Spotify Web - Copiar info de la canción

Agrega una entrada en el menú contextual que copia el nombre de la canción y el artista seleccionados al portapapeles

< Opiniones de Spotify Web - Copiar info de la canción

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 29/9/2021

Very useful script! But until recently it won't works, the menu is disappear.

Publicado: 29/9/2021

Thanks for the comment! It doesn't work for me either. On the currently playing song it does not appear. It still works for me in playlists and album tracklist. I will try to correct it.

Publicado: 29/9/2021

I have uploaded an update for the script, please test it

Publicado: 30/9/2021

Looks like it changed again. I have released an other update

Publicado: 2/10/2021

Thanks for keeping update! It works again!

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