Greasy Fork is available in English.

Basic Functions


This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require

PYUDNG kaj wenku8-plus


  • DoLog([LogLevel,] content[, trace]): Log message or object to console with loglevel
  • $([this,] querySelector): querySelector
  • $All([this,] querySelector): querySelectorAll
  • $CrE([this,] tagName): createElement
  • copyProp(obj1, obj2, prop): copy prop form obj1 to obj2 if prop exist on obj1 as its own property
  • copyProps(obj1, obj2, props=Object.keys(obj1)): copy All given properties from obj1 to obj2
  • clearChildNodes(elm): remove all childNodes of given element
  • destroyEvent(e): Just stopPropagation and preventDefault
  • GMXHRHook(maxXHR = 5): Hook GM_xmlhttpRequest to make it only runs amount under maxXHR of xhrs at the same time
  • getUrlArgv(details): Get a url argument from lacation.href; Args: {url=location.href, name, dealFunc=((a)=>{return a;}), defaultValue=null} or 'name'
  • addStyle: Append a style text to document() with a <style> element
  • saveFile(dataURL, filename): Save dataURL to file
  • downloadFile(details): File download function; details looks like the detail of GM_xmlhttpRequest but need name as filename
  • getAPI(url = location.href): get '/' splited API array from a url
  • getHost(url = location.href): get host part from a url(includes '^https://', '/$')
  • AsyncManager(): Manage async tasks and call onfinish callback(if exist) when all tasks finished and finishEvent is true
  • polyfill_replaceAll(): A Simple String.prototype.replaceAll's polyfill
  • randint(min, max): random integer in range min -> max. Both min and max are included
  • replaceText(str, replacer): replace str patterns with replacer, without replacing already replaced texts
  • escJsStr(str, quotes='\'"`'): escape str into javascript written format
  • parseArgs(args, rules, defaultValues=[]): sort and deal the given args array
  • delItem(arr, delIndex): remove an item from arr at delIndex
  • Err(msg, type): throws an Error/TypeError with given msg based on given type