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Wanikani Double-Check

Allows retyping typo'd answers, or marking wrong when WK's typo tolerance is too lax.

< Opiniones de Wanikani Double-Check

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 11/9/2022

I'm not sure why but with the newest update of this script, I can no longer advance through a correct answer with the enter button. I will answer correctly and press enter and nothing happens. I turned off all other scripts and then toggled this one to make sure and this seems to be the one. But also thank you for making this script, I doubt its easy and I don't want to be ungrateful for this really helpful tool!

Publicado: 11/9/2022

Please confirm that you have version 2.3.1 installed by checking in your TamperMonkey dashboard.

Also, please tell me what browser you are using, and post any errors in the Javascript console (press F12 and click the Console tab)

Publicado: 28/11/2022

I also have the same problem today I use safari and I cant use enter when ı press it it will not go next review event if it passes next revive cant be written. I use 2.3.2 on safari

Publicado: 28/11/2022

Same problem using firefox

Publicado: 28/11/2022

I have also been having the same bug after the new update. I have checked WaniKani and Chrome and they seem to have no issues. The button worked for a few reviews then simply disappeared?

Publicado: 28/11/2022

I am using Firefox 107.0 (64-bit) and 2.32 of the script and it's not working correctly. Pressing the enter key doesn't advance things properly. Hitting it again advances through a correct answer, after which I cannot input into the text box and I have to reload the site. I really like your script! Thanks for making it and your support.

Publicado: 28/11/2022

I thought I wrote it already here, but it works now after turning compatibility mode off

Publicado: 28/11/2022

Thanks, I'll give that a try!

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