No need to manually click
< Opiniones de Auto skip ads on amazon prime videos
thanks, i'm publishing an update for it, can you test it ?
maybe i can if you allow me to .
thank you too. It doesn't work yet as the urls are not included. Example:
or even shorter
(That's the short permalink for every item - be it video or hardware)
I do not know about urls analogue to the other matches with "Epsiode" like*/dp/*
So the first one should be included for sure, the other ones maybe.
thanks, made another update, can you check ?
Thank you! Script is inserted correctly now.
It seems like it only skips if I hover the prorgess bar with the mouse. The "Überspringen" link is visible before, though. But I have to reevaluate this as other scripts / themes I already have might interfere. I'll report back.
yes it only works if the link is on the interface. During my development, the link was always visible at least for a few seconds, maybe it depends of the show you're viewing
The link is visible for a short time, but the skip will only happen if I hover the progress bar. Weird.
By the way, you might replace all the @match metadata with some RegEx
// @include /^https?:\/\/((www|smile)\.)?amazon\.(cn|in|co\.jp|sg|ae|fr|de|it|nl|es|co\.uk|ca|com(\.(mx|au|br|tr))?)\/(Episode-.+\/dp\/|gp\/video\/detail).*$/
// @include /^https?:\/\/((www|smile)\.)?\/(region\/.*)?detail\/.*$/
Assuming the only valid subdomains are www and smile
For german:
"Skip" is "Überspringen"