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giantbomb download links no-js JS - premium member download links without bs js
RYM: Show rating shortcut on release page JS - Show [RatingXXXXXX] shortcut on release page beside cataloging/rating options
replace goog tracking url JS - expose original simple links without tracking callbacks
block google search bs alerts JS - removes logo and alerts for cookieless/javascriptless google ssl vertbatim searches
remove google search verbatim sidebar JS - remove google search verbatim sidebar from search results
/ent/ 8chan/Wikieat Enhancer 2 JS - 8chan extender with several functions. Included tripcode checkbox, youtube title loading, relative time and last seen tripnames.
Tusfiles Auto Downloader Rev 2014 JS - Automatically download From Tusfiles
RYM: Add Dropdown Menus (Fixed Toolbar) JS - see title
Steam Store Achievement Links JS - Adds links to Achievement Websites from a games Steam store page.
Youtube Video Ratings Bar with Power Meter (DISABLED) JS - This used to display ratings bar on YouTube thumbnails, but Google has blocked how it gets its data. I'm disabling it for now in case people still have it running.
Includes : Php 54389-foodclub better include JS - Php Functions
Includes : WinConfig 54987-foodclub include JS - WinConfig Function
Linkify ting (exclude emails) JS - Turn plain text links into real clikable links. Attempts to catch links like
Godville 3D Fix JS - All this little script does is make it so the WebGL engine can actually download and use the texture file on the 3D interface.
mrtzcmp3 JS - mrtzcmp3 anti iMesh button
Torrentz : The Bobcat add-on JS - Add IMDB ratings, download links, movie plot/actors, and other goodies. Also features an light built-in serie tracker. Torrentz gets so much simpler and efficient! Demo video here:
kasi. PLAIN TEXT LYRICS 歌詞コピー 純文本歌詞 JS -,,,,,,,,
mb. AUTO-FOCUS + KEYBOARD-SELECT JS - MOUSE-LESS EDITING! Cleverly focus and refocus fields in various MusicBrainz edit pages and tracklist Up Down key navigation
mb. REVIVE DELETED EDITORS JS - reveal deleted editors’ names and emphasizes your own name to standout in MB pages
MTurk Dashboard Change Notifier JS - Shows changes in submitted HITs, bonuses and earnings since last page load
MTurk Dashboard HIT Status links JS - Adds quick links to rejected and pending hits
Count number of BayAreaBikeShare trips JS - On the Bay Area Bike Share trips page, count the number of trips taken.
Amazon Auto-Smile JS - Automatically redirects all URLs to their equivalent.
Remove related pins JS - Make the new "Related Pins" disappear from your Pinterest feed.
Desktop Notification for OWA 2003 JS - An experimental script to play sound and to show notification for mail arrival on Outlook Web App 2003
Mturk Multi Layer Master Cats JS - Keys A,S,D,F,G assigned to choices top to bottom, Key E to submit.
Mturk Single Layer Master Cats JS - Keys A,S,D,F,G assigned to choices top to bottom.
Feedly Hide Read Items When Done JS - Hide the read items list when you have finished reading unread items.
Clean Font Families JS - Changes fonts back to their generic font family
WME Invalidated Camera Mass Eraser JS - Allow delete visible, unvalidated and in your managed area all speed camera in 1 click!
Pretome Login JS - Logs in your user automatically
click_confirm JS - Confirm if you want to follow certain links.
Switch Flash embed to secure JS - Workaround for Flash 14 on Firefox 30 not loading Flash videos on HTTP pages
Background tab setTimeout muffler JS - Defers setTimeout calls if no user input has been received for 15 seconds. Useful for stopping background tabs from continuing to use CPU cycles.
Disable Snow JS - Disables Snow on Epicmafia - Bah-Humbug
Sage con ALT JS - Sage con la letra ALT (Abajo de Bloq. Mayús.)
ScrapTF Raffle Killer JS - try to take over the crapTF Raffles and get b4nned!
Best Tricksplit, Doublesplit, and Feeding Macros + Auto Settings + Triplesplit Macro JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
LIHKG App Url Replacer JS - app shared link redirect to (web)
Thor Russell:Rate the audio file JS - Rate audio files easily
HWM Silentio's Mod + Pereka4 JS - Add progress bar for Combat, Faction and Guilds levels.
- Nav Buttons JS - Nav Buttons For
Jandan Hero JS - Tools for
修改Youtube为1080P、英文翻译 JS - try to take over the world!
Something Awful True Ignore JS - Hide posts from ignored users and their quotes
RTP Play Downloader JS - Userscript to download media from RTP Play
Vertical Stream Magic JS - Adjust Twitch streams for a vertical orientated monitor.
Bilibili Light Off JS - This script will change all elements' background to black when you click the Light Off button, including player controller.
助手还款时间显示工具 JS - 实时展示用户的最近的历史还款时间记录
info JS - (不要安装,只是学习如何制作和发布脚本)提示用户当前的各种信息,包括:时间、网址、默认文本、浏览器信息、显示器信息
YouTube Auto Speed JS - Автоматического изменения скорости ютуба
temizdonanimhaber JS - donanimhaber forumlarındaki reklamları engeller
Kasu`s Extension JS - Makes the game easier
Polskie rozszerzenie do JS - Makes the game easier
Virtonomica:Обзор рынка технологий JS - Сокращаем показ технологий (показываем только те, где в первых технах суммарная цена продажи выше 200 млн)
WME US Government Boundaries JS - Adds a layer to display US (federal, state, and/or local) boundaries.
Hide Thread for Два.ч catalog JS - Ability to hide/unhide threads on catalog.
geniuschatremover JS - small script to remove chat on page load
Verm Trending JS - Shows page of trending thread topics
Try without snowflakes JS - Epicmafia fucking snowflakes
HOF Warbase Helper JS - Highlights potential war targets in green on HOF page
bamhaneul 2016.12 Map Patch JS - bamhaneul 2016.12 Map Patch_
Reddit Auto-Open First Post JS - Auto open first post in Reddit front page using Reddit API URL:
Disable Confirmation Dialog When Leaving A Web Page JS - Disable confirmation dialog when leaving a web page
KF_fastreply JS - fastreply for Kf
Flynder: simplify JS - Simplify Flynder interface: unstick nav to save v-space, remove overlaping soc. buttons, etc
Kharus Chat Mono Patch JS - for Kharus Chatting
TabacooRecorder JS - Record your tabacoo order
ZurDo Edit JS - Macro feed "E", x16 "T", doblesplt "g"
FanFictionNavigator JS - Mark and hide fanfics or authors
pepecine: no embeded viewing, follow link instead + minor tweaks JS - Enable viewing on remote backend instead of the slow embeded viewing + minor tweaks(WIP)
pepecine: remove non latino episodes JS - remove non latino episodes
gdst-study JS - javascripts for auto study
Hack Forums Booksmarks List JS - Special bookmarks for HF sections
维基百科优先简体中文(或繁体) JS - Wikipedia 维基百科中文优先选择地区 简/繁 中文。
Extencion ☯Ǥற? JS - hacer la tricks mejor y dividirse mas rapido
Gazelle Quick Quote JS - Only selected text is quoted as long as it's quoted in the proper quote box
eBay Filter Active Inventory JS - Search filter for the current inventory
Bilibili Live Cover JS - Show Bilibili Live Cover
- JS - A Simple, Better way to eject mass in
Macros Por ZeroAgar JS - try to take over the world!
Redacted.CH :: Artist Focus & HTML5 Upload Form Validation JS - Type directly the artist you are looking for without clicking on "artist" field in the header
CS.RIN.RU Enhanced JS - Enhance your experience at CS.RIN.RU - Steam Underground Community.
Trello - change bg set cookie JS - 修改trello背景
RED unread posts history link JS - Insert link for your posts into the main menu
- Paywall remover JS - Remove Paywall
Trimps+ JS - Autobuys storage when full
Comment Replacer JS - try to take over the world!
Batoto Quick Links JS - Add convenient links to Batoto series pages.
PTH embed youtube JS - Embed youtube videos on PTH forums
PTH Change default request vote amount JS - Set the default request vote amount when clicking the [+] vote
PTH Collages on searchbar JS - Add a search box for collages to the search bar
PTH Colourful Sandbox JS - Give the different types of threads in the PTH sandbox different colours
PTH Derefer JS - Derefer external links on PTH
PTH Drop Logfile JS - Enable dropping logfiles into a dropzone on the upload page
PTH Edition auto-move JS - Move the year, label, and catalogue number to the edition fields
PTH Everynoise JS - Add overload (ctrl+click) to every tag link
PTH Freeze Avatars JS - Freeze the animated avatars on PTH
PTH iTunes Cover Search JS - Search iTunes for cover art