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Youtube double language subtitle / Youtube 双语字幕

Youtube double language subtitle / Youtube 双语字幕. 如果不能自动加载,请关闭字幕再次打开即可。默认语言为浏览器首选语言。

< Feedback on Youtube double language subtitle / Youtube 双语字幕

Review: Good - script works


- 默认语言为浏览器首选语言,可通过更改'localeLang'参数进行指定。
- 如果出现没有自动加载的情况,可能是字幕请求在hook前就被发送了,请关闭字幕再次打开即可。


Posted: 2022/12/25
Edited: 2022/12/25

For the "localeLang" description, I didn't remove it, it could be useful for those who are using langeage A on y2b page, but also want to translate subs to language B.

these PRs has been merged to master, and I just released 1.8.0 version of script. Thanks for the contribution!

Posted: 2022/12/25
Edited: 2022/12/25

Great :) Keep good works ~

For your information, I found another userscript which also translates the things on YouTube.

For reference:

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