YouTube Animated Thumbnails & Preview Videos

On hover, each thumbnail cycles though its 3 thumbnails. Additional feature to view those 3 thumbnails all at once (non-animated)

< Opiniones de YouTube Animated Thumbnails & Preview Videos

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 15/2/2015

No animated thumbs cycle on the watch page

No animated thumbs cycle on the related videos thumbs of the watch page. It works ok on the search results page.

Loading mixed (insecure) display content on a secure page ""[Learn More] JoeSimmons%2527_Library.js:447
Loading mixed (insecure) display content on a secure page ""[Learn More] JoeSimmons%2527_Library.js:447
Loading mixed (insecure) display content on a secure page ""[Learn More] JoeSimmons%2527_Library.js:447
Loading mixed (insecure) display content on a secure page ""[Learn More] JoeSimmons%2527_Library.js:447

Tested on a new/fresh Firefox profile
Firefox 35.0.1
Win 7 x64
script version 1.0.1


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