Greasy Fork is available in English.

Limpiar URLs de seguimiento

Limpiar todas las URLs de seguimiento, bloquear eventos de seguimiento en todos los sitios web

Aquí están todas las versiones de este script. Mostrar únicamente las versiones en las que hubo cambios de código.

  • v0.7.7 21/3/2024

    - Fix some issues on| under certain conditions.
    - Fix an issus that this script may keep preventing users to pay for bili ups.
    - Certain functions optimisations.

  • v0.7.6.2 14/3/2024

    - Fix an issue that certain pages of bilibili may not be functional.

  • v0.7.6.1 14/3/2024

    - Fix an issue that certain pages of bilibili may not be functional.

  • v0.7.6 12/3/2024

    - Clean more parameters on
    - Remove a banner ad on bilibili's video page.
    - Adjust cleanup scope on
    - Fix an issue that some contents may not be loaded properly on Zhihu or other sites.

  • v0.7.5 21/11/2023

    - Resotore necessary parameters for| in some cases.
    - Minor adjustments.

  • v0.7.4 22/10/2023

    - Clean more tracking parameters on 1688|microsoft|linkedin| and for all.
    - Skip the links redirection on youtube video.
    - Minor improvements.

  • v0.7.3 28/9/2023

    - Clean more tracking parameters on (newegg|bestbuy|skype|office|microsoft365|douban).com.
    - Minor issue fixes.

  • v0.7.2 16/9/2023
    • Fixed an issue that some prompts unable to close on
    • Fixed an issue that some contents may not be loaded properly.
    • Fixed an issue that certain login prompts may failed to popup.
  • v0.7.1 10/9/2023
    • Restore the essential parameters for discord callbacks.
    • Clean more parameters.
  • v0.7.0 8/9/2023
    • Clean more tracking params on bestbuy|amazon|baidu|douyin|ebay|jd.
    • Improves the performance on ali sites.
    • Minor issues fixes and improvements.
  • v0.6.12 28/8/2023
    • Minor optimisations to be compatible with page adjustments of
  • v0.6.11 24/8/2023
    • Fixed an issue when preventing certain events may cause parts of the page malfunctional.
    • Fixed an issue that some contents on the video page of bilibili failed to load.
    • Minor issues fixes.
  • v0.6.10 19/8/2023
    • Fix an issue where CM for soem sites may fail to prompt in mobile-view mode.
  • v0.6.9 15/8/2023
    • Clean more parameters common, (bilibili|1688|taobao|pixiv|fiverr).
    • Improve performance on ali sites (reduce regex mathcing words).
    • Minor issues fixes and performance improvments.
  • v0.6.8 2/7/2023
    • Temporarily hide annoying content on
    • Clean more parameters for ali sties includes jiyoujia|
    • Minor issuss fixes and performance improvemets.
  • v0.6.7 24/6/2023
    • Clean more parameters for all|||imdb|boxofficemojo|qq|
    • Clean all parameters whose names match ^spm|scm, optimised the regexp matching.
    • Allow using dash (-) on the function of add custom parameters.
    • Performance improvements.
  • v0.6.6.1 15/6/2023
    • Fixed an issue where the missing existence detection may cause numerous error messages (Check before use).
  • v0.6.6 15/6/2023
    • Remove more tracking parameters on Amazon||ebay||Imdb|Bilibili| and common parameters.
    • Allow adding custom parameters to the websites that in additional cleaning.
    • Block more tracking events within its iframe, remove ad-links(right-bottom-banner|bannerAd) on
    • Performance improvements and issue fixes.
  • v0.6.5 7/6/2023
  • v0.6.5 7/6/2023

    - Clean more tracking params on `Google|Bilibili|Youtube|Stackoverflow|||Facebook|Amazon`, block more tracking events.
    - Clean tracking params at the hash of URLs on `Google`.
    - Allow using numbers and other types of brackets on the function of add custom parameters.
    - More precise domain name matching. (function includes() >> startsWith/endsWith/Regular Expression)
    - Fix most timeout issues, and other issue fixes and performance improvements (events listening optimisations).
    - Additional feature: hide login popups for `|`.

  • v0.6.4 2/6/2023
    • Reduce event blocking scope that binds to elements <a> (capturing >> bubbling).
    • Clean all tracking params on linkedin|tmall|facebook|google|, block tracking events on
    • Clean copy of video urls on (unshorten without tracking params).
    • Other improvements.
  • v0.6.3 27/5/2023
  • v0.6.3 26/5/2023
    • Description optimisation (Script menu).
    • Script optimisation, update excludes.
    • Remove more parameters for Amazon, Taobao, Reddit,
    • Add a function of quick cleaning with keyboard (Shift + Alt + X), find in the script code to custom: e.key === 'X'.
  • v0.6.2.2 22/5/2023
    • Regex checking optimisation (allow using [] in parameter).
  • v0.6.2.1 22/5/2023
    • Script language optimisation.
  • v0.6.2 22/5/2023
    • Script logic and performance optimisation.
    • Add format validation before adding params (from GM_setValue to storage);
    • Add a script menu function which can remove a custom added parameter.
    • Remove more tracking params.
    • Remove Baidu Search ad results (Testing).
  • v0.6.1 18/5/2023
  • v0.6.1 18/5/2023
    • Fix an error about array merging, from Array.push() to Array.concat().
    • Clean more params for common sites and Amazon, weibo|stackoverflow|
    • Reconstruct the functions of history (bind urlchange event to pushState and replaceState).
    • Custom cleaning for Amazon.
    • Added a submenu to support adding custom params for current site (host).
  • v0.6.0 15/5/2023
    • Clean more parameters for (douban|imdb|vk|weibo|163|126||
    • Resote some parameters for
    • Add a function of copy cleaning precise time on the video pages of bilibili.
    • Clean up copy link behavior on context menu.
    • Bug fixes and script code and regexps matching optimisation.
  • v0.5.8 10/5/2023
    • Fix an issue where the script submenu on was not displayed successfully.
    • Clean copy texts when share video on the video page of bilibili.
    • Clean more parameters for douyin|tiktok|zhihu|douban|twitter|xda-developers|baidu|
    • Block signin popups once when enter the pages of
    • Remove more params for hoyolab|hoyoverse|mihoyo|miyoushe| with futnion-commonClean.
    • Timeuout logic optimisation.
  • v0.5.7 5/5/2023
    • Optiomise the monitoring of certain events.
    • Remove more parameters for github|medium|xda-developers|youku.(com).
    • Bug fixes.
  • v0.5.6 28/4/2023
    • Restore a necessary prameter for
  • v0.5.5 28/4/2023
    • Restore normall events withen the bili-live player under right-menu clicking.
    • Fixed some coding errors and bug fixes.
    • Update script icon.
    • Add more tracking parameters.
    • Several optimisations, improve cleaning speed.
  • v0.5.2 24/4/2023
  • v0.5.2 20/4/2023
  • v0.5.2 20/4/2023
  • v0.5.2 20/4/2023
    • Site params updateADDREMOVE (Duplicate or necessary parameters for certain sites).
    • Add a condition before bind a event-listenser to button tags.
    • Manually cleaning: Add a script menu on tampermonkey's drop-down menu during default situations.
    • Fixed a problem that clicking to switch page number was invalid (Add label attribute url verificaiton).
    • Code reduction.
  • v0.5.1 16/4/2023
  • v0.5.1 16/4/2023
  • v0.5.1 15/4/2023
    • Fixed bugs where block clicking-events on empty <a> link
    • Update excludes pages.
    • Clean some tracking links under after click expand more games.
    • Clean <a> links with data-url as its target url instead of href.
    • Clean the params at embedded youtube videos.
  • v0.5.0 11/4/2023
  • v0.5.0 11/4/2023
  • v0.5.0 11/4/2023
  • v0.5.0 10/4/2023
  • v0.5.0 9/4/2023
  • v0.5.0 9/4/2023
  • v0.5.0 9/4/2023
    • Added
    • Added common cleaning to support all websites.
    • Now this script can clean common contents for all sites and specific cleaning for certain sites.
    • Performance optimisation.
  • v0.4.10 4/4/2023
  • v0.4.10 4/4/2023
  • v0.4.10 3/4/2023
    • Added
    • Script operating improvements.

Ver todas las versiones del script.