Publicado: 17/09/2022

Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but there seems to be a frightening lack of moderation on this website. I love a good userscript, but I find myself hesitant to look around here. Are there any similar websites you can recommend?

Publicado: 17/09/2022

I don't think so. Userscripts is like a half-dead thing almost nobody interested in. Check the https://www.reddit.com/r/userscripts/ it's the only I know

Publicado: 17/09/2022

I forgot about https://openuserjs.org/

But there is something bad about it too.. Idk what it was

Publicado: 19/09/2022
Editado: 19/09/2022

@ToxicSmurf, You are totally wrong, you can see how moderation workout in moderator log, also you can help moderators by reporting for malicious or suspicious scripts or users when you have free time (like me). I found Greasy Fork as the best platform for distributing and downloading other user-scripts.

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