BC: embed player everywhere JS - use embedded player on: /feed (mouseover album art); /music
BC: do free downloads JS - adds a link that triggers buy for $0; set format to FLAC and click download. multiple purchases get a "download all" link (wait for them to process before using). Set your email at the top of the script if you want it autofilled.
BC: force default stylesheet JS - -
BC: tags to top JS - copy taglist to top of page
BC: Title Case tracks JS - change ALL CAPS TRACKS to Title Case
SC: un-gate outgoing links JS - make outgoing links into direct links.
SC: get fullsize artwork JS - click artwork to get fullsize original. configurable to open in new tab, put URL on clipboard, etc.
SC: highlight hypeddits JS - highlight tracks with hypeddit or otherwise download/buy link
- enable saving JS - -
BC: fixed/sticky player JS - keeps player visible when scrolling. choose a style in the code
deezer: sort by release date JS - autoclick to sort by Release date
BC: record label link visible JS - copy the "← record label" link above the album art so it's visible without resizing the browser window