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Need help with one script and document.querySelector

Publicado: 21/12/2018

Need help with one script and document.querySelector

I'm trying to make a simple script that would click on the "Starred" button automatically on to have automatically the starred channel without the need to click manually the button since the dafault is "All Channels".

I tried many methods but all seem to fail and I don't understand why ?

Here's the last script I've tried:

_// ==UserScript== // @name Zap2it Starred on open // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match* // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript==



}, 25000);


I've put the setTimeout to let the page load before clicking on the button but it don't work.

The problem must be obvious but sadly I don't see what is wrong and why it don't work ??? :no_mouth:

Publicado: 21/12/2018

you should click the a element in grid but not the grid itself,blow selector may work

Publicado: 21/12/2018

Thanks a lot it work now :smiley:

Could you explain me why it did not work when I use only the "'.grid-filter-controls__starred" class ?

Also where I can learn more about the syntax of putting element with ">" sign ?

Thanks again for the help ! 👍

Publicado: 22/12/2018
Editado: 22/12/2018

because only the <a> element inside "'.grid-filter-controlsstarred" class element have click event listener witch can response your click in this page,usually you can see if element have event listeners in browser's element inspector ,the <a> element means a link that often can be click. want to know more about selector you can google about CSS selectors ,the ">" sign means Child combinator, `.grid-filter-controlsstarred>ameans the` type element inside ".grid-filter-controls__starred" element

Publicado: 26/12/2018

Thanks a lot for your explanation 👍☺️

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