Auto mp3 downloader

Automatic download of multiple mp3s from Just insert list of songs into textarea, push the button and wait till it finishes.

Ili estas versioj de tiu ĉi skripto, kie la kodo estas ĝisdatigita. Montri ĉiujn versiojn

  • v0.6.6 2018/02/03 fixed script not working
  • v0.6.5 2018/01/05 fixed script not working anymore
  • v0.6.4 2017/03/17 Synced from GitHub - fixed script not working on new domain
  • v0.6.3 2017/01/10 Synced from GitHub - updated url to match modified domain of site
  • v0.6.1 2016/08/20 Synced from GitHub - updated match url again - domain keeps changing I dont know why
  • v0.6 2016/08/20 Synced from GitHub - updated match url due to domain change
  • v0.5 2016/08/13 Synced from GitHub - artist and song can now be on separate lines (activated via checkbox)
  • v0.4 2016/07/26 Synced from GitHub - fixed script not working on https; added nice result table at the end of searching; fixed script stoping after not finding the song
  • v0.3 2016/07/23 Synced from GitHub - fixed script not working after page changed it's domain + minor refactor
  • v0.2 2016/07/18 Synced from GitHub - minor ui improvements for FF
  • v0.1 2016/07/16 Imported from URL