Toggl-Button YouTrack

Toggle button for YouTrack

< Opiniones de Toggl-Button YouTrack

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 05/12/2014

Button is not working anymor

I don't know why, but the button is not working anymore! How can I fix this?

Publicado: 06/07/2015

Sorry I missed this comment. What exactly is your problem? Have you tried recently?

Publicado: 13/11/2015

@vertigo, I am using this script on a daily basis, would you please try it again and let me know about the status?

Publicado: 13/11/2015

It works with version 1.1 for me.

Publicado: 14/11/2015

Great, thanks for letting us know.

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