Greasy Fork is available in English.



These are all versions of this script. Show only the versions where the code changed.

  • v0.7.7 2024/03/21

    - Fix some issues on| under certain conditions.
    - Fix an issus that this script may keep preventing users to pay for bili ups.
    - Certain functions optimisations.

  • v0.7.6.2 2024/03/14

    - Fix an issue that certain pages of bilibili may not be functional.

  • v0.7.6.1 2024/03/14

    - Fix an issue that certain pages of bilibili may not be functional.

  • v0.7.6 2024/03/12

    - Clean more parameters on
    - Remove a banner ad on bilibili's video page.
    - Adjust cleanup scope on
    - Fix an issue that some contents may not be loaded properly on Zhihu or other sites.

  • v0.7.5 2023/11/21

    - Resotore necessary parameters for| in some cases.
    - Minor adjustments.

  • v0.7.4 2023/10/22

    - Clean more tracking parameters on 1688|microsoft|linkedin| and for all.
    - Skip the links redirection on youtube video.
    - Minor improvements.

  • v0.7.3 2023/09/28

    - Clean more tracking parameters on (newegg|bestbuy|skype|office|microsoft365|douban).com.
    - Minor issue fixes.

  • v0.7.2 2023/09/16
    • Fixed an issue that some prompts unable to close on
    • Fixed an issue that some contents may not be loaded properly.
    • Fixed an issue that certain login prompts may failed to popup.
  • v0.7.1 2023/09/10
    • Restore the essential parameters for discord callbacks.
    • Clean more parameters.
  • v0.7.0 2023/09/08
    • Clean more tracking params on bestbuy|amazon|baidu|douyin|ebay|jd.
    • Improves the performance on ali sites.
    • Minor issues fixes and improvements.
  • v0.6.12 2023/08/28
    • Minor optimisations to be compatible with page adjustments of
  • v0.6.11 2023/08/24
    • Fixed an issue when preventing certain events may cause parts of the page malfunctional.
    • Fixed an issue that some contents on the video page of bilibili failed to load.
    • Minor issues fixes.
  • v0.6.10 2023/08/19
    • Fix an issue where CM for soem sites may fail to prompt in mobile-view mode.
  • v0.6.9 2023/08/15
    • Clean more parameters common, (bilibili|1688|taobao|pixiv|fiverr).
    • Improve performance on ali sites (reduce regex mathcing words).
    • Minor issues fixes and performance improvments.
  • v0.6.8 2023/07/02
    • Temporarily hide annoying content on
    • Clean more parameters for ali sties includes jiyoujia|
    • Minor issuss fixes and performance improvemets.
  • v0.6.7 2023/06/24
    • Clean more parameters for all|||imdb|boxofficemojo|qq|
    • Clean all parameters whose names match ^spm|scm, optimised the regexp matching.
    • Allow using dash (-) on the function of add custom parameters.
    • Performance improvements.
  • v0.6.6.1 2023/06/15
    • Fixed an issue where the missing existence detection may cause numerous error messages (Check before use).
  • v0.6.6 2023/06/15
    • Remove more tracking parameters on Amazon||ebay||Imdb|Bilibili| and common parameters.
    • Allow adding custom parameters to the websites that in additional cleaning.
    • Block more tracking events within its iframe, remove ad-links(right-bottom-banner|bannerAd) on
    • Performance improvements and issue fixes.
  • v0.6.5 2023/06/07
  • v0.6.5 2023/06/07

    - Clean more tracking params on `Google|Bilibili|Youtube|Stackoverflow|||Facebook|Amazon`, block more tracking events.
    - Clean tracking params at the hash of URLs on `Google`.
    - Allow using numbers and other types of brackets on the function of add custom parameters.
    - More precise domain name matching. (function includes() >> startsWith/endsWith/Regular Expression)
    - Fix most timeout issues, and other issue fixes and performance improvements (events listening optimisations).
    - Additional feature: hide login popups for `|`.

  • v0.6.4 2023/06/02
    • Reduce event blocking scope that binds to elements <a> (capturing >> bubbling).
    • Clean all tracking params on linkedin|tmall|facebook|google|, block tracking events on
    • Clean copy of video urls on (unshorten without tracking params).
    • Other improvements.
  • v0.6.3 2023/05/27
  • v0.6.3 2023/05/26
    • Description optimisation (Script menu).
    • Script optimisation, update excludes.
    • Remove more parameters for Amazon, Taobao, Reddit,
    • Add a function of quick cleaning with keyboard (Shift + Alt + X), find in the script code to custom: e.key === 'X'.
  • v0.6.2.2 2023/05/22
    • Regex checking optimisation (allow using [] in parameter).
  • v0.6.2.1 2023/05/22
    • Script language optimisation.
  • v0.6.2 2023/05/22
    • Script logic and performance optimisation.
    • Add format validation before adding params (from GM_setValue to storage);
    • Add a script menu function which can remove a custom added parameter.
    • Remove more tracking params.
    • Remove Baidu Search ad results (Testing).
  • v0.6.1 2023/05/18
  • v0.6.1 2023/05/18
    • Fix an error about array merging, from Array.push() to Array.concat().
    • Clean more params for common sites and Amazon, weibo|stackoverflow|
    • Reconstruct the functions of history (bind urlchange event to pushState and replaceState).
    • Custom cleaning for Amazon.
    • Added a submenu to support adding custom params for current site (host).
  • v0.6.0 2023/05/15
    • Clean more parameters for (douban|imdb|vk|weibo|163|126||
    • Resote some parameters for
    • Add a function of copy cleaning precise time on the video pages of bilibili.
    • Clean up copy link behavior on context menu.
    • Bug fixes and script code and regexps matching optimisation.
  • v0.5.8 2023/05/10
    • Fix an issue where the script submenu on was not displayed successfully.
    • Clean copy texts when share video on the video page of bilibili.
    • Clean more parameters for douyin|tiktok|zhihu|douban|twitter|xda-developers|baidu|
    • Block signin popups once when enter the pages of
    • Remove more params for hoyolab|hoyoverse|mihoyo|miyoushe| with futnion-commonClean.
    • Timeuout logic optimisation.
  • v0.5.7 2023/05/05
    • Optiomise the monitoring of certain events.
    • Remove more parameters for github|medium|xda-developers|youku.(com).
    • Bug fixes.
  • v0.5.6 2023/04/28
    • Restore a necessary prameter for
  • v0.5.5 2023/04/28
    • Restore normall events withen the bili-live player under right-menu clicking.
    • Fixed some coding errors and bug fixes.
    • Update script icon.
    • Add more tracking parameters.
    • Several optimisations, improve cleaning speed.
  • v0.5.2 2023/04/24
  • v0.5.2 2023/04/20
  • v0.5.2 2023/04/20
  • v0.5.2 2023/04/20
    • Site params updateADDREMOVE (Duplicate or necessary parameters for certain sites).
    • Add a condition before bind a event-listenser to button tags.
    • Manually cleaning: Add a script menu on tampermonkey's drop-down menu during default situations.
    • Fixed a problem that clicking to switch page number was invalid (Add label attribute url verificaiton).
    • Code reduction.
  • v0.5.1 2023/04/16
  • v0.5.1 2023/04/16
  • v0.5.1 2023/04/15
    • Fixed bugs where block clicking-events on empty <a> link
    • Update excludes pages.
    • Clean some tracking links under after click expand more games.
    • Clean <a> links with data-url as its target url instead of href.
    • Clean the params at embedded youtube videos.
  • v0.5.0 2023/04/11
  • v0.5.0 2023/04/11
  • v0.5.0 2023/04/11
  • v0.5.0 2023/04/10
  • v0.5.0 2023/04/09
  • v0.5.0 2023/04/09
  • v0.5.0 2023/04/09
    • Added
    • Added common cleaning to support all websites.
    • Now this script can clean common contents for all sites and specific cleaning for certain sites.
    • Performance optimisation.
  • v0.4.10 2023/04/04
  • v0.4.10 2023/04/04
  • v0.4.10 2023/04/03
    • Added
    • Script operating improvements.

Show all script versions