- Chat scroller

chat scroller for with continuous scrolling

< Opiniones de - Chat scroller

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 17/06/2021
Editado: 17/06/2021

I used this script and in tampermonkey it says on line 27 :"eslint: no-undef - 'RF' is not defined.". This script works exept for the text to scroll save thing. can you please fix this?

Publicado: 18/06/2021

it's because RF is defined in the game client, that's supposed to happen

to save the text: open the chatbox, type something, and before you send it press '\'

Publicado: 18/06/2021
Editado: 18/06/2021

OHHHHH k thanks. But i've tryed that and it doesnt work either (pressing \ before send). i would type "example\" and the text to scroll would stay blank. I believe it works for everyone else though.Do you know how i or you can fix this problem? ive tryed reloading mutliple times, and logging in and out of my account but to no avail.

Publicado: 19/06/2021

it might be your browser - are you using Chrome?

Publicado: 19/06/2021
Editado: 19/06/2021

Yea im using chrome

Publicado: 19/06/2021

i guess a temporary workaround would be to edit the scrollText variable, im not sure why it doesnt work but ill update it with a better ui soon

Publicado: 25/06/2021

when i edit the scrollText variable it says its undefined. Also im new to all this "hacking" kinda stuff so imma say exactly what i did. first ,im on a chromebook CB3-131 series and i installed the tampermonkey extention. then, i made a new script deleted evrything arlready in the box and then i copy pasted your script there, then activateded tamper monkey and went to am i doing anything wrong on my part? or is it my computer? Thanks

anyone knows how to enable the chat scorller??

Publicado: 26/12/2021
Editado: 26/12/2021


Publicado: 26/12/2021

If i keep it on for too long it will disconnect me

Publicado: 08/04/2022

it got patched by the dev several months ago, but i'm uploading a fix now :)

Publicado: 21/04/2022

yo nitrogem how i do save the text from the chat box

Publicado: 05/05/2022

press backslash

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