LT Copy Book - LibraryThing

Copies book data and automatically pastes it to a manual entry.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           LT Copy Book - LibraryThing
// @namespace
// @description    Copies book data and automatically pastes it to a manual entry.
// @include        http*://*.librarything.tld/work*/details/*
// @include        http*://*.librarything.tld/addnew.php
// @grant          GM_setValue
// @grant          GM_getValue
// @grant          GM_deleteValue
// @version        2
// ==/UserScript==

var ltcbTitle       = { key:'ltcbTitle'       , id:'bookedit_title'         , field:'form_title'          };
var ltcbAuthor      = { key:'ltcbAuthor'      , id:'bookedit_authorunflip'  , field:'form_authorunflip'   };
var ltcbDate        = { key:'ltcbDate'        , id:'bookedit_date'          , field:'form_date'           };
var ltcbPublication = { key:'ltcbPublication' , id:'bookedit_publication'   , field:'form_publication'    };
var ltcbISBN        = { key:'ltcbISBN'        , id:'bookedit_ISBN'          , field:'form_ISBN'           };
var ltcbLCCN        = { key:'ltcbLCCN'        , id:'bookedit_lccallnumber'  , field:'form_lccallnumber'   };
var ltcbDewey       = { key:'ltcbDewey'       , id:'bookedit_dewey'         , field:'form_dewey'          };
var ltcbLanguage    = { key:'ltcbLanguage'    , id:'bookedit_lang'          , field:'field_lang'          };
var ltcbLanguage2   = { key:'ltcbLanguage2'   , id:'bookedit_lang2'         , field:'field_lang2'         };
var ltcbLanguageO   = { key:'ltcbLanguageO'   , id:'bookedit_lang_original' , field:'field_lang_original' };
//var ltcbVolumes     = { key:'ltcbVolumes'     , id:'bookedit_numVolumes'    , field:'numVolumes'          , path:'//td[text()="Number of Volumes"]/../td[@class="bookeditfield"]'};
//var ltcbPages       = { key:'ltcbPages'       , id:'bookedit_pagecount'     , field:'pagecount'           , path:'//td[text()="Pages"]/../td[@class="bookeditfield"]'};

var ltcbCollection       = { key:'ltcbCollection'       };
var ltcbAddToLibrary     = { key:'ltcbAddToLibrary'     };
var ltcbAddToWishlist    = { key:'ltcbAddToWishlist'    };

var ltcbOtherAuthorCount = { key:'ltcbOtherAuthorCount'                     };
var ltcbOtherAuthorRole  = { key:'ltcbOtherAuthorRole'  , field:'person_role-' };
var ltcbOtherAuthorName  = { key:'ltcbOtherAuthorName'  , field:'person_name-' };
var ltcbAuthorRole       = { key:'ltcbAuthorRole'       , field:'person_role_main' };

function getById(setting) {
  var e = document.getElementById(;
  return e ? e.textContent : '';

function save(setting, callback) {
  var value = getById(setting);
  if (callback)
    value = callback(value);
  GM_setValue(setting.key, value);

function setNonGreen(setting) {
  var e = document.getElementById(;
  var value = (e && e.innerHTML == e.textContent) ? e.textContent : '';
  GM_setValue(setting.key, value);

function load(form, setting, opt) {
  var key = setting.key + (opt != undefined ? opt : '');
  var field = setting.field + (opt != undefined ? opt : '');
  var value = GM_getValue(key);
  var elem = form.elements.namedItem(field);

//  console.log('load: ' + key + ', ' + field + ', ' + value);
  if (elem)
    elem.value = value;

function loadRole(form, setting, opt) {
  if (!loadOption(form, setting, opt)) {
    var key = setting.key + (opt != undefined ? opt : '');
    var field = setting.field + (opt != undefined ? opt : '');
    var menu = form.elements.namedItem(field);
    if (menu) {
      var value = GM_getValue(key);
      var lastoption = menu.options.length;
      menu.options[lastoption - 2] = new Option(value, value);
      menu.options[lastoption - 1] = new Option("--------------", "");
      menu.options[lastoption] = new Option("Other...", "");
      menu.options.selectedIndex = lastoption - 2; 

function loadOption(form, setting, opt) {
  var key = setting.key + (opt != undefined ? opt : '');
  var field = setting.field + (opt != undefined ? opt : '');
  var value = GM_getValue(key);

  var select = form.elements.namedItem(field);
  if (select == null)
    return false;
  var option = $x1('option[text() = "' + value + '"]', select);

  if (option) {
    select.value = option.value;
    return true;
    return false;

function fixAuthorName(value) {
  var newvalue = value.replace(
      /^(.+) ([^ ,]+),? (JR|SR|III|IV|V|VI|VII|VIII|IX)(.?)$/i, '$2, $1, $3$4');
  if (newvalue != value)
    value = newvalue;
    value = value.replace(/^(.+) ([^ ]+)$/, '$2, $1');

  return value;

function addToLibraryClick(e) {

function addToWishlistClick() {

function fixLang(value) {
  if (value == '')
    value = '(blank)';
  return value;

function addToClick(c) {
  GM_setValue(ltcbCollection.key, c);
  save(ltcbLanguage, fixLang);
  save(ltcbLanguage2, fixLang);
  save(ltcbLanguageO, fixLang);

      function (value) {
        if (value == '?')
          value = '';
        return value;

      function (value) {
        return (value + ' / ').split(' / ')[0];

  var authorTD = document.getElementById(;
  if (authorTD) {
    GM_setValue(ltcbAuthor.key, fixAuthorName(authorTD.firstChild.textContent));

    var elem = authorTD.lastChild;
    if (elem.nodeType == 3) //Node.TEXT_NODE
      GM_setValue(ltcbAuthorRole.key, elem.textContent.replace(/^ \((.+)\)$/, '$1'))
      GM_setValue(ltcbAuthorRole.key, '');
  // fields with possible green text
  // Other Authors
  var others = $x("//div[@class='bookeditPerson']/span[@class='book_langLabel']");
  GM_setValue(ltcbOtherAuthorCount.key, others.snapshotLength);
  for (var i = 0; i < others.snapshotLength; i++) {
    var role = others.snapshotItem(i);
    var roleText = role.textContent;
    GM_setValue(ltcbOtherAuthorRole.key + i, roleText.substring(0, roleText.length - 3));
    var author = role.nextSibling;
    while (author && author.tagName != 'SPAN') {
      author = author.nextSibling;
    if (author)
      GM_setValue(ltcbOtherAuthorName.key + i, author.textContent);

function createAddTo(id, text, bg) {
  return '<span class="ltbtn ltbtn-inline-block sp16  ltbtn-ff3 " style="margin-left: 0.5em;">'+
    '<a id="' + id + '" href="/addnew.php">'+
      '<div class="ltbtn-outer-box ltbtn-inline-block">'+
        '<div class="ltbtn-inner-box ltbtn-inline-block">'+
          '<div class="ltbtn-pos">'+
            '<div class="ltbtn-top-shadow"></div>' + 
            '<div class="ltbtn-content">'+
              '<div style="margin-right: 2px;" class="ltbtn-body ">'+
                '<span style="background-position: ' + bg + ';" class="sp_c  sp16 "></span>'+
                'Copy to ' + text + 
    '</a>' + 

function readData() {
  if (document.getElementById('ltcbButtons') == null) {
    // Create Buttons
    var elem = $x1('//div[@class="book_bitHeadContent"]/table[@class="book_bitTable"]/tbody/tr');

    if (elem) {
      var td = document.createElement('td');
      var div = document.createElement('div');
      div.setAttribute('style', 'float: right');
      div.setAttribute('id', 'ltcbButtons');
      div.innerHTML = 
        '<span style="font-size: 9px; font-weight: normal;">' +
          createAddTo(ltcbAddToLibrary.key, 'your library', '-17px -68px') +
          createAddTo(ltcbAddToWishlist.key, 'your wishlist', '-34px -68px') +
      document.getElementById(ltcbAddToLibrary.key).addEventListener('click', addToLibraryClick, false);  
      document.getElementById(ltcbAddToWishlist.key).addEventListener('click', addToWishlistClick, false);  

/* ===== Click on an element (borrowed from Facebook Fixer, @namespace ===== */
function click(elm) {
     var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
     evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
function writeData() {
  var collection = GM_getValue(ltcbCollection.key);
  if (collection != undefined) {
    var f = document.getElementById('book_editForm');
    $x1('//td[@id="bookedit_tags"]//input[@value=' + collection + ']').checked = true;

    if (collection != 1) { // your library
      try {
        $x1('//td[@id="bookedit_tags"]//input[@value=1]').checked = false;
      } catch (e) {

    load(f, ltcbTitle);
    load(f, ltcbAuthor);
    load(f, ltcbDate);
    load(f, ltcbPublication);
    load(f, ltcbISBN);
    load(f, ltcbLCCN);
    load(f, ltcbDewey);

    loadRole(f, ltcbAuthorRole);

    var otherAuthorCount = GM_getValue(ltcbOtherAuthorCount.key);

    if (otherAuthorCount)
      unsafeWindow.pcount = 1;
    for (var i = 0; i < otherAuthorCount; i++) {
      if (i)
      load(f, ltcbOtherAuthorName, i);
      loadRole(f, ltcbOtherAuthorRole, i);

var langLoadCalled = false;

function writeLangs() {
  var f = document.getElementById('book_editForm');
  var success = loadOption(f, ltcbLanguage) 
      && loadOption(f, ltcbLanguage2) && loadOption(f, ltcbLanguageO);
  if (success)
  else {
    if (!langLoadCalled) {
      langLoadCalled = true;, 1);
//    console.log('setting timeout');
    setTimeout(writeLangs, 100);

function $x(x, t, r) {
    if (t && t.nodeType) 
        var h = r, r = t, t = h;    
    var d = r ? r.ownerDocument || r : r = document, p;
    switch (t) {
      case XPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE:
          p = 'numberValue';
      case XPathResult.STRING_TYPE:
          p = 'stringValue';
      case XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE:
          p = 'booleanValue';
      case XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE:
      case XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE:
          p = 'singleNodeValue';
          return d.evaluate(x, r, null, 
              t || XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
    var result = d.evaluate(x, r, null, t, null);
    if (result != null)
      result = result[p];
    return result;

function $x1(x, r) {
  return $x(x, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, r)

try {
  // find the values from the screen
  if (window.location.pathname.substring(0, '/work/'.length) == '/work/')
  else if (window.location.pathname == '/addnew.php')
} catch (e) {