaultFunction.apply(undefined, [
arguments, [user]
case 'PlayVideo':
case 'RemoveVideo':
case 'MoveVideo':
return function () {
var indexOfVid = window.room.playlist.indexOf(arguments[0]);
var video = window.room.playlist.videos[indexOfVid];
var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
args[0] = video;
if (ev.name === 'MoveVideo') {
defaultFunction.apply(undefined, [arguments, args]);
case 'Skips':
return function () {
var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
args.push((args[1] / _this.blacknames) * 100); //skip percentage
defaultFunction.apply(undefined, [arguments, args]);
return function () {
defaultFunction.apply(undefined, [arguments]);
EventHooks.prototype.forEachHookBind = function (callback) {
'use strict';
var _this = this;
Object.keys(_this.hookBinds).forEach(function (locationName) {
var location = _this.hookBinds[locationName];
Object.keys(location).forEach(function (hookName) {
var hook = location[hookName];
callback.apply(_this, [{
name: locationName,
value: location
}, {
name: hookName,
value: hook
EventHooks.prototype.bindHooks = function () {
'use strict';
var _this = this;
_this.forEachHookBind(function (locationPair, hookPair) {
var ev = {
hook: hookPair.name,
name: hookPair.value,
location: locationPair.name
if (locationPair.name === 'events') {
} else if (locationPair.name === 'room') {
ev.oldFn = window.room[ev.hook];
window.room[ev.hook] = _this.createHook(ev);
} else {
if (locationPair.name === 'room') {
ev.context = window.room;
} else {
ev.context = window.room[ev.location];
ev.oldFn = ev.context[ev.hook];
ev.context[ev.hook] = _this.createHook(ev);
EventHooks.prototype.bindPageMessages = function () {
'use strict';
window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
try {
var parsed = JSON.parse(event.data);
if (parsed.action) {
//own events
events.fire(parsed.action, [parsed.data], false);
events.fire('PageMessage', [parsed], false);
} catch (ignore) {}
}, false);
EventHooks.prototype.bindShuffle = function () {
'use strict';
var _this = this;
events.on(_this, 'Shuffle', function () {
_this.isShuffle = true;
}, true);
events.on(_this, 'Shuffle', function () {
_this.isShuffle = false;
}, false);
EventHooks.prototype.bindPlayerDestroy = function () {
'use strict';
var oldPlayerDestroy = window.room.video.destroy;
window.room.video.destroy = function () {
events.fire('PlayerDestroy', arguments, true);
oldPlayerDestroy.apply(window.room.video, arguments);
events.fire('PlayerDestroy', arguments, false);
EventHooks.prototype.bindKeyInput = function () {
'use strict';
var csel = '#cin';
$(csel).bindFirst('keypress', function (event) {
events.fire('InputKeypress[{0}]'.format(event.keyCode), [event, $(
csel).val()], false);
events.fire('InputKeypress', [event, $(csel).val()], false);
if (event.keyCode === 13 && $(csel).val() !== '') {
events.fire('SendChat', [$(csel).val()], false);
$(csel).bindFirst('keydown', function (event) {
//prevent loosing focus on tab
if (event.keyCode === 9) {
events.fire('InputKeydown[{0}]'.format(event.keyCode), [event,
], false);
events.fire('InputKeydown', [event, $(csel).val()], false);
$(csel).bindFirst('keyup', function (event) {
events.fire('InputKeyup[{0}]'.format(event.keyCode), [event, $(csel).val()],
events.fire('InputKeyup', [event, $(csel).val()], false);
EventHooks.prototype.executeOnceCore = function () {
'use strict';
var _this = this;
EventHooks.prototype.preConnect = function () {
'use strict';
var _this = this;
EventHooks.prototype.resetVariables = function () {
'use strict';
this.mods = 0;
this.blacknames = 0;
this.greynames = 0;
this.isPlaylistLoaded = false;
window.plugins = window.plugins || {};
window.plugins.eventHooks = new EventHooks();