It injects custom GET requests into amazon
< Opiniones de Amazon GET Requests Injector
Hmm, could not ever get the UI selector element to appear.
FWIW, I first needed to change the @match to use a wildcard for subdomains, like https://** This allows it to work with customers who use as well. (I'm not sure if Smile is available for other countries/domains, but I like using a wildcard to include subdomains as a general rule, unless there's a specific reason not to for a site.)
Anyway, once I did that, the script loaded on the site, but then nothing appeared. Thanks in advance if you can get it working!
try removing the "// @grant none" line.
it should work after that.
@sh3ll it's like the other script that needed fixing.
I fixed the other script. This one is working if I open in latest firefox esr. Anyway I removed the @grant option in this script too, because it was unused. Tell me if there are problems.
Hmm, couldn't get it to load on I'm thinking there may be something wrong with the @match or something, since it doesn't show up as an available script for the page in Violentmonkey when visiting
Edit: Duh, I have it auto-redirect to, so I'll have to add it as a matching site.