Saltarse Todos los Enlaces Acortados

Saltarse Automáticamente todos los enlaces acortados, AdFly y omitir anuncios, ir directamente al destino, ahora se agregó descarga automática de archivos

< Opiniones de Saltarse Todos los Enlaces Acortados

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 9/6/2022

Unable to update to 25.1
Only shows reinstall...

Publicado: 9/6/2022

that is not Bugs

Only shows reinstall mean you already used latest version

Publicado: 9/6/2022

The update worked now...
All good... Thx

Publicado: 9/6/2022

that is not Bugs

Only shows reinstall mean you already used latest version

Updated to the latest version. working like a charm as usual. Thank YOU SO much. the only it seems has updated its code hence its not getting bypassed, stuck in the last page. But seriously take a bow

Publicado: 10/6/2022

that is not Bugs

Only shows reinstall mean you already used latest version

Updated to the latest version. working like a charm as usual. Thank YOU SO much. the only it seems has updated its code hence its not getting bypassed, stuck in the last page. But seriously take a bow

I would like to say in reference to my previous comment cryptoon shortlink is working fine now. it was an error from the shortlink server. nothing to do with the script

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