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TwitterImg Downloader

Add download button to Twitter image, and click to download the original image named by format.

< Opiniones de TwitterImg Downloader

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 07/11/2020

Something seems to have gone wrong with this script in the last day or so. The icon is there still, but clicking it has no effect. Maybe Twitter changed their URL format for the full-size images?

HY NanoAutor
Publicado: 09/11/2020

This bug can't be reproduced on my device, might be caused by conflicts between scripts.
If you can provide your console log, the reason might be found.

Publicado: 10/11/2020

Ohhh, I figured it out by looking at my console log (I should have thought of that). My Firefox privacy settings were blocking the user script from doing a cross-origin request, which is why the download failed.

It'd be nice to figure out how to make that stop happening, without going all the way down to "Standard" privacy protection, though.

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